"The fairies in nishang fight against Shen Qingfeng. It's exciting now!"

"Both of them are peerless, and they are born in the top clan. Their future is limitless. When they meet today, we don't know who will be the final winner!"

"If you want me to say, Shen Qingfeng is better. In the previous battles, there were almost no defeats."

However, at this time, many disciples of various sects came out to express their grievances for the nishang fairy.

"Hehe, nishang fairy has no defeat either. He is one of the best people in the clan. He is as good as shaogu master in the clan. How can he not be Shen Qingfeng's opponent?"

"Yes, the fairies in nishang are incomparable in talent. From ancient times to the present, it's hard for Youzhou prefecture to compare with them."

Among the voices of the fairies, some strange voices came in.

Someone said with a strange smile: "Hey, even the fairies in nishang dare to be black. I really don't know how popular the fairies are in Youzhou Prefecture. Among her pursuers, there are some direct disciples of the great religion."

"Who dares to speak ill of the fairies in nishang

"That is, one of the two Fairies in Youzhou, the fairy in nishang dares to be black. I really don't know why the flowers are so red?"

Of course, many people don't know where they are. They don't know what the hell these people in Youzhou Prefecture are up to. They all talk with a funny smell, which is very improper.

"Ha ha, actually it's nothing. It's said that Chen Yunfan, the first disciple of Yunxiao sect, once showed his love to nishang fairy through the air. It's a pity that people ignored him!"

"Chen Yunfan? Is it Chen Shishi, the elder brother of the two Fairies in Youzhou? "

"Yes, that's him!"

"He once said that the fairies in nishang would become his companions sooner or later, which made many people think about it. Therefore, those who silently like the fairies in nishang resented Chen Yunfan's hegemony and made many rumors to ridicule him secretly."

There was no war on the stage, but the stage was already lively. At the moment, Chen Yunfan of yunxiaozong was also in the front of the crowd, and those rumors naturally spread to his ears!

Unfortunately, he didn't want to make trouble under such a grand event.

On the contrary, Chen Shishi, his younger sister, said with a smile: "brother, I don't think you have any chance. Other people's sister nishang didn't like you at all. This time when I came to the Wuzhou convention, there were many outstanding people. Just like this one on the field, he is very elegant, and even I have a little heart."

Smell speech, Chen Yunfan face a little embarrassed, his sister from childhood like to work against him, every day without damaging him a few words can't sleep.

Chen Yunfan is getting used to it.

"Brother, who do you think can win?"

But fortunately, after the ridicule, Chen Shishi also became serious and curious.

The main reason why Chen Shishi is not as popular as nishang fairy is that she has some ancient spirit, which makes many elders in Yunxiao sect have a headache.

In the clan, there are many troubles. They are more riotous than men. They even pull the elder's beard.

None of the outstanding disciples in the sect was teased by her, even his brother.

However, even though Chen Shishi has done a lot of calamities, she is still the darling of Yunxiao sect. She is afraid of bumping into each other. She not only has great talent in practice, but also has great attainments in antithesis. She is loved by the supreme elder, and no one else, because she is the granddaughter of the supreme elder.

She is not as immortal as the fairies in neon clothes. Even though she is a peerless beauty, she is also pinched in her temperament.

But people are very smart and funny, eyes provocative, at the moment even waving a small fist, said with a smile: "sister nishang, kill that villain!"

There is no fairy like at all. Many elders in Yunxiao sect subconsciously cover their faces. It's a shame, just like a little crazy woman.

However, because both Chen Shishi and nishang fairy are the two Fairies in Youzhou Prefecture, and they are also the most gifted figures. They have intimate relationships, just like sisters.

At this moment, the fairy in nishang, who just stepped on the stage of Wutai, points Chen Shishi's forehead in a funny way. It seems that she is angry and her eyes are full of laughter.

Chen Yunfan tries to improve his sense of existence. However, the fairies ignore him directly!

"Elder brother, you really can't do it. As my elder brother, you can't make it. Sister nishang, you really need to reflect on yourself!"

Don't accept elder brother is not comfortable, Chen Shishi of Si Ji laughs again accept a way.

"Don't think that now that you grow up, I dare not spank you. Hum, I'm really impolite to say that again!"

Chen Yunfan snorted. He felt very tired for his sister.

"You dare to mention it. Hum, if you dare to spank me, I'll tell granddad..."

With that, Chen Shishi ran to a supreme elder in front of yunxiaozong.

"Granddad, my brother bullied me again!"

Seeing this, even the elder Taishang who survived the disaster helped his forehead, with a black line. He was hard to calm down because of the goblin.

However, this girl is his heart and soul. Naturally, if she wants to do justice for her, she has to turn around and scold Chen Yunfan. Chen Shishi let him go.

"Hum, do you dare to bully me?" Chen Shishi snorted, showing off her power to Chen Yunfan with a triumphant expression on her face.

No way, even too grandfather toward him, Chen Yunfan can do, his heart is bitter!

Had no choice but to watch in silence on the stage.

"Nishang has seen Mr. Shen. Please show mercy."

Nishang fairy smile, as the world's flowers, incomparably brilliant.

However, Shen Qingfeng, a straight man of iron and steel, said directly, "Oh, girl nishang, you don't have to be modest. It's not easy for me to beat you!"

Seeing this, nishang fairy no longer spoke much, but quietly operated the Scriptures in her body, and infinite spiritual power gushed out of her body.

The petals all over the sky seem to be swept by the strong wind, flying around, but every petal hides a huge killing opportunity.

"Tiannu scattered flowers!"

No one thought that the fairies in nishang were really as strong as the rumors. Even a woman's body was very powerful.

Shen Qingfeng looks calm. He does the same. He is not afraid of the petals all over the sky, but shows his top secret skill.

"The sun burns the sky!"

This kind of secret skill is very powerful, even if it is the original Lin Xuan hard, the next is not easy, completely rely on the strength of the body.

However, nishang fairy is obviously not good at physical body, and close combat will not be Shen Qingfeng's opponent.

The battle between them was like destroying heaven and earth, which shocked all the disciples in front of the stage.

"Oh, my God, I finally got to see the fairies in nishang. Their jade arms are perfect, and their body is so soft and graceful. Their hands are so beautiful. They are worthy of being the fairies in Youzhou Prefecture."

"It's time. You're still in the mood to look at your figure. I'm afraid your fairies are not rivals."

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