However, after hearing these words, some real arrogant figures directly sneered and said: "the clan war? What do you think? "

"Which sect will fight for a scum disciple? Do you really think that qixuezong is a bully? "

"At most, it's Tianjiao in the sect. Teach the disciples of qixuezong a lesson and save some face!"

After hearing this, some people nodded and echoed: "yes, there has never been any clan war since ancient times. I really think that war at that level is just talking?"

"What's more, do you really think that there is no background for the blood weeping sect, which has been standing on the peak for thousands of years in such dangerous places as Qingzhou Prefecture?"

"I'm afraid neither Chiyang sect nor Xiaoyao sect can get any advantage if they don't do their best. Don't forget that more than ten thousand years ago, in the most difficult turbulent times, Qixue sect gave birth to more than one invincible king!"

"It's been more than ten thousand years since the cross pressure forbidden area was built. I can't imagine it. I really think it's just talking about it?"

Some of the ancient secrets are buried in the years, but the real top-level Tianjiao will know more and have that qualification!

More than ten thousand years ago, the ancient forbidden area was in chaos. In those days, not to mention Qingzhou Prefecture, even the whole Daqian Dynasty was a place of war!

In those years, qixuezong was the first to bear the brunt and still survived. It really shows the problem.

Why is there no one from all the major branches rooted in Qingzhou Prefecture?

It's because it's located in a restricted area. Who dares to establish a sect here?

There has been a small turmoil for hundreds of years, which has never stopped. Qixuezong has been fighting in the front. What kind of courage is this?

The founder of religion is not an ordinary person, but an invincible king!

There is that kind of magnificent spirit. No one dares to come to the Jedi. The founder is not afraid. Zhengyang mountain, the land of religion, was a huge battlefield even before that time!

There was once an invincible blood Phoenix flowing with the blood of Phoenix in this bloody battle, and finally flew into the ancient forbidden area. This is also a reason why many people speculate that there may be a royal family in the ancient forbidden area!

Because the Phoenix pulse, in the most remote times, is worthy of the royal family!

Then, in the great disaster ten thousand years ago, the founder met an unimaginable opponent and died outside the forbidden area battlefield.

After the end of the great calamity, his young son also had amazing talent and inherited the blood of his grandmaster. In the following years, he stepped through many natural calamities and was promoted to the invincible king.

He left a lot of inheritance. Later, somehow, he left zongmen and left the world, never coming back.

Many people say that the second-generation patriarch of the clan should have fallen, because according to the calculation of time, if he was still alive, Shouyuan would have been more than 10000 years old.

In ancient history, the life of the invincible king is limited. Even the peak king has only tens of thousands of years of life.

The sect that gave birth to two invincible kings may not be much in the eyes of the immortal sect and the holy land, because such characters have given birth to many, even many saints.

However, in the Daqian Dynasty, it was absolutely the top clan, and no one could underestimate it.

It's only in the past 7000 years that the patriarch hasn't come back that the power of qixuezong is not so strong, and many people are even forgotten in the years.

And the people who speak also come from the ancient sect, Yunxiao sect!

What he said is very convincing. In fact, some of these secrets are unknown to the disciples of the sect.

"I didn't expect that the blood weeping sect had ever given birth to such invincible figures. It's incredible."

"If there is any way to stay, even if the Xiaoyao sect and the Chiyang sect add up, I'm afraid it won't work!"

"Have you ever thought that the characters who are hard to guess are still alive?"

In the crowd, I don't know who it is, lightly said a word, but let a lot of people everywhere cold!

You know, there is not a king among so many sects in the reign of emperor Daqian

The most powerful, but also the peak of the venerable!

Even those figures are invincible in the reign of emperor Daqian!

"No way. How could he be alive after more than 10000 years?"

"It should be noted that there are the king of medicine, the holy medicine and even the divine medicine in the world. The divine medicine may be hard to find in the world, but the holy medicine is not without it. At least there will be some of the most powerful immortal sects and holy places!"

"Hey, hey, even if there are holy medicines in those holy places, there is only one of them. There may be one or two in the most powerful immortal sect and Kuangshi cult, but there won't be many of them!"

"It's rare and rare. It can only mature once in thousands of years. If it's not the most powerful, it won't be wasted at all!"

Someone sneered and knew a lot.

But at this moment, someone said: "if the patriarch breaks through again, it should be noted that the highest king, Shouyuan, can last up to 50000 years, which is clearly recorded in ancient history!"

"Hum, if you make a breakthrough, why haven't you come back for more than seven thousand years? Even the elders of the blood weeping sect think that one has fallen. What are you still talking about here?"

"It's true that those characters would not have fallen if they hadn't been in turbulent times. They would have died naturally“

"If you really get to that step, you will definitely return to your hometown at the last moment. Although there is no holy medicine in the blood weeping sect, there are several of them!"

"Although the queen of medicine has side effects and is difficult to be promoted, her cultivation will not suffer any loss. She can stand in that realm!"

"If you take it several times, even if you have drug resistance in your body, you can live a thousand years at least!"

"According to the truth, the patriarch may not be dead yet!"

Many of the disciples of the sect felt that such a secret was uttered by outsiders. They were shocked.

"Have we ever thought that the supreme patriarch might not have died?"

Someone checked it in their heart and found that what they said was quite reasonable.

"As far as I know, the top half of Lingshan is unknown, and there should be more than ten thousand inferior ones, and there are thousands of Chinese ones in the core area!"

"Even if it's a top quality elixir, there are as many as 100 plants in our clan, and there are several King level elixirs that mature once a thousand years!"

"You can live 500 years longer if you take any one!"

It should be noted that as long as the root and stem of the king level elixir are preserved with Holy Earth and spirit liquid, it can mature again in a thousand years. With the accumulation of the clan in these years, there should be many mature elixirs sealed up!

Otherwise, it's not the turn of the elders who are at the peak of Lingshi to take medicine, even if they have made great contributions to the sect.

Among the elders, one of them has been hanged for 1500 years by the king of medicine. He has not fallen yet. He is better than the king of invincible. He says that he has been hanged for less than 1000 years and can live for at least another 2000 years!

If you find the holy medicine or breakthrough, Shouyuan is unimaginable!

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