For ten days in a row, the selection meeting is finally coming to an end.

During this period, such as Lin Xuan, Shen Qingfeng, Shen MuQing, Chen Shishi, Shi Shatian, Chen Yunfan, and so on, Tianjiao all entered the top 20 seats without any risk.

Yang Biluo and nishang fairy, who once lost, also won the final place by challenging the top 20.

So far, the selection meeting came to an end.

No one thought that he had been promoted to four in the blood weeping sect!

Lin Xuan, Shen Qingfeng, Shen MuQing and elder martial brother Qin Feng of inner gate.

He was also extremely gifted, just because there was a demon like Lin Xuan in the door, which covered his brilliance.

However, even Shen Qingfeng, who was almost invincible in other sects, had no sense of existence in the hearts of many disciples of the blood weeping sect.

Lin Xuan's brilliance is too dazzling, like the sun, other people can only be regarded as stars, hard to compare.

All the major schools returned one after another, and those Tianjiao who passed the selection also went to Tianxing Prefecture, the center of the Daqian Dynasty.

Tianxing university is not the end.

It's the starting point to really go to the vast world.

"Brother Lin, brother Shen, Miss MuQing, goodbye. I'll see you at Tianxing University!"

Chen Yunfan takes his little sister Chen Shishi to say goodbye to Lin Xuan and others. They want to return to zongmen, pack up their things, and then go to Tianxing!

"Brother Lin, I'm leaving too. Goodbye to Tianxing University!" Yang Biluo came. After the war with Lin Xuan, he no longer wanted to be his enemy.

The deep pressure made him feel powerless.

In this case, make good friends with Lin Xuan. Even if you can't be a friend, don't be an enemy in the future!

In fact, until now, whether his blood is Protoss blood or not, Lin Xuan is very confused, because the system has no response.

"Brother Yang, I don't know one thing. Can you be the blood of the protoss?"

Lin Xuan has no taboo, curious way.

This is definitely a very secret topic. If other people ask about it, Yang Biluo will not pay attention to it at all, and may even do it.

But since Lin Xuan asked, why not give him a face?

"In fact, I don't know if I'm the blood of the Protoss. There is no inheritance of the protoss in my blood, but there is a similar power that can stimulate the blood..."

Yang Biluo shook her head and said, "it doesn't matter whether I'm a Protoss or not. The power of blood may give me some advantages, but it can't be done once and for all."

"Brother Lin, I really want to leave. Goodbye in Tianxing state!"

Yang Biluo laughed, waved to Lin Xuan and others, turned and walked away.

Chiyangzong, yanchixiao.

He is also an unimaginable outstanding person. He has no failure and is not much weaker than Shen Qingfeng.

At the moment, he came to Lin Xuan and said, "brother Lin, before, the younger martial brothers in the school had misunderstood him. They have already been punished by the elder. I hope brother Lin doesn't take it seriously!"

"Brother Lin, get together again in Tianxing state!"

Yan Chixiao hugs Lin Xuan and others, and then leaves calmly.

He is the only one in chiyangzong who has won the quota.

In Luoxia Valley, the little valley master, who is as rich as jade, came with the nishang fairy.

"Brother Lin, brother Shen and miss MuQing, ha ha, goodbye to Tianxing University!"

They are not as aggressive as when they came here, and they are very modest when they left. After all, whether they are the older generation or the younger generation, qixuezong occupies four places, which is really extraordinary.

One after another, all the people of the main departments left, and the originally bustling blood weeping clan suddenly became desolate.

Lin Xuan and Shen Qingfeng look at each other. They meet and smile. They die.

After all, they are from the same family, and there is no death grudge. Now they are going to leave qixuezong, which is a little kind.

"Brother Lin, do you want to go on the road together?"

Shen Qingfeng laughs. Since he was defeated by Lin Xuan, his mentality has changed a lot. He is no longer so aggressive and arrogant.

The firework on the body is a little more intense.

"It's all right, but it's going to take a few days, and there's still something to do."

Lin Xuan smiles and looks at Shen MuQing. He says directly, "it's better to go with him. It's a long way to go. There's also a way to take care of him."

Tianxing state is really far away. Normally speaking, with Lin Xuan's speed, day and night, it will take at least a month to reach the edge of Tianxing state!

The most extensive area of the whole Daqian Dynasty was Tianxing Prefecture, which was the foundation of the state.

Tianxing university is adjacent to Hengduan Mountains. The fierce beasts in it make people shudder when they think about it. There are high-level monsters everywhere.

However, crisis and resources coexist. The reason why Tianxing university can cultivate so many Tianjiao is that its resources are really rich.

These resources provided by qixuezong can not be compared.

Even if there is no need to fight for anything, the most common disciples in the university can receive a monthly salary of one million spirit stones.

They set a date for their journey in three days.

During this period, Lin Xuan goes to find Liu Ruyi. Her cultivation is already nine stages of spiritual cultivation, and she is about to be promoted to a spiritual person.

It's just, it's still a long way off.

Lin Xuan takes Liu Ruyi to find elder Luo and allows her to practice in Lingshan. As for the resources, Lin Xuan left them for her.

After all, Liu Ruyi is a true Protoss blood, and has been able to obtain blood inheritance.

If it grows up in the future, it may become Lin Xuan's help.

"In the future, you will be born here to practice. If you don't reach the realm of spiritual master, don't go to find me."

Lin Xuan didn't plan to take Liu Ruyi with her. After all, she was too cumbersome. Even though her practice speed was really strong, she was going to break into the spirit in less than a year.

Later, Lin Xuan told Shen Yan to give him some phonetic symbols and said, "I have some old friends in Tianxing city. If they have something to look for me, if you can solve it, you can help them. If you can't, you can look for elder Luo."

One of the phonetic symbols Lin Xuan gave him was the one that communicated with elder Luo.

I don't know how long it will take them to leave here. They don't go to Tianxing university to study hard. It's just the first stop. It's a road leading to Kangzhuang road. I don't know where to extend it.

Moreover, Lin Xuanxin has a tiger. He has been in this small place for too long, and the information about the vast world beside his ears makes him yearn for it.

For example, there are several forbidden areas where there is a great disturbance.

This vast world is so big that there are countless wonderful things waiting for Lin Xuan to explore. As soon as he left, he did not know how many years to come back.

You don't see that the second generation of patriarch left for 7000 years, and has not returned yet.

As strong as dutianzun, he spent his whole life just turning over the northern regions.

Lin Xuan has to make plans early. He has different skills. If the system can't help him to complete his skills at that time, I'm afraid it will affect his promotion.

On this day, Lin Xuan, Shen Qingfeng, Shen MuQing and Qin Feng are going to leave. All their disciples spontaneously emerge and silently send them off.

In the blood weeping sect, the leader who never appeared appeared appeared together with several elders, so that all the disciples of the sect could see the strength and inside information of their own sect.

"We have a long way to go. We don't want you to be famous, but we want to come back alive!"

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