"Elder martial brother!"

At this moment, several elders in the courtyard all exclaimed, and the old woman's eyes were filled with tears.

"The invincible elder martial brother came back!"

They are all the existence of this series. Naturally, they already know what is going to happen.

On that day, the vast thunder sea over the dome was extremely violent, and the blazing golden light was shining like the sun!

In front of Lingshan mountain, countless disciples of the sect all raised their heads, looked at the terrible thunder sea, and let out bursts of exclamations!

"Oh, my God, it's another disaster... What is it to do?"

"It's so terrible that it's just like the golden ocean. It's so amazing!"

"This is not the natural disaster that Lin Xuan can trigger. It's not a progression at all. It seems that he wants to destroy the heaven and the earth. Even if there is a trace of it, I think it will be broken!"

"Is it elder Luo who wants to break through?"

That extremely shocking voice spread all over the crowd, exclamation, all stare big eyes, looking at the depths of Lingshan!

"What? Elder Luo, is he really going to take that step? "

"Heaven's calamity came into the world, everything is in silence!"

"Heaven has eyes. Who could have thought that elder Luo created such a miracle in such a desperate situation?"

On the dome, the roaring thunder sea frightens all sides, and the endless golden lightning interweaves with strange shapes of lightning, constantly condensing!

In Lingshan, elder Luo is as calm as he was when he was young. His black hair is like a waterfall!

He wants to use his most powerful posture to spend the five hundred years of hardship!

"When the disaster comes, I'll leave. If I stay here, I'm afraid I will destroy many elixirs in Lingshan!"

Elder Luo's elegant demeanor is incomparable. His hair is flying. He shakes his head and looks at the boiling thunder robbery in the sky. Suddenly, he turns into a rainbow and goes up into the sky like a fairy sword!


I saw the figure like a demon standing in the golden ocean. It seemed that the body protecting Dharma gang was lingering all over the body!

The huge thunder was like an explosion, and the golden lightning crackled on elder Luo. The great body stood upright, never retreated, and let the boundless thunder sea submerge him!

Zongmen earthquake!

"Will a new Supreme elder be born soon?"

"Well, we were able to witness the birth of miracles. I feel like my heart is going to jump out!"

"When the peerless elder Luo came back, he would be able to survive the robbery safely and stand in such an incredible state!"

"The supreme one!"

Many people feel thirsty, extremely excited and proud. As a disciple of the clan, nothing is more powerful than the clan, which makes them more excited!

"Every venerable is a treasure in the clan. If elder Luo can be promoted successfully, I will be in the top five even in the emperor Da Qian of Nuo Da!"

"The outstanding people in the state of respect are the most important foundation of the sect. More people and less people will have a huge impact!"

"I seem to see that zongmen will rise in this world!"

Not only did the disciples of the sect wave the flag and shout, but also many elders of the sect went out of the gate one after another in this incident, even alerting several supreme elders!

However, most of them just wake up from the closed door and cast their eyes. They have never been born.

Even the patriarch has returned to the seclusion area!

Many elders come to Lingshan and look at the invincible figure in the sky. It's as if they had come back to that year and witnessed the supreme demeanor of elder Luo!

"After all, I came out. It's the great fortune of my blood weeping clan."

"Yes, elder martial brother Luo's demons have been removed. I'm afraid he will sing all the way to the top!"

"It's not easy!"

Just as everyone below sighs, elder Luo in the ten thousand Zhang thunder sea is in a bad situation.

The lightning like the Golden Snake could penetrate his body. One big hole after another appeared in front of him, and the blood was dripping!

Thunder sea more and more fury, just like the tide general, wave after wave, thoroughly surging!

Lin Xuan had experienced such a similar thunder robbery. Although it was not so terrible, it was also based on his realm and could be completely suppressed!

There is no knack for the robbery. If you really say the knack, it's Gou, Gou to the end of the robbery!

Because there is time for thunder robbery, it will not break out all the time. As long as we can survive safely, we can be promoted successfully!

But at the beginning, Lin Xuan had a great spirit. He didn't care about it. Instead, he let the lightning fall and didn't escape to rebuild his body!

Today, elder Luo is also like this. He has never evaded the disaster, and he is facing the sky. It seems that he wants to break the huge thunder sea with his own strength!

"Elder martial brother, although he used his own invincible means to briefly return to his peak period to fight against the natural disaster, the situation is also a little bad!"

"Yes, elder martial brother is still old and frail after all. Even if he has the master's life essence, he can't compare with his youth. He can't afford it!"

"Those clusters and clusters of blood flowers are all the essence of life!"

"Elder martial brother has vomited blood. My God, the disaster is so terrible. Should we be glad that we can't realize it all the time, otherwise we will be buried in the thunder sea!"

These words are not joking. In the history of qixuezong alone, there were many elders who survived the robbery, but in the end they didn't survive and fell into the sky!

Similarly, Lin Xuan was worried. Elder Luo was not like him when he was young and full of life.

I can't afford it!

If it goes on like this, there will really be a crisis!


There was another deafening thunder roaring, and the great shock of zongmen made them all shiver!

However, under the terrible thunder, elder Luo still stood upright in the middle of the thunder sea. He was as stable as a mountain and never fell down!

Time goes by, no one can help, such a disaster, can only rely on elder Luo himself!

One after another, the terrible golden thunder cleaved the elder Luo's whole body!

However, in such a heavy blow, elder Luo's eyes are bright, the blood on the body surface has stopped, no longer outflow!

The scorched skin is constantly falling off in the thunder sea, growing new granulation!

In the thunder robbery, elder Luo had an unimaginable upheaval and was seen by everyone!

Such a terrible scene, shocked everyone!

However, Lin Xuan is the only one who is calm. He has experienced this process. This is the baptism of heaven. Elder Luo's withered and decaying body. I want to help him to change completely!

"The past will be a brand new world. Elder, stick to it!"

Lin Xuan roared, and his voice moved for nine days!

Leihainei seems to hear Lin Xuan's roar. Elder Luo turns around and forgets one look. His black face is ferocious and frightening, showing a smile!

"Yes, I understand. At the beginning, elder Luo once watched my transformation in thunder robbery. Is it to imitate me?"

In other words, it is imitating the predecessors!

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