As night fell slowly, they had already crossed half of Yanzhou Prefecture, with countless mountains and hills under their feet.

Although heaven and earth suppressed them, they still could not get rid of that kind of bondage, like putting on a gold hoop.

But beyond the horizon, it's possible.

They are like freaks out of gravity. They can jump hundreds of meters in one step, just like those so-called lightness skills in martial arts novels read by Lin Xuan in his previous life.

It's just that their characters in martial arts novels are more powerful.

Under the Yellow Mountains, there is no flow of people in the huge canyon. It looks very desolate.

The world is too big for the human race to live in such a dense environment. It's very normal that people can't be seen for hundreds or thousands of miles.

Not to mention this desolation is not suitable for ordinary people to live under the mountains.

This is the barest mountain range they have ever come across. The mountains are full of gravel and have no vitality at all.

Even the wild animals can't be seen. There's no grass. It's like a vein.

At this time, Shen MuQing, who knew many secrets, said, "this place used to be a small battlefield ten thousand years ago. The mountains hundreds of miles around were destroyed by those wars, and all the creatures died."

"That's the battle of the real strong. With one foot, the whole mountain will collapse!"

"The earth sank like an endless abyss."

"After the chaos subsided, an expert with great power moved gravel from other areas and buried this place. That's what we see now!"

"If we dig down for hundreds of meters, we will probably be able to find some traces left by the war of the past years!"

Shen MuQing looks at Lin Xuan and others calmly and explains.

"I see."

"But where do you get all these secrets? There must be many small battlefields in the whole Da Qian Dynasty. How can you remember them so clearly?"

In fact, Lin Xuan has always suspected that Shen MuQing really has too many secrets.

However, Shen MuQing smile, look indifferent, there is no exception: "these are actually recorded in ancient history, but you have not seen it."

"And I've always been very interested in the chaos in the forbidden area ten thousand years ago, and I've learned a lot about it."

As soon as this remark came out, it was not good for Lin Xuan to continue to ask. He could only suppress his doubts.

In fact, his feelings for Shen MuQing are a little complicated. Now it's said that he's making up with Shen MuQing, but he's so far away.

In other words, there is a gap between them.

It's not as close and trusting as it was at the beginning.

Shen Qingfeng's eyes are also deep. He looks at the battlefield all over the sky. It's hard to imagine how powerful a person can cause such a terrible destruction.

Because this is not 100 meters, but hundreds of miles, even thousands of miles.

It's still a small battlefield.

And the biggest battlefield, the tens of thousands of miles outside the forbidden area, how tragic should it be?

Although Shen Qingfeng was born in Luohuang city and is the gateway of forbidden area, he has never been to the final battle place.

Because it is always said that the land is not what they can set foot on, there may be unimaginable terror.

Many of the most powerful have fallen, and the traces left by their war, even a pattern, a broken weapon, a body wrapped in a horse, are unimaginable and dangerous!

Even the strong ones of the Terran just made clear the remains of many small battlefields after Luohuang City, so as not to harm the human world.

And the biggest and most vast battlefield, really can't go forward, even if it's as strong as the venerable, in such a Jedi, it's also as deep as mire, it's hard to move forward. If you are careless, I'm afraid you will be swallowed by the unknown terror!

The final Jedi battlefield is not just the catastrophe that happened ten thousand years ago

Since ancient times, the land has been beaten to rags, with incomplete corpses and rotten animal bodies everywhere, as well as the never dry blood Lake

It is said that the deepest part of the forbidden area gate is unimaginable terror. There are living creatures guarding it. The Terrans are not allowed to step in.

For so many years, in fact, the Terrans have always known that sooner or later, these aliens will return to heaven and earth, and they can't continue to shrink in the forbidden area.

"In ancient books, some of the most powerful people have speculated that the reason why those really powerful races were not born is just waiting."

"Wait for a moment."

Shen MuQing is not afraid of Lin Xuan. He tells them what he knows.

Because this one in her platform is really mysterious, but fortunately, it didn't hurt her.

At least for now.

I don't know what it would be like if she could come out of the crystal in the future.

"They seem to know each other, though for countless years countless races have tried to be born, and they can't help it!"

"But these races are just a drop in the ocean. They are nothing at all. If all the alien races return to the earth and reproduce the glory of the ancient times, the Terrans will certainly not be able to really wipe out all the alien races."

"It's impossible and unrealistic."

"I'm afraid we really want to give way to the land and seek coexistence!"

"And if it comes to that day, the initiative will no longer be in the hands of us and other Terrans. It's an unknown whether they want to stop the war or not."

Shen MuQing's words may be alarmist, but they are facts. They know too much about Lin Xuan and Shen Qingfeng these days.

I am very clear about the horror of the return of the alien race.

"So, we really don't have much time left. If we want to have a real long-term stability, we must rely on absolute strength to protect it!"

Lin Xuan was silent and sighed.

On one side, Shen Qingfeng is also very emotional. They are like wanderers away from home, moving forward with the expectation of the clan, hoping that they can grow into towering trees and avoid everyone.

The luster in Qin Feng's eyes is more and more profound. He clenches his teeth and clenches his fist. The world is in danger. The world has never been peaceful.

There's no time to be quiet, just someone to carry the weight for you!

"Only when we are promoted to be real spiritual masters or even the supreme can we be qualified to participate in the war. Now there are several forbidden areas in the northern region where wars are taking place. Even if there is peace in other places, as human beings, we can not retreat. We must go to the front to fight in the future!"

"There are those who have a real mind to fight for time for us. There are so many martyrs and predecessors fighting in front of us. Next, we'd better not miss our hometown and go all out on our way."

They are both arrogant and naturally think the same way.

Even if it's not for the enemy at the front, Qingzhou Prefecture is the ancient forbidden area, and it's also a very powerful forbidden area, and their hometown is there.

No one wants their homeland to be scorched in the war.

However, at this time, the mountain road under the night suddenly appeared more than a dozen figures, blocking their way!

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