Although they did not stay in Qixue sect for a long time, they each received great support.

I have a lot of feelings for zongmen.

Shen Yan went to the front and said goodbye to Lin Xuan: "take care!"


Lin Xuan felt warm in his heart, and a faint smile was like the spring breeze.

Then, Shen MuQing's elder brother, whom Lin xuansu had never met, was staring at him with a complicated look.

Who would have thought, just a year.

Lin Xuan, who was scared away at the beginning, had already surpassed him in combat power.

Shen MuQing has some true feelings in her eyes, but at this time, she doesn't know how to say it.

"MuQing, come back safely." Shen MuQing's elder brother looked at her deeply and told her.

"I will."

Among the people who saw them off, there was also a delicate figure with tears in her eyes. She looked at Qin Feng deeply and couldn't give up, but she had to support Qin Feng.

That's his way to the Tao. His talent has never existed in the past, and his future achievements are limitless. He can't be wasted on love.

"Take care of yourself, I'll be back!"

Qin Feng did not dare to stay. He was afraid that he would stay because he did not give up.

They left, and the four of them went on the road together, but they didn't walk empty handed. Each of them had received a gift from the patriarch and the supreme elder. They could save their lives at the critical moment.

As a half disciple of elder Luo, Lin Xuan gained nearly half of his family fortune.

Lin Xuan didn't want it, but elder Luo insisted on giving it to him.

"Take it. In the future, you will need it more than I do."

It's a resource, and it represents the way forward.

Without resources, the road ahead will be cut off.

Lin Xuan and others are all the most powerful Tianjiao. If they go all out, they can go tens of thousands of miles in one day.

They are not what they used to be. They have reached the peak of the spiritual realm.

What's more, Lin Xuan's moon shadow step can't keep up. What he's practicing now is the Dragon walking step, which is the most powerful method in the clan. It's a medium and top grade step!

But in a day, they had already come to the edge of Qingzhou Prefecture.

"In front of us, we will enter Youzhou mansion. It's the territory of Qingyun sect. If we have resentment with them, we'd better keep a low profile. Don't make it public and go by the way!"

Elder martial brother Qin Feng is several years older than them. Now he is steady.

"What are you afraid of? I don't think Qingyun sect will be so bold and dare to attack us."

Lin Xuan shook his head and laughed.

They are resentful. They kill Tianjiao of Qingyun sect and are hated by others. Even before they leave, they look angry.

But don't forget that they are Tianjiao selected by Tianxing University. If something happens to them, there will be a big action.

Even the blood weeping sect is going to riot.

Because, Lin Xuan, they are already the most powerful seed disciples of the sect. They can allow people in the sect to fight and die in the forbidden area, but they won't be stabbed in the back by their own people!

Shen Qingfeng also sneered: "yes, they don't have the guts to hang them up!"

"You'd better be careful. Qingyun sect may be related to Qingyun sect, the great religion of northern regions. If you rely on it and attack us, even Tianxing university can't do anything to them!"

Qin Feng is still worried.

At this time, Shen MuQing said with a smile: "branches like Qingyun sect don't know how many missionaries there are in the northern region, and how can they manage so many."

"Don't worry, they don't have the guts yet!"

At present, Lin Xuan three people are a pair of fearless appearance, Qin Feng is not good to say anything.

A few people's journey is not high-profile, but it is not low-key. While they are on their way, they are also touring mountains and rivers.

It has to be said that Yanzhou is really a good place in terms of living environment.

This place is full of mountains and rivers, lush and vibrant.

Moreover, some hills and waters are especially suitable for ordinary people to live in. There are not so many powerful monsters. They are just ordinary things.

"If we are old in the future, we can choose a cottage here and spend the rest of our life."

Qin Feng has some feelings. He thinks of some things he once had. There is a woman he loves, waiting for him to come back.

However, the next moment, Qin Feng is silent again, he suddenly thought, the woman he loves, talent is not high.

Even if he entered the path of cultivation, now it is only the realm of spiritual cultivation. Even if he left a lot of precious medicines, it is entrusted to the zongmen. The realm of this life should be the one who can reach the spirit.

Her Shouyuan

I'm afraid I can't support myself.

Qin Feng thought of many things in his heart. He was as talented as him. Even the elder said that he might surpass himself in the future.

He can live for thousands of years.

But the people he loves are extravagant to live for hundreds of years.

"I must come back, as soon as possible!"

Qin Feng read a lot, roared in the secluded valley, and made his oath.

Lin Xuan smile, these two days since the journey, they have known each other's things, know where Qin Feng's obsession.

"It took five hundred years for elder Luo to be promoted to the highest level."

"Even the most powerful patriarch in the clan used it for more than 100 years."

"When are you going to come back? Wait until the woman who loves you has already had a white head and white hair before she is willing to come back? "

"Fifty years!"

Qin Feng's eyes were firm. He looked at the road ahead and said bravely, "in those days, the elder of Luo was able to be promoted to a higher position within 50 years. It was only because of the obstacles in his heart that he wasted 500 years."

"I will not be like elder Luo. I will come back in 50 years!"

"Fifty years? It's still too long. I've heard that it took only ten years for the fastest wizard in ancient history to break through the realm of veneration! "

"I will surpass him and come back in five years!"

Lin Xuan is also heroic, more determined than Qin Feng's eyes. Although he is not a person in this world, he has integrated into it and has a lot of feelings.

Here, there are many friends he can't give up!

Moreover, Lin Xuan still remembers what dutianzun said to him in those years. The prophecy seemed like the next day. The more he knew, the more worried he was.

Tianxing City, adjacent to the edge of the forbidden area, or the whole Qingzhou Prefecture, can't stand a catastrophe.

He did not allow any accident to happen to his old friend and wanted to come back within five years.

Shen Qingfeng was also not willing to be outdone. He calmly said, "what's the fastest one in the history of practice? It's not the strongest one. I will also be promoted to the venerable."

If there is going to be a real war, not to mention the spirit, even the spirit Master is not enough.

We must know that some of those ancient lineages are spiritual masters from birth, and even the most powerful descendants of the royal family are the noble realm at birth!

If they can't break through the venerable realm, it's hard for them to take part in the war. Maybe a pawn can pierce their heart with one shot.

Shen MuQing's eyes were bright, and he also made a promise: "we will all come back alive and protect the peace of our homeland!"

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