At night, more than a dozen figures in black appeared on both sides of the mountain road, either carrying swords or carrying knives and other weapons.

come with evil intent!

At this moment, Lin Xuan and others were all on guard, especially Lin Xuan, with a depressed face.

In the heart cries out: "should not really be said by crow mouth right?"

These people are obviously aiming at them. Everyone's breath is very strong. About ten of them have reached the peak of spirit, and four of them are real spirit masters!

Lin Xuan would never believe it if he said there was no trickery in it!

"Who are you? Why do you stop me waiting for you

Qin Feng's face sank and he yelled.

Shen Qingfeng and Shen MuQing also took out all their weapons from the storage space. They were also very silent.

"Ha ha, you don't need to know who we are. You just need to understand that we will send you on the road tonight!"

A middle-aged man at the head has extraordinary bearing. He exudes the breath of a spiritual master all over his body. He is incomparably powerful!

At this moment, Lin Xuan screamed that it was not good. None of them had been promoted to the realm of Lingshi, otherwise one of them would be able to sweep them all.

The gap between the spirit masters and the spirit masters is very different. Even if they are all the top-level Tianjiao disciples, they are still far away from each other.

As strong as Lin Xuan, he can try his best to kill one, but in addition, there are three masters of the spirit Master. Although their realm is not high, they have absolute suppression.

There are more than ten minions at the peak of the spirit. We should not underestimate them. We should keep our hands to deal with them!

These people are well prepared to seize such a critical moment and kill them here.

"Are you from Qingyun school?"

Thinking about it, even Lin Xuan had to doubt whether it was the work of Qingyun school.

"Ha ha, what Qingyun sect, we don't know what you're talking about!"

"Don't talk nonsense to the dying people like them, just do it and kill them!"

"Yes, don't delay, in case something unexpected happens!"

Among these people, those masters of spirit Master communicated with each other and sneered.

At this time, Lin Xuan's heart was clear that these people were sent by Qingyun school!

"Hum, Qingyun sect, it's really good. It's obviously a disciple of our own sect who is not as good as others. Do you want to come to us for revenge?"

"Not to mention at this critical time, we were selected to cope with the crisis in the future and promote to a higher level as soon as possible. I didn't expect to be stabbed by my own people today!"

Lin Xuan is really angry. These people are really cruel.

"Ha ha, up to now, you have to die. No matter how much you say, it's useless."

"Well, just you, do you really think there will be great achievements in the future? If there is a crisis coming, you will not be needed! "

"Give it to me and kill them!"

The middle-aged spirit Master seems to be the leader of the robbery. He waves his hand. The top ten spirit masters behind him, the man in black, with all kinds of magic weapons, are killing Lin Xuan and others!

At this moment, hearing these words, Lin Xuan's heart had been clear, they had acquiesced!

No doubt from Qingyun school!

"Yes, in the region of Yanzhou Prefecture, only Qingyun sect has the strength to find us!" Qin Feng murmured and sighed.

"Hum, in that case, let's fight, just let me see how powerful you are!"

Shen Qingfeng hummed coldly, and a long golden gun appeared in his hand. It was a gift from the clan when he left. It was an extraordinary treasure.

It was left by an elder who was almost promoted to a higher rank.


Although Shen MuQing is a woman, her eyes are cold at the moment. Looking at the man in black who came to fight, she has a sense of killing in her heart!

Qingjin ancient sword trembles slightly, a huge sword idea emerges, like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, waving towards the people!


The sound of fighting is like the coldest and bloodiest note. With Shen MuQing, Shen Qingfeng and Qin Feng kill more than ten people.

For them, these people are enough to sweep, not difficult.

But if they are afraid, they will be attacked by enemies from both sides, and the Lingshi masters will come to an end!

At this point, however, the most frightening thing happened.

I saw that the four spirit Masters had a tacit understanding. They seemed to have separated their opponents. One by one, they wanted to kill them all.

In front of Lin Xuan, the middle-aged master who was the leader just now also killed him.

"I heard that you are the strongest one in the door. Ha ha, let me meet you and see how strong you are!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan was angry. He roared, and the black gold sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

Almost at the same time, Lin Xuan's whole body was as bright as the sun, and his immortal body was moved to the extreme by him.

This is the first time he has ever played with a master of spirit. Naturally, he should not be careless. One hand is the strongest gesture, which gives the opponent enough face!

"Well, I can't help myself!" The middle-aged spirit Master sneered. He had a red whip in his hand, showing some strange luster, which was very extraordinary.

It was like a spine drawn from some powerful creature and refined into what it is now.

"Die for me!"

The red whip is waving in the air, and there is a huge rumble between heaven and earth, which arouses rocks to pierce the air. It is extremely powerful!

Lin Xuan's black gold ancient Dao was also fully inspired by him at the moment. His cross cutting Dao technique worked to the extreme. He used all his means and his magic power was invincible. He wielded this Dao!

"Horizontal sky chop!"

In Lin Xuan's battlefield, he and the middle-aged spiritual master are the only one. Although only the middle-aged spiritual master has the highest realm among these people, Lin Xuan has the least pressure!

The other three had just fallen into the war and were in great danger.

As strong as Shen Qingfeng, he is also roaring at the moment. He is attacked by three spirit masters and a spirit Master. Facing these curfew people, he can't resist!

Shen MuQing's situation is also very miserable, but the worst is Qin Feng. He is the weakest of the four, but at the moment, the people who surround him are the most.

Already see blood!

Qin Feng's shoulder has been torn, and there are knife marks on his back. The blood is gurgling. That kind of pain makes him completely crazy!

They are all fighting hard and don't want to fall today.

"If we were born to be outstanding, how could we be killed by you scoundrels?"

Shen Qingfeng is furious and has a long gun like a dragon. This is his peerless shooting skill. It's very powerful!

Just like breaking through the air, the man in black, who raised the peak of a spirit, stood out in the dark sky with a long golden gun. It was just a moment's shot, and it penetrated the man in the air, completely dead!

On the other hand, Shen MuQing is not willing to be outdone. What's the origin of her ancient green and gold sword, and whether it has equal power? At this moment, the vast shadow of Qinglian sword is overwhelming, and all the people in black who are fighting around her are injured!

Relieved her crisis!

As for Lin Xuan, he was like a god of war, waving a long black gold sword. The sword soared into the sky, shaking the sky, as if to cut down the stars!

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