At the beginning, when Lin xuandu was robbed, there was no sign. He had never been taught in this respect. All his actions were just following his heart.

Aware of the vitality contained in Tianjie, Lin Xuan began to use Leijie to transform himself.

Today's elder Luo also has such a great spirit. He can reshape himself in the disaster!

Everyone held their breath and prayed for elder Luo who was struggling in the thunder sea.

With the passage of time, in the golden ocean, elder Luo sat in the room with his knees crossed, his body surface crackling, that's the bone breaking!

"Changsheng, Changsheng, as a teacher, if you are right, you have really come to this step!"

"Yes, although this day came a little late, it came after all."

"It's really terrible. Hehe, it's much bolder than when we went through the robbery. We can imagine that as long as we succeed in the robbery, our future achievements will definitely be higher than ours!"

"Only when the LORD was young can he compare with him!"

In the deepest seclusion area of the sect, a few faint sighs came out, which shocked several supreme elders. Even in those days, they did not have such means.

All of them, as Lin Xuan said, rely on a word, constantly avoid, just cross the past!

Like Lin Xuan and elder Luo, there is only one patriarch in the clan!

"Ha ha, I can rest assured that he can cheer up again."

"Yes, hundreds of years later, if we die, the clan will live forever, and it will continue to exist!"

"Haha, I heard that there are some little guys in the clan who are very good and have a bright future this time when I wake up from closing the door."

"I've heard about it, too. It's my luck to be a blood weeping clan."

For three long hours, the sea of thunder was overwhelming, the flames were raging, the thunder was like a tide, and it was boiling all the time.

But elder Luo lived up to people's expectations. He really withstood the impact of this degree.

At the moment, there is a holy figure sitting in the golden thunder sea. All the blackened skin on his body has faded, and all the waste bones and blood in his body have been removed. The whole person is holy and crystal clear.

His hair was black and lustrous, full of vitality, surrounded by thunder all over the sky, just like Thor in the world.

At this moment, many elders can finally relax and no longer worry about anything, because they know that the thunder robbery has come to an end.

Elder Luo not only passed safely, but also changed dramatically. He returned to the state of his youth. He was like a man in his twenties.

"Five hundred years of silence, elder martial brother, you have finally come to realize that you have made such a transformation and reappeared the style of your youth!"

The old woman cried. She used to be the brightest younger martial sister among many disciples of the sect at that time.

Talent is also unparalleled, otherwise it will not go to this realm, still exist.

But, beauty Haoshou, years let her not young, aging, and the sky on the road of attention figure can not be compared.

She was both gratified and dejected. She turned into a rainbow and left in tears.

The old woman didn't want to stand together with her elder martial brother. She was also a outstanding person and a beauty in the family.

But in the years of destruction, but no longer the beautiful face of the past.


An elder in yaolu sighed when he saw this scene.

"Bad luck

"Crape myrtle, it's not easy for her!"

Many elders sigh one after another, which makes Lin Xuan find something unusual.

Does it mean that this old woman had something to do with elder Luo?

On one side, the elder in yaolu seemed to see his doubts on his face, shook his head and said: "in addition to elder martial brother, who doesn't know the younger martial sister's affection for him?"

"Well, I'm afraid elder martial brother doesn't know, but doesn't want to know!"

"The fall of younger martial sister Qingxia is a great tragedy in elder martial brother's heart. It's hard to forget. It's hard to accommodate another person in my heart!"

Listening to the words of these elders, Lin Xuan was a little confused. He recalled the old face of the elder Ziwei just now in his mind. Years, how merciless!

At this moment, on the sky, the momentum of the golden thunder sea is getting weaker and weaker.

The arc of the corner is all dissipating. The figure of the great bank standing in the middle of the thunder sea is more and more calm and calm. His breath is long and vast, like the ocean.

The essence of life in the chest is more exuberant, just like the sun.

Lingtai Qingming, as if there is a golden villain sitting in it.

Elder Luo scanned the mountains and rivers at his feet. His eyes were as deep as the stars.

Just a few seconds later, the Golden Ocean disappeared completely, and the world was vast!

Elder Luo is like a God walking in the world. His breath is really strong. He takes one step and returns to Lingshan again.

He just stood there peacefully. There was a great pressure on all the elders in the courtyard. There was a kind of fear in his heart!

Lin Xuan was shaking all over. It wasn't how scared he was, but the momentum was suppressing him all the time, as if there was a mountain on his head!

If you change into an ordinary person, I'm afraid you have to kneel down directly!

But the next moment, elder Luo seemed to realize that it was not right, and he restrained his invisible momentum. Lin Xuan was relieved and relaxed a lot.

All the elders present were beaming, and they all understood what it meant.

"Congratulations, elder martial brother. After all, he took that step!"

"Congratulations on the promotion of elder martial brother. I'll add another supreme elder to qixuezong!"

"Congratulations on elder martial brother's reappearance of that year's heroism and rejuvenation!"


The supreme elder in the sect is not based on age, but on realm, and this is not a professional title, but a honorific title!

As long as you can take that step and become a great power, you will be respected by all.

But at this moment, elder Luo didn't have too excited expression. After five hundred years of tempering, he had already seen through too much.

He just nodded and glanced at the crowd, only to find that one person was missing.

At this moment, an elder in yaolu hesitated, thought for a moment, and stood up.

"Elder martial brother, younger martial sister Ziwei, she..."

"You don't have to say that. I already know."

Unexpectedly, elder Luo shook his head and sighed.

"Well, I'm all right. You're all gone. I'll look for her."

Saying that, elder Luo's figure instantly from the original news, a rainbow flying through the sun and the moon, shocked many disciples in the sect!

On this day, the whole clan is boiling!

"Elder Luo, who has been silent for 500 years, has passed through the calamity and become the sixth supreme power in the blood weeping sect!"

"It's not just a big event that shakes Qingzhou Prefecture. People will come to celebrate the whole imperial dynasty!"

"I'm afraid you've forgotten one thing. What's Lin Xuan's bad luck? He became elder Luo's disciple. It's really enviable!"

"Oh, my God, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot!"

"With such a master here, I'm afraid those big forces who covet Lin Xuan will also stop?"

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