Shen Qingfeng's invincible power showed completely. He turned his back to the defeated generals who were crying behind him. He didn't care at all. He sneered and said, "I know you don't agree with me. I dare to bully my blood weeping sect disciples. I'll suppress them one by one and fight them until you are satisfied."

Such words are very domineering and reveal incomparable self-confidence, which makes many people in the martial arts arena sigh with emotion.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that there was such an evil figure in qixuezong. It's really surprising that he was so strong!"

"Yes, he is a master who has solved more than ten spiritual masters like chopping melons and vegetables. I don't know. I think he has been promoted to a spiritual master!"

"The crushing posture is too despairing. I don't know how to deal with the disgrace of those sects?"

Some people gloat and are eager to fight and watch a good play.

This kind of voice seems to stimulate people such as jujianmen. When they perform in the martial arts arena, many of their disciples are shouting, with a high air!

"No matter how strong he is, his cultivation level has not reached the peak. When my elder martial brother comes, he will be suppressed."

"Yes, it's just a monk with eight sections of spirit. When I teach Tianjiao to come here, he will be defeated."

"There is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey is king!"

A lot of people have a hard mouth and feel that the pride of heaven in their own door is not lost!

This war was very lively, and affected many sects in five states. Many outstanding disciples came to the end in person!

"Hum, my elder martial brother song Qingshan of Qingyun sect is here. He is the elder brother of song Yunshan, a unique talent in our school. They are two brothers and one mother. They are equally gifted!"

"Chiyang sect's outstanding disciple Zhao Fusheng has also arrived. God, this man is the real pride of Chiyang sect. He is the first three of his peers in the sect!"

"The fairies in the sunset valley are here, too. Well, their skin is better than snow, and their body is graceful. They are as beautiful as they are said to be. They are like fairies banished to the world!"

"Don't underestimate the fairy. She is also one of the best beauties in Luoxia valley. Her means are endless!"

For a moment, the atmosphere of the whole blood weeping sect was very tense. So many proud people gathered together, all of them came from the top sects of the state government!

In this grand gathering of five states, only qixuezong was the only one in Qingzhou Prefecture. In other prefectures, the strength of the top clans was not much different, and the inside information was very deep.

The vast arena was almost full of people, all crowded to the center, to witness the coming war!

"The real top people are coming to an end. This may be a thorough discussion before the selection meeting. A lot of arrogant people are coming!"

"Hey, hey, not only those who are hostile to the blood weeping sect, do you want to open a big fight?"

"Even if those people come over, they don't necessarily do it. Maybe they can see the strength of their opponents just by watching!"

"After all, I have to deal with it by myself. I can't rely on others!"

At this moment, a figure in green came out of the crowd and stepped up the stage.

His face was calm, but his eyes were very rebellious. He asked coldly, "Shen Qingfeng? Is it you who just swept our disciples

"If you want to fight, it's too much nonsense!"

"Well, I can't help myself!" The man in green hummed coldly, turned into a shadow in a flash, and forced towards Shen Qingfeng confidently!

Seeing this, Shen Qingfeng was not afraid. His eyes were cold. He didn't even dodge. He just mobilized his strength. His blood was boiling and his spiritual power was surging like the tide!

Hand into a fist, ferocious swing, as if meteor fall, powerful!


This sudden scene stunned the public, did not expect that the two people said to fight, and the means are so fierce!

The huge roar is like a thunder, which makes everyone shudder!

However, such a fierce battle is only the beginning, not the end, both of them are very strong, it is difficult to win or lose in one move!

The sound of breaking the air is heard all the time. The strong wind that seems to tear up the space is pouring out all over the world. It's like dusk on the stage!

"It's him who is the first in the generation of jujianmen. No wonder he can fight so fiercely with Shen Qingfeng without losing!"

"Hehe, jujianmen is just a second rate sect in Youzhou. Tianjiao, the real top sect, hasn't done it yet!"

"I thought that Shen Qingfeng was just so strong. He fought more than ten moves, no matter what. Ha ha, just so!"

Some people sneer, a lack of interest!

This expression made the blood weeping sect disciples on his side feel unhappy and said with a sneer: "if you come a month earlier, you can still see the peak battle. Where is the battle of this level now? Shen Qingfeng's real strength has not been brought into play yet! "

"Ha ha, it's so loud that I can see how powerful he is?"

However, at this time, I saw the attack of Shen Qingfeng on the stage was more and more fierce, and the spiritual power in the body was endless!

At the beginning of the ten moves, the man in green clothes was able to fight reluctantly, but now he has shown a declining trend. Some of them are defeated by Shen Qingfeng, and they are defeated and chased by him!

"Crouching trough, how do I feel a little familiar with this scene?"

"Haha, if I remember correctly, Lin Xuan beat Shen Qingfeng so hard at the beginning. It seems that Shen Qingfeng is holding a breath in his heart. Now he's venting his anger with the giant sword gate!"

"Ha ha ha, that's funny!"

The man in Qingyi had a bad secret way. He finally showed up his cards. All kinds of secret arts and magic skills came out one after another. He was brilliant and powerful!

However, in front of Shen Qingfeng, these moves are like a bull in the mud. They don't have any effect. He kills all sides, and I'll blow them out with one blow!

This time, Shen Qingfeng only relied on his physical fighting skills and did not use any magical skills and cards. He had already suppressed him to death. It was hard to look up!

On that day, after the war with Lin Xuanyi, he realized his weakness in the physical body. In the past month, he not only practiced the more excellent physical training method, but also smelted and polished his physical body with the help of natural materials and local treasures, which is comparable to divine iron!

His fighting style is not the reason of his spirit skill, but the expression of his physical strength to the extreme. His spirit power is maintained!

"I've been playing with you long enough. Let's finish it!"

Shen Qingfeng laughs. At this moment, his confidence seems to be back. No matter what you are, you will be beaten in my hands!

A powerful magic fist roared to the sky, shining and shaking!

I saw that the figure in green lost completely under this blow, and could not stop this terrible blow. He had been beaten to the edge of the challenge arena by Shen Qingfeng, and there was no way to retreat!

The body flies like a broken kite, bumping heavily against the stone pillar on the edge of the platform, making a dull sound, just like Huang zhongdalu!

Just now, the onlookers who thought they were equal in strength were completely confused and beaten in the face, with an incredible look, incredible!

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