"Elder martial brother!"

"Elder martial brother, wake up

All this happened so fast that even the elders didn't expect it.

The time is coming!

It's not just talk!

At this moment, over the sky, there is deafening thunder, lightning, thunder, black clouds rolling!

Several elders first came to Luochang's old man, and all of them passed away the essence of their life. They wanted to delay the aging of the elders and wanted to save him.

However, at the moment, elder Luo, who was shocked by the thunder, woke up from a trance. He pushed aside his younger martial brothers and shook his head and said, "you don't have to waste your life for me. I'm dying. Let me return to the dust and leave quietly."

However, at this moment, in the closed area deep in the door, suddenly came a sigh.


The sigh seems to span a long time, incomparably ancient, as if containing the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

Almost all the people in the sect looked up to the direction of the sect!

At this moment, I saw a Shinto paved with golden light on the sky, extending all the way from the closed door to the foot of Lingshan mountain!

At the end of the distant golden light, it seems that there is a very terrible existence reviving, like a God, with mysterious power!

Everyone looked up and saw an old man in sackcloth walking out of the deepest seclusion. The void gave birth to lotus and thousands of auspicious clouds. It seemed that there was a phoenix fluttering around him and a golden dragon hovering around him, just like a saint traveling!

"Is that... A supreme elder?"

"Well, there is a miracle in this life, such existence is born!"

"It's hard for us to look up to the breath. It's as deep as the sea. It's too deep and shocking!"

"A living miracle, the real venerable power, who is the supreme elder?"

At the moment of boiling inside the sect, the figure stepped out of the closed door, as if across thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and even came to the foot of Lingshan like a powerful man measuring heaven and earth!

The appearance of that figure made many sect disciples want to kneel down and suppress them all!

"My God... How do I think that one looks familiar, as if he had seen his portrait somewhere?"

"This... This is not the one hanging at the back of the portrait of the patriarch in the ancestral hall..."

"What, this is not the supreme elder... But the patriarch who has disappeared for many years..."

I don't know who yelled. Many people were confused and couldn't believe that they could see the real leader in their lifetime!

"It turns out that the patriarch didn't leave, but always practiced in the deepest seclusion of the sect!"

"If I remember correctly, the patriarch has not been born for hundreds of years... It's really like a miracle coming!"

"I'm so lucky to see the patriarch in this life. I'm dead with no regrets!"

Similarly, in Lingshan, in the natural and elegant courtyard, even many elders are in a little panic at the moment.

A real most powerful one has already stood in front of their eyes, which can't be ignored by everyone.

The old man in linen and plain clothes gathered up all his visions and walked calmly to the people like the old man next door.


"Master, have you left the customs?"

Even elder Luo coughed. He bowed slightly and said, "it's the incompetence of longevity that makes the master shut up!"


At this moment, not far away Lin Xuan heard elder Luo's name. He really had a big head!

According to the information he checked, isn't elder Luo's master a supreme elder?

How can we see today that elder Luo still has such a relationship with the patriarch.

But at this moment, the old man in plain linen said with a smile, "it's rare that you still remember that you had been with me for a few days."

"I dare not forget my teacher's instruction for a long time!"

Elder Luo lowered his head and put an old palm on his forehead. Infinite life essence gushed out and moistened the decadent spirit in the platform.

"You say, why are you doing this?"

The old man in plain linen sighed softly.

"Master, please stop. How dare you waste your life..."

At this moment, elder Luo was anxious and wanted to escape, but he found that he had no way to move.

For so many years, although he failed to take the last step, he was far beyond the ordinary monk at the peak of spiritual cultivation. But now, in the hands of the old man in linen and plain clothes, he was like a chicken and could not even move.

"If you really have a heart, put down everything in your heart, melt away the sea of bitterness, reach the other side, and live another thousand years or more!"

At this moment, the old man finally let go.

The dark clouds that originally gathered in the sky are now dispersing by themselves. Elder Luo, whose spirit is decayed and Shouyuan is exhausted, seems to be rejuvenated. His spirit is extremely strong, his body is crystal clear, and his eyes are even brighter!

On the other hand, the old linen man's skin, which used to be like jade, is now a little white, obviously consuming a lot of life essence.

"I know you are arrogant and don't want to take the medicine King's life. After all, it means that you have cut off the road ahead and will never take that step again in your life."

"Even if they continue to live, they will only live for hundreds of years."

"Today, I remember a period of apprenticeship between you and me. I saved you with my original spirit and gave you a chance to continue to live."

"Eternal life, five hundred years have passed. I think you should have realized it."

"All the way to practice is to be indomitable. How can we delay?"

"In the hundreds of years of seclusion, several elders and I have not achieved nothing. We all have a premonition that there will be chaos. It won't be too long."

"You, prepare early. It's the day when the road is really cut off."

The old man shakes his head. He swipes his sleeve and turns around. Without stopping, he takes one step and disappears in front of everyone!

At this moment, the old man of hemp cloth has reached such an incredible level that he can continue his life for elder Luo without any side effects. It's just like a myth.


See elder Luo suddenly kneel on the ground, looking at that already dissipated golden light Avenue, silent tears.

As strong as the Lord, the most powerful people are wasting their own life for him. They still treat him as a disciple as they did 500 years ago.

In those days, he traveled with the patriarch to study law, followed him for a few days, and benefited a lot from it.

Today, his time is drawing near, and it is for him that the master came out of the pass.

Elder Luo felt unprecedented guilt, which was more useful than many elders and Lin Xuan's consolation.

I saw elder Luo streaming hot tears, and his voice was like thunder. He was so angry that he said, "I will abide by your teacher's instruction, and I will live up to your teacher's expectation."

The next moment, he stood up from the ground, the original casual eyes, become extremely fierce!

Just as the patriarch said, five hundred years later, he was as talented as elder Luo, and he had already realized it.

The reason why he couldn't take that step was that he couldn't get to the bottom of his heart and wanted to follow his old friend.

"Younger martial sister, the master won't let me die, but also predicted that the catastrophe is coming. I will live for some more years. You wait for me!"

At this moment, elder Luo seemed to be different. All his dead breath had faded away. His life essence was as strong as the sea, and there was a spirit concussion in the platform, which was as stable as Mount Tai!

The wrinkled skin also stretched out and became glossy, and all the white hair faded, as if he were a child again. He even reappeared the supreme demeanor of his youth, his eyes were frightening, his body was tall and straight, as if he were reborn!


All of a sudden, there is a thunderbolt on the sky. The golden light is bright, and the thunder and lightning are singing together, just like the collapse of the sky. There is a huge golden sea of thunder on the sky!

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