The sun is burning, the fire is burning.

In the blazing sun, there seemed to be a shadow of gold and black, which fluttered slightly, and then a huge flame swept over.

Those flames are not real, but they are more real than they are. They can burn everything in everything.

Nishang fairy's Tiannvsanhua secret technique is also very powerful, but unfortunately, when it comes to the more powerful secret technique, it's hard to resist. Thousands of petals make a sound and are all ignited.

"Blood Phoenix seal!"

But then, the fairy in the Rainbow Dress tied the seal of Dharma in her hand, and a fire red phoenix shadow flew out from behind her. The plume, like a real one, turned into the most terrible blade of time, like raindrops falling down.

The huge blood Phoenix sang high, its body covered the sky, leaped over the sky, then slowly fell down, turned into a blood red sword, and killed Shen Qingfeng.

At this moment, Rao Shi Shen Qingfeng was very conceited and aware of the crisis. He used his own secret technique and roared: "Bai Hong Guan RI!"

The brilliant white rainbow light is as gorgeous as the aurora. With infinite power, it cuts off the big bloody sword in the air, and the two secret skills strike each other. Suddenly, it seems as if the earth is shaking.

The forbidden system on the platform rose to the sky, almost to the highest place. The prototype of a big clock was revealed, with dense divine lines and mysterious and incomparable miracles.

At this moment, Chen Shishi stares at the mysterious lines curiously. She is very interested in the lines all the way. Now the lines are so complicated, which arouses her curiosity.

Almost at the same time, there was a deafening sound of thunder, which seemed to destroy everything.

If there were no mysterious veins and collaterals, many low level monks would even be seriously injured in the aftermath of such a powerful secret skill. It's no joke.

Both of them are the top strong, even in the front of the whole Da Qian Dynasty.

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng is no longer satisfied with fighting with nishang fairy in secret arts. That kind of consumption is too big. Since the battle with Lin Xuan, he has understood the beauty of physical fighting.

At the moment, it is like the God of war, invincible close.

Nishang fairy also has some difficulty, which is not her strong point after all.

Moreover, the use of weapons is not allowed in this contest. She is a woman who has suffered a loss.

Seeing that Shen Qingfeng didn't care about her name, she was shocked and said, "Shen Qingfeng, how dare you fight with me?"

However, Shen Qingfeng didn't pay attention to it, and straight man went to the end.

Referring to Lin Xuan, he also learned a lot of hand techniques and boxing skills of close combat, which was like a meteor falling down, and was extremely powerful.

In fact, nishang fairy is not much worse than her physical body, but she is a woman. What's the matter with a man's close fight?

Do you want a reputation?

At this moment, seeing Shen Qingfeng's painful appearance, nishang fairy was finally annoyed and had to admit defeat angrily.

If she had fought for life and death, she would have taken out her long sword. How could she be so afraid.

"Stop, I give up!"

No one thought that the fairies in nishang, who had never been defeated, would admit defeat directly.

However, most people are red eyed. Although they dare not show disrespect to Shen Qingfeng, they laugh and ridicule in private.

"Hum, the disciples of the blood weeping sect don't understand the rules at all. The fairies in nishang, who are women, fight shamelessly. Isn't that taking advantage of others on purpose?"

"Seeing that Shen Qingfeng couldn't beat the nishang fairy in the duel, he had to play tricks. Hum, he won't win!"

"Yes, we have never seen such a brazen person before!"

Under the stage of Yanwu, many disciples of Youzhou mansion who are infatuated with nishang fairy wish Shen Qingfeng's reputation would be ruined and he would do his best to insult them. Unfortunately, no one will pay any attention to them.

Most people's discussion is very serious, and all can see Shen Qingfeng's advantage. If the war really goes on, the nishang fairy will surely be defeated.

"It's a pity that nishang fairy lost. Her way to promotion has to go through some twists and turns."

Someone sighed and shook his head.

"Yes, I didn't expect that Shen Qingfeng was so strong. The fairies in nishang were not his opponents. Ha ha, this time I really met a strong opponent."

"It's a pity that Tianjiao is gathering here. The 20 winners won't continue to fight, otherwise it would be absolutely wonderful!"

"We can only expect them to meet in this round. There is really no chance in the future."

"Today, I've drawn Shen Qingfeng and nishang fairy. I don't think there will be any peak duel. The probability is very low."

However, as soon as the man's voice fell, at this moment, the elder of Tianxing Academy on the platform took out two jade runes from the bronze tripod and took a slight look. Even he looked surprised.

Light smile way: "ha ha, today is really a good time to open one's eyes!"

And make it public!

"Next, Lin Xuan vs. Yang Biluo!"


At this moment, the whole martial arts arena completely boiling, many people were surprised to open their mouths, can't believe it!

What a probability!

Two of the most top Tianjiao, are going to fight at the moment?

"Yang Biluo dominates Xuanzhou Prefecture, and no one is his opponent. Lin Xuan is the king of the younger generation in Qingzhou Prefecture. Shen MuQing and Shen Qingfeng were defeated by him!"

"Yes, Lin Xuan is definitely a strong enemy. His potential is too great to imagine!"

"Yang Biluo is not weak either. The seven killing sect is famous for its war. There are endless ways to kill people. All the top-notch secret skills make him invincible to Xuanzhou Prefecture. It's not that Xuanzhou Prefecture is empty, but he's really too strong!"

"It's said that Yang Biluo's origin is mysterious. He was picked up by an elder of the seven kill sect. What kind of special blood might it be?"

"Yes, I've heard that Yang Biluo's blood is matchless. It seems that there is divine blood flowing in her body..."

I don't know who, all of a sudden, uttered a shocking remark!

"Holy blood? Is it... "

"The protoss who once stood on the peak and ruled the eight wasteland and Six Harmonies before endless years?"

"The protoss that oppressed the ancient race?"

"In the glorious age of the protoss, even the royal family in the flood and famine era should be quiet, which is hard to compare with!"

"Oh, my God, is that impossible? Does Yang Biluo even have the blood of the protoss flowing in her body? It's not that this kind of blood has already declined. It's cursed and hard to practice! "

Many people are shocked. This news is far more shocking than the elder's announcement of the battle between Lin Xuan and Yang Biluo!

Endless years ago, the mysterious race, which was once a flash in the pan, but brilliant to the extreme, has not been forgotten even after endless years of decline. Whenever it is mentioned, it is the pronoun of supremacy!

It can be imagined that every Protoss with such blood is very powerful. Otherwise, how can they use the power of one clan to suppress the heaven and earth and silence the ancient races that the human race is afraid of?

You know, the ancient races at that time were much more powerful than those that are still in the forbidden area.

Now the Terran can't even deal with the alien race in the forbidden area!

At that time, the protoss destroyed almost all the ancient races, which made the Royal and royal families have to submit.

How strong is this?

Perhaps we can know how splendid and glorious the ancient history of the protoss was.

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