"Is it true that the patriarch is still alive?"

"My God, this is terrible..."

"Hey, no matter whether the patriarch is alive or not, as long as he can't be confirmed that he really fell, no one dares to fight against the blood weeping patriarch!"

"If one day the patriarch comes back alive, they will be scared to death!"

In the crowd, someone with a smile, joked.

At the moment, the deadlocked elder of chiyangzong on the stage of Yanwu failed to do anything after all. He not only killed Shen MuQing, the creator of Zhao Fusheng, but also had nothing to do.

Even Shen Yan, who scolded the old Bangzi impolitely, was safe.

The elder of Chiyang sect snorted angrily and put down a cruel sentence: "if you deceive people too much, I will never give up!"

Then, he took Zhao Fusheng's body and drove away!

Someone died, and it was an outstanding genius who died. It was like pouring a basin of cold water, and finally calmed down the students who were ready to move!

They finally found out that they had underestimated qixuezong before, but there were still such prodigies as Shen Qingfeng and Shen MuQing in the door. If the prodigies didn't fight, they were almost invincible.

When the original farce came to this stage, it finally began to end. No one wanted to make trouble out of reason, because they didn't want to be the next one to fall.

"Let's go, let's not fight again!"

"That's it. I'll see you at the selection meeting."

"It's not far away. That's the battlefield of the real genius!"

In front of the martial arts stage, people scattered, and no one remained.

With excitement and pride, the disciples of Qixue sect left in droves, and the sect was quiet again.

Of course, in the undercurrent, it seems that there are huge waves surging.

In this war, Shen Qingfeng gained a lot. He fought with the real strong and entered the country quickly.

Three days later, news came from the seventh peak that Shen Qingfeng's rise was irresistible, and he was promoted to the Ninth Section of lingzhe!

Seven days later, in Lingshan, the disaster came, which aroused the disciples of the major prefectures to come. The following scene was even more astonishing to all the comers!

Lin Xuan didn't want to destroy the elixir in Lingshan, so he bathed in thunder, let the endless lightning fall, left Lingshan undamaged, and made a robbery on a bare hill!

Countless people witnessed the terrible thunder, as if to destroy the world.

But Lin Xuan's body was crystal clear, and then there was a golden light shining, and all the methods were inviolable.

His body has been baptized for a long time. Now he is so powerful that he can't be hurt by the disaster!

For a whole hour, Lin Xuan seemed to have nothing to do with it. He spent most of his time grabbing the essence of life in the thunder and melting it into the cauldron furnace. He used the thunder as a fire to make a furnace of medicine!

Last time, he didn't prepare enough, only a few of them were made into pills. But this time, because he had prepared in advance, when the thunder robber was gone and the pills were finished, there were 18 thunder elixirs shining like gems. The life essence contained in them was coveted by even some elders of the spirit Master realm!

Because there is a high-quality elixir as the main medicine in the material of this refining, and the level of the elixir he refined has already reached the medium level, which is very terrible!

In addition, there is a mysterious substance that can prolong life!

"It's terrible. How can there be such a powerful wizard in this world?"

"This kind of realm has aroused thunder robbery. My God, it's comparable to the descendants of the immortal sect, the great religion and the Holy Land!"

"The inside story of qixuezong is too deep. I didn't expect that besides Shen Qingfeng and Shen MuQing, there is such a terrible hero hidden!"

Some people shout in the distance, shocked. This kind of scene originally only exists in ancient books, and many people have never seen it in this life.

"It's hard to imagine, I don't know who can beat him in the next grand meeting?"

"He hasn't reached the peak yet. It's not certain who will win or lose when he really meets those extraordinary talents."

In such a storm, Lin Xuan successfully survived the robbery, and then entered Lingshan again. He needed to take advantage of the last moment to stabilize his realm!

On the tenth day, Shen MuQing, also a gifted man, broke through the eight sections of the spirit on the 72nd peak. There was a strong surge, which was felt by people and was astonished.

At such a time, all the major departments of the five state capitals are here, and the grand gathering is coming!

This selection battle is not controlled by the major schools, but decided by an elder from Tianxing University.

Although his cultivation is not high, just for the peak of the spiritual master, but it represents the University, represents the dynasty, no one dares to ignore.

The person who was selected to leave also entered Tianxing University. The head of this university was a top dignitary who had a lot to do with the royal family.

Nothing else, just because he is the imperial master of the dynasty!

There are only 20 people who can enter Tianxing University in this selection!

And there are more than 20 sects and sects of qixuezong in Wuzhou!

This means that there will be a great war, and the rule is that no matter how big or small the clan is, each clan has ten places to participate.

From these people, the strongest 20 were selected to enter the Tianxing Academy.

But as we all know, except for the top sects, everyone else has no chance. It's just a tour.

As time approached, the selection meeting finally began and the grand meeting came.

There is no doubt that Lin Xuan, Shen Qingfeng and Shen MuQing are the first three people in qixuezong, and the remaining seven are all senior brothers from the inner gate.

On this day, all the people gathered at the martial arts platform. All the outstanding disciples selected by the major schools were in the first row. On the martial arts platform, the elders from Tianxing University presided over all this.

The way and rules of the competition are very different. It seems that the purpose is to get rid of those who make up the number as soon as possible. Therefore, it is not the elders of the University who arrange to fight against each other. Instead, they choose their opponents' sects, and then let their sects choose their disciples to fight!

It's the same as the routine of Tian Ji's horse racing. It's completely possible for the inferior horse to fight against the superior horse of others, and then the superior horse of one's own side can fight against the inferior horse.

To ensure that the real strength of the wizard will not be eliminated in the beginning because of the fight between the wizard and the wizard!

"Only enough to win, not lose, only one chance!"

As the host, qixuezong naturally became the first one to perform martial arts.

The opponent, zongmen, is selected by drawing lots.

"Which clan can be chosen as our opponent? I'm really looking forward to that." Lin Xuan stands in the crowd and laughs.

He has been quietly closed all these days. He has not practiced yet. Now he is ready to move!

However, at this moment, the elder from the University randomly selected a little jade card with the big thumb from the jade cards engraved with the names of all the sects.

The elder looked at the jade plate in his hand and inhaled deeply: "the first scene, the blood weeping sect vs. the Chiyang sect!"

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