Lingshan, Lin Xuan also learned the news, from Shen MuQing's voice.

However, these days, he has been devoting himself to practice in Lingshan.

Elder Luo gave Lin Xuan most of the pills he had accumulated for many years.

In his words.

"I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect to die."

"But these pills are useless to me now. Keep them."

Such a gift made Lin Xuan's cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, and he had already reached the peak of the seven sections of the spirit, and was about to break through.

After hearing the news from Shen MuQing, he was about to leave the mountain, but he was stopped by elder Luo.

"Shen Qingfeng has gone. If he is not defeated, you don't need to come out again."

"Although you have some grudges, you are the same disciple after all. He was defeated by you that day and his self-confidence was frustrated, which may affect his future."

"Therefore, it is also an opportunity for him to recover the confidence he lost in the past."

Elder Luo's words are very euphemistic, but it probably means that he hopes Lin Xuan can let go of his prejudice, even if he can't be a friend, he won't be an enemy.

If it had been in the past, he would not have said more.

But now, with the change of forbidden area and the coming of wind and rain, any genius with potential is the inside information of the human race. If he grows up in the future, he can be of great use!

Lin Xuan listened and did not join in the fun. He was at ease to practice in Lingshan.

However, with more and more news coming from the outside world, it was difficult for Lin Xuan to calm down.

"Elder, what old grudges did those sects have with my blood weeping sect? Why are they so aggressive?"

When Lin Xuan wanted to come, shouldn't the human race unite even more at this time of great difficulty?

"Ha ha, it's a long story."

"Since ancient times, Qixue sect has been established for more than 15000 years, and there are outstanding disciples in every era. Many of them have been squeezed out in such a grand gathering. Together with other frictions, some old grudges are reasonable."

Elder Luo didn't make a long speech, but he was very casual and didn't care.

On the stage.

Shen Qingfeng, with both hands on his back, coldly glances at those strange figures under the stage!

They are all the leaders from all the major sects, and among them are the people who have been making trouble in the blood weeping sect for a long time!

Although they didn't say it clearly, the elders of the blood weeping sect certainly knew that some sect might be pushing the flames and instigating them!

"Ha ha, it seems that there is no one in qixuezong. I'll meet you if you dare to be so arrogant

Under the stage, someone sneered and jumped to the stage!

Almost instantaneously, there were bursts of screams under the stage.

"Well, it turns out that he is an outstanding disciple of jujianmen in Xuanzhou Prefecture, and his cultivation is the peak of the spirit!"

"Haha, this blood weeping sect is too incompetent to let such a disciple who has not reached the peak of the spirit come to the stage, and he is not afraid to laugh his big teeth!"

"Oh, it's boring!"

Many of the disciples from the major prefectures sneered at the scene, which was very funny in the eyes of the blood weeping sect!

Others don't know Shen Qingfeng's strength, but they do. When they just broke into the eighth paragraph of the spirit, the momentum and strength of the war were almost as strong as that of the spirit Master. Now it is the peak of the eighth paragraph of the spirit Master, and they don't know how strong it will be!

"Hum, let's be arrogant for a while. Don't lose your chin later!"

A disciple of qixuezong murmured and gave a cold hum.

At the moment, Shen Qingfeng looked at the comer with frivolous eyebrows and said with a smile, "make a quick decision, don't say I didn't give you a chance, use your strongest power in this life!"

"Hum, I want to die!" The disciple of jujianmen was so despised. He was so angry that he rushed to Shen Qingfeng!

Then, Shen Qingfeng lightly waved his hand. Suddenly, the fierce disciple of jujianmen seemed to be swept by a strong wind. In a moment, he would sweep tens of meters away!


Such as landslides and ground fissures, they were shocked by the scene!

"How is that possible? Am I dazed? "

"What kind of devil is that man, who has such means?"

"The elder martial brother of jujianmen was swept before he got close to him, my God!"

On the platform, a huge murmur came from the mouth of the disciple of jujianmen. Blood was spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his internal organs were shaking, and his blood was flowing counter current.

In the eyes incomparably startled, has not anticipated such situation!

Who is he, the friar at the peak of the spirit, how could he be hit hard by a friar at the top of the spirit?

When the disciple of jujianmen asked himself, Shen Qingfeng was too lazy to look at him and said with a sneer, "I dare to challenge my qixuezong with such strength. It's really beyond my ability."

"It seems that I overestimate you. Don't come one by one. Let's go together."

Shen Qingfeng laughs, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers!

"Damn it

"That's arrogant!"

"Younger generation, an dares to be rampant, I will cure you!"

"And me!"

No one can bear it. They are all the top strong men in their own sect. Today, when they come to qixuezong, they are so ridiculed. They can stand it. They all jump on the stage to fight Shen Qingfeng!

"I'll go. These people are really shameless, and Shen Qingfeng is really. We all know that you are strong, but you can't pretend to be better. Once you come down, there are more than ten disciples at the peak of the spirit. I feel that Shen Qingfeng is hanging!"

Seeing this scene, all the disciples of the sect who had been waving flags and cheering were flustered!

However, the next scene seems to have broken their three outlooks. Shen Qingfeng on the martial arts stage is like a demon lord, and even takes the initiative to fight into the crowd!

If he goes into a place where there is no one, someone will be hit hard when he raises his hand. He is strong to the top!

The stage is full of wailing, even if it's fighting, these people are not opponents, they are swept by him alone!

He has proved to everyone that he is capable of fighting against the sky. To deal with these dogs and cats, he is enough alone!

Such a thrilling scene, let everyone heart shock!

"I'll go... It's people. Is Shen Qingfeng too strong, or are these people too weak?"

"It seems that we have underestimated Shen Qingfeng's strength. It's hard for us to match such means with other talents!"

"These people are all the peak of the spirit. Is there any reason?"

"Now I suddenly want to know how strong Lin Xuan would be if he were here?"

And just as everyone exclaimed, the curtain finally came down on the stage. Within a short period of half a pillar of incense, Shen Qingfeng swept over more than ten disciples, all of them were defeated, all of them suffered a heavy blow!

Shen Qingfeng attracts people's attention, just like God coming!

At this moment, the disciples of each sect were flustered and exclaimed: "I understand. This man is absolutely the most powerful wizard in the blood weeping sect. We are not rivals. Go and invite the real peak of the sect to come here!"

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