When the head of Tianxing academy read out the list of the first battle, the whole martial arts arena was in an uproar!

A few days ago, the disturbance between chiyangzong and qixuezong has not completely gone. Many people know the entanglement.

Who would have thought that heaven seemed to be deliberately trying to control Chiyang sect. In the first scene, there were two sects with mutual gratitude and resentment, which made many people look forward to and excited.

"Ha ha ha, what a surprise! Now there's a good play to watch!"

"I'm afraid these two doors are not meant to hit the dog's brain!"

"It's so interesting. I didn't expect that the selection meeting would be so exciting at the beginning!"

"Chiyangzong's face is green, but at this stage, there must be no way to retreat. He can only harden his head!"

"But no matter who you are, I feel that Chiyang sect must have been suspended in the first round. I'm afraid that they will be tortured by the evil spirits of blood weeping sect!"

In the martial arts arena, all the major departments look like watching a play and eating melons one after another, and all kinds of conjectures emerge one after another.

At this moment, as the host, qixuezong was the first to send his own disciples to fight.

Lin Xuanxian's egg hurts and is eager to try, but elder Luo ignores it. Naturally, the assassin's mace will last.

That's right. With the promotion of elder Luo, the competition of qixuezong will be arranged by him.

"Shao Yu, go ahead."

Elder Luo said.

A elder martial brother nodded and said, "yes, elder."

He has no fear and is very calm. Since he can be selected by the clan to participate in the selection, he must have strength.

After seeing this, the people of Chiyang sect muttered that they didn't know the origin of Shaoyu, and they were afraid that Qixue sect was deliberately digging a hole, so they didn't choose the strongest one in their sect, but chose the sixth one by compromise.

Anyway, there will be ten duels. As long as Lin Xuan is staggered, they will be able to advance to the next round.

"Ah, it's boring. The two main doors are too stable. They don't have the real wizard."

"Yes, what's the point of that?"

Just when many people express their feelings one after another, the two people on the stage have already met each other.

Shao Yu's strength is not weak in Qixue sect. He can rank in the top three in the inner door!

This battle is no accident, the other side did not choose the real master, so completely defeated, not the opponent at all!

"The first scene, the bloody victory!"

The elder of Tianxing Academy announced calmly.

For the sake of fairness, chiyangzong took the lead in sending his disciples to fight in the second match!

Chiyangzong was a little flustered at this time. He regretted that he didn't seize the opportunity in the first scene. He knew that he was a genius on his own side!

But now there is no way to change it. We can only send another one.

"Well, is chiyangzong going to pull back a city? At last, he is a man of great weight."

"Zhao Qi, hehe, is the fourth best person in Chiyang sect. This is obviously a disciple selected for Qixue sect, which makes it impossible for Qixue sect to choose a suitable person!"

Elder Luo looked back without hesitation, and said directly, "Qin Feng, it's up to you."

Hearing this, a young man stepped out and calmly said, "yes!"

He can almost be called the most talented person in the inner door. He is already the highest cultivation of the spirit!

At the beginning of the war, Qin Feng had a great advantage, and the means came out one after another. In only a quarter of an hour, Zhao Qi, the emperor of Chiyang, was hit hard and won again!

"The second scene, the bloody victory!"

At this moment, the people of chiyangzong's face was very blue, because two disciples had already been eliminated, and the wizard of qixuezong hadn't done it yet!

They feel trouble, because Zhao Qi is no longer weak, but he is still swept away. The inside story of qixuezong is too deep and frightening.

Even some onlookers of other sects screamed: "I knew the blood weeping sect was extraordinary. How could it be weak, but it was too deep before!"

"Yes, at the beginning, all these people were in seclusion, and no one was born. The ordinary disciples of the blood weeping sect were swept away. I really thought that the blood weeping sect had fallen, but now they were beaten in the face!"

"Hey, now chiyangzong has no advantage. Maybe more than half of his disciples will be out of the game!"

Outsiders guess close to the truth, chiyangzong has been difficult to calm down, losing two games in a row, which is too bad for morale!

They can only comfort themselves, because Tianjiao, who is really in the top three, hasn't done anything yet!

This time, it's the turn of the blood weeping sect. Elder Luo calls another elder martial brother from the inner sect to play. He is the second best person in the inner sect.

Unfortunately, this time, chiyangzong did not want to miss the chance. He sent out his strongest disciples to win this competition!

"Yan Chixiao, a rare talent of Chiyang sect, is amazing. With his help, it seems that the blood weeping sect will be in danger this time!"

"Ha ha, even if we let them win one game, the blood weeping clan will still win!"

"That's right. Don't forget that the three wizards haven't yet won. In the first round, qixuezong will win at least five games!"

In the exclamation of everyone under the stage, the two just on the stage are as jealous as enemies!

A shot is a very strong means!

Yan Chixiao is worthy of being the only Wizard of chiyangzong for thousands of years. He almost crushed the elder martial brother of qixuezong all the way. He couldn't resist. He was defeated in less than a quarter of an hour!

"The third scene, Chiyang Zongsheng!"

At this moment, the elders from Tianxing University announced the final victory, which attracted the cheers of the disciples of Chiyang sect. Although they were not qualified to participate in the war, they were able to cheer for the sect!

Chiyangzong finally pulled back a game, Yan Chixiao came out, really worthy of the reputation!

In the fourth scene, it was still the turn of the Chiyang sect. After careful consideration, they directly chose the fifth person.

This time, qixuezong deliberately let the point, want to cut off the real Tianjiao disciple of chiyangzong in the next war!

Let the worst elder martial brother in the inner door do it, without any suspense, and qixuezong lost miserably this time.

"The fourth scene, Chiyang Zongsheng!" The elder of the University announced again.

At this moment, elder Luo turned to Shen MuQing and said, "this time, it's up to you."

"Yes, elder."

Shen MuQing didn't have any complaints. He was almost sure that his opponent would be the weakest of chiyangzong. He wouldn't let the real Tianjiao fight with him and couldn't afford the risk!

As Tong Qixue guessed, Chiyang Zong did choose the worst of the remaining five people to use to kill Shen MuQing, a powerful enemy!

The following horse, replace each other's first-class horse, chiyangzong will be happy to die!

"The fifth scene, the victory of crying blood!"

Although they lost, but with a smile on their face, the pressure reduced a little!

In the sixth scene, chiyangzong directly sent his fourth person, while qixuezong Fang was left with only Lin Xuan, Shen Qingfeng and the seventh and eighth elder martial brothers in the inner gate. In any case, he had to let go of the rhythm of Tianjiao!

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