The endless golden fragments burst out, bright and brilliant, the divine lines burst into the sky, and the mighty bell suppressed all the aftershocks, preventing the aftershocks from spilling over and causing unimaginable damage.

"What about Lin Xuan?"

"Don't you just die? How come you can't even see your shadow and turn your body into powder? "

"I'm afraid that even if it's a real spiritual master, it's far less than strength alone."

"It's going against the sky. It's worthy of being a descendant of the Protoss. Even Lin Xuan is not an opponent. He died in his hands."

Many people are shocked. The mighty dragon has the power to devour the heaven and earth. Even if there is the divine tattooed Zhenfu on the martial arts platform, it is still there.

In the central area, the golden light is bright, like the eternal sun, which can not be extinguished for a long time.

"Under such an attack, everything will die, and Lin Xuan will not be spared!"

"Haha, I thought it was so powerful. I didn't expect it would die like this."

"Qixuezong thought he was going to die of heartache. It's a huge loss that such a proud man died in the door."

Many people are sighing, seems to have acquiesced in the outcome of Lin Xuan.

At the moment, even the people of the blood weeping sect were flustered and looked unbelievable.

"No way? Lin Xuan was so powerful that he always had the upper hand. He was beating Yang Biluo violently. How could he not have died under this blow? "

"No, I don't believe it!"

"Do you remember that when Lin Xuan and Liu Qingyu were fighting in the first World War, they crossed the void and avoided the attack?"

"Yes, I think so too. It's impossible to end like this if it's better than Lin Xuan!"

They witnessed Lin Xuan's brilliance, and naturally didn't believe that he would fall so quietly. It was a great pity for him.

How can Lin Xuan leave in this way?

However, at this time, on the stage, the brilliant golden sun moved

Lin Xuan was shining like the sun. His body was intact, even without a wound.

His eyes are calm and calm, and his steps are as steady as Mount Tai, just like the God of war coming back from hell, bathed in the holy light, which makes everyone shocked.

"God... He didn't die... It wasn't the light from the golden dragon, but Lin Xuan's most powerful secret skill?"

"In a trance, I seem to see a golden statue, smashing the giant dragon supporting heaven and earth with one blow!"

"That's the truth... It's unimaginable... How can he be so strong if he's not human?"

"In fact, such an outcome is the most normal. Yang Biluo is not an opponent in the face-to-face fight. Even if he does his best, he will not be Lin Xuan's opponent. He has absolute strength and can break all the enemies in the world!"

In the qixuezong camp, elder Luo's expression is calm, his eyes are deep and bright. At the beginning, he has seen through the ending.

No matter Shen MuQing or Shen Qingfeng, they have no doubt about Lin Xuan's strength. Even if they block the last attack, they won't die, let alone the stronger Lin Xuan!

On the stage of martial arts performance, Lin Xuan collected his own secret skills, and the level of immortal body was very high, which corresponded to his realm, and it was hard to see through the extreme realm.

And his talent decision, has already surpassed the predecessors, the physical body is very extraordinary under the baptism of heaven, far beyond the realm of spirit.

Shen Yan takes this opportunity to push the immortal golden body to the realm of spiritual master. When he performs this skill, it means that he is already a spiritual master.

And it's based on his own standard, not the ordinary spirit Master. If it's true that the spirit Master is only fighting in his body, he may not be an opponent!

It's not so amazing to break the Dragon Seal with such a strong body. It's reasonable.

"Do you want to keep fighting?"

Lin Xuan was dressed in white and his hair was like a waterfall. His eyes were as bright as stars. He calmly faced Yang Bi.

At the moment, even Yang Biluo had to admire Lin Xuan in her heart.

"Don't fight any more, I've lost!"

Yang Biluo brings up a smile, and he comes to an end calmly, which is better than being beaten into a drowning dog and losing face.

Just now, the most powerful means have been revealed. Although Lin Xuan came out intact, others will weigh their own strength.

He Yang Biluo is still the top talent, no one will underestimate.

But it's the same.

Lin Xuan, you really want to be a god!

The same level of invincible God of war!

Even if it is a cross stage war, Yang Biluo and other arrogant, have absolute advantage, can crush opponents!

Really invincible!

"After that, I would like to know who else dares to fight him? Even Yang Biluo has lost. It's you, me or him! "

At this time, in the camp of yunxiaozong, Chen Yunfan spoke silently.

He is the top of the arrogant, even he said so, it can be imagined that they have how afraid of Lin Xuan!

On one side, his younger sister Chen Shishi blinked her eyes, looked at the invincible figure strangely, and said, "it's so handsome. She is full of arrogance. Brother, do you think he is worthy of me?"


Chen Yunfan is very speechless, others are very serious, his sister is not serious.

Chiyangzong's intestines are blue with regret. Why did he make such a big mistake to qixuezong before.

"His rise is really unstoppable, and he is bound to reach the top in the future."

Even Yan Chixiao such a peerless person is also sighing.

Beside him, Lu Lin, who had looked down upon Lin Xuan before, could not speak and felt ashamed.

At the moment, even if he was arrogant again, he didn't dare to boast as he did at the beginning, and didn't take Lin Xuan seriously.

In the Luoxia Valley camp, the beautiful eyes of the fairies in nishang moved. They silently looked at Lin Xuan on the martial arts stage and said with a giggle, "such a person should be a good friend."

On her side, the master of Luoxia Valley had the same deep vision and said faintly: "this man is invincible. I really want to make friends with him."

As strong as both of them, Lin Xuan was invincible.

How powerful is this?

Xiaoyaozong, known as the peerless prodigy, has a cold look and a strong sense of war in his eyes. He is a warlike maniac. He wants to fight against any conceit and weigh it up.

It's not aimed at Lin Xuan himself.

In addition, even the outstanding Tianjiao of the major schools lowered their arrogant heads and did not dare to compete with them in front of Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan calmly stepped down from the stage and returned to the camp of qixuezong. He stood there calmly, like a mountain, giving people a huge pressure.

Peerless monster!

Don't meet such people in the next round!

Who met on behalf of the promotion hopeless, they are not Yang Biluo and nishang fairy that arrogant, even if there is a defeat, behind can also fight back!

The selection meeting is still going on, but the next battle is not interesting, there is no such kind of blood surging atmosphere.

Lin Xuan is about to doze off!

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