"Crouching trough, the counterattack is too fast, aren't they intentional?"

"Already prepared? It's just to embarrass my blood weeping clan. Some of the clan members who had a long-standing feud with my blood weeping clan have been taking the lead in making trouble all the time, stirring up the storm all over the clan! "

"Ninth peak, the place where Tianjiao gathered was pushed by someone else?"

"NIMA, how could they have been so relaxed if those elder martial brothers hadn't moved to the inner door?"

"I'll go. How come the elder martial brothers in the inner gate haven't moved yet? They have sent out a message that they want to wash all the cloud peaks with blood, and beat them one by one. What a deceiving thing!"

No one thought that the revenge came so quickly that the blood weeping sect got the upper hand and beat back the minions brought by each sect!

As a result, they only need a monk of the spirit peak to sweep the ninth peak!

Nowadays, the cultivation of those aristocratic disciples is generally around the sixth section of the spirit, which is not as good as that of Shen Qingfeng or some elder martial brothers.

"The latest news, the tenth peak has also been washed with blood!"

"It's the eleventh peak now!"

"The twelfth peak is also cold, no one is their opponent!"

"These people are coming together. There is more than one spiritual peak. There are many strong ones!"

"Lying trough, for a while, Kung Fu has reached the 19th peak. When was my blood weeping sect bullied like this?"

"What about the elder martial brothers in the inner gate, Lin Xuan and others? In the civil war, the fighting was so powerful, but now outsiders are calling, and they are not born? "

"I've taken it. Now it's heading for the 22nd peak!"

No one expected that these people really didn't give any face to qixuezong. They really swept all the way. It seemed that they wanted to step on the foot of qixuezong to prove their strength!

And a lot of people think it's interesting that no one came out of qixuezong. They must be afraid and follow these people one after another!

In the whole Qingzhou Prefecture, the people of Zhitian sect are far away, and there is no movement in the five elements view. At this time, even you qixuezong are too busy to be involved in it!

"Go to the seventh peak elder peak and invite Shen Qingfeng. Some people say that he woke up from the closed pass yesterday. Maybe now only he can stop these people!"

"If they really swept all the 72 peaks, I'm afraid they would become the laughing stock of the five states!"

"Go to Lingshan to invite Lin Xuan to be born, and tell him that he's burning his eyebrows. It's necessary for him to suppress those who don't mean well!"

"Damn, what you say is bullshit. The seventh peak and Lingshan are self-contained. Anyone who wants to get in can get in. It's better to go to the inner gate and invite many elder martial brothers. After all, the prohibition of the inner gate has been lifted and you can get in and out by yourself!"

"Yes, go to the inner gate and invite many elder martial brothers to come. I don't believe it. Do these people really want to be lawless?"

At this moment, the disciples of the sect shared weal and woe. They didn't want to be swept away by others. They all gave advice and tried their best.

But their accomplishments are too low after all. They can't do anything except invite someone to come!

"Has the person who went to the inner gate to invite all the elder martial brothers come back? They've already hit the 32nd peak. If they don't come again, we'll lose our face!"

"There is no leader among the elder martial brothers in the inner gate. The real top figures are closing up against the clock. After all, the next selection meeting is the most important."

"And the rest of the senior brothers are not good enough. It's useless to come here!"

"Ha ha, I understand. The original idea of these sects is to send some people to influence the closure of our outstanding disciples. It's really hateful!"

The disciples in the clan heard a lot of bad news. They really didn't know what to say. They were all very desperate.

The old nest outside the gate is about to be carried away. It's still closed!

"Don't worry, don't worry. As far as I know, Shen MuQing is shut up there on the 72nd peak. If she is there, she will teach them how to be a human being!"

Someone comforted.

But in this case, it makes people feel more desolate!

"No, you really want people to fight to the seventy-two peak. Even if the last peak is held, the face of zongmen will be lost."

"Up to now, there's no way. We can only force Shen MuQing to wake up from the closed pass. Otherwise, these people will fight to the 40th peak!"

"Now there is a lot of wailing on the thirty eighth peak, and many of the thirty ninth peak's classmates have already run ahead of time. What a shame! They have been lost to grandma's house!"

However, at this moment, there is good news from the inner door!

"The elder martial brother who has an inner door is out of the gate. He has already gone to thirty-nine peaks!"

"Well, I've been waiting for a long time, and I'm finally able to kill those people!"

"The elder martial brother who has an inner door is enough to stop them!"

"Go, go, cheer for elder martial brother!"

All the disciples who got the news rushed to the thirty ninth peak to see the inner elder martial brother's peerless demeanor!

However, to their despair, as soon as they reached the foot of the mountain, they heard the news from Yunfeng that the two elder martial brothers who came from the inner gate had been suppressed!

However, these people's unbridled sweeping in qixuezong eventually angered some elders. They personally came forward and awakened many real talents in the inner door!

"Shen Qingfeng has gone down the mountain!"

"The news came from the 72 peak. It is said that Shen MuQing was awakened and came to the 39 peak!"

"The big news is that hundreds of senior brothers from the inner gate are coming out together, and the senior brothers from Jiuduan and baduan of thousands of spirits are also coming. They can't be allowed to continue to act wild!"

At this moment, tears rolled in many people's eyes. Although some of the senior brothers at the peak of the spirit were older than their prime years, they still represented their inside information!

On hearing this news, the disciples who once had old grudges with the blood weeping sect burst out laughing: "finally they all came out. I thought you were going to continue to be turtles?"

"This time, although the number of fellow disciples following the elder is not many, only a few dozen, they are all peerless talents. You can't do it!"

"Yes, there are dozens of talented people in our family who have been waiting for you to be born for a long time."

"The thirty-nine peaks are too small. I'd better see you in the martial arts arena."

The leaders of the major sects finally retreated, because they knew that it was useless for them to stay. No matter how strong they were, they could not beat hundreds of spirits to the top!

So, it's time to go back and call people!

There are hundreds of martial arts platforms here. The biggest one is half the size of a mountain!

The martial arts arena can accommodate 200000 people. Even if all of them come here, they can stay!

Shen Qingfeng was the first to arrive. Although he was defeated by Lin Xuan a few days ago, all his injuries have recovered. What's more terrible is that his cultivation is about to break into the Ninth Section of the spirit!

Even though he has experienced a big defeat, it has not affected his heart to the Tao. He is still strong and elegant, standing alone on the biggest martial arts stage!

He once lost one battle on this martial arts platform, today, he will win 100 battles!

"When we are closed, there is no one in qixuezong. Who are there? Please try again?"

Shen Qingfeng's words are very domineering. I can't beat Lin Xuan or you smelly brothers?

A big fight is imminent!

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