"Previously, dozens of small groups of alien appeared, deliberately released a few Terrans, let them come back to send letters."

"The Lord of the city was so surprised that he even called away the only supreme elder here!"

"As a result, in a twinkling of an eye, as soon as those strong people left, hundreds of foreign people rushed to break into the city!"

"It's like trying to get rid of a tiger."

Lin Xuan kept telling his guess for the reference of the people around him to deduce the truth together!

When Shen Qingfeng heard the speech, he was also surprised and thought of many things.

"No? If so, why do they have to go to the city with all their efforts? "

"Is there anything they want in this city?"

"Otherwise, it can't be explained at all. These alien races are not pure monsters. They won't do anything to die. Otherwise, they won't lurk so long before they show up!"

Several of them speculated with each other.

At this time, there was another bleak horn. When they turned their heads, they found that it was not the east gate.

It's from other gates.

Then, the horn sound more urgent!

Almost like a prairie fire in general, there are other parts of the rapid sound of the horn came.

"South Gate urgent!"

"Simon is in a hurry!"

"North Gate urgent!"

In front of the east gate, there are many soldiers in armor who know the meaning of these horn sounds!

They all screamed!

The next moment, a golden hammer fell on the sky, and the white light curtain with amazing defense actually made a crisp sound under the hammer!

There is a tiny crack emerging!

The sledgehammer with dazzling golden light is like a powerful magic weapon, which contains the power of terror. It seems to be magnified countless times, covering the sky, falling again!


The huge roar made many people in the city unstable. The earth was shaking, just like the end of the world!

Then, a crack filled to the horizon, the bright white barrier was unable to withstand such an attack, to be completely broken!

One crazy figure after another smashed the cracked area, trying to completely break through the array!


The sound of the quiet and cool horn rings out in a hurry!

"The east gate is in a hurry!"

"Lord, when can they come back? These foreigners are really prepared. There are more than one gate, and they are not as rare as previously said. There are hundreds of them!"

"There's a rush from the north gate. There's a deafening roar!"

"The south gate is broken!"

"Simon's broken!"


Like broken glass, another big hammer fell, the white barrier in front of the east gate was completely broken, and infinite alien creatures poured in like crazy!

"No!" Lin Xuan's face sank.

Most of them are still monsters, but their breath is very strong. The worst is the peak of spirit!

The head of those who already have the human form of Tauren alien, etc., is closer to the peak of the spirit Master!

The alien race is naturally stronger than the human race, and has a huge body and strength.

Even in the same realm, these alien races can sweep many people like the pride of the same people!

Now, there are not so many spiritual masters in Lingcheng who can resist these alien races!

Because the real strong are out of town!

"Call the Lord back quickly!"

Someone yelled, knowing that these alien races were coming fiercely and hard to stop.

At the moment, the east gate is like a sea of blood.

Those alien creatures are really too strong. They all roar, and their spines and claws are very terrible. Every time they rush to kill, some people die.

Even the strong spiritualists in armor fight very hard. Those spiritualist peak monks from various major sects and chambers of Commerce have no effect at all.


Every time the golden sledgehammer falls, there will be endless blood.

As if the scene of purgatory, so that all people who see this scene are extremely scared!

"Ridiculous Terrans, weak and despicable insects, our servants, all die!"

At this moment, what surprised Lin Xuan and others was that the Tauren was speechless!

In this short period of time, nearly half of the hundreds of soldiers and disciples who were still guarding the east gate had already died!

But those alien races seem to be as if they can't fight. They are rough and fleshy. Some strange races are covered with scales and are very resistant to beating!

Up to now, the loss of alien race is very small!

Shen Qingfeng can't suppress his impulse. He also wants to help!

But they were stopped by Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing!

"Let's go. It's meaningless to die like this. Those people are doomed to be defeated. There are alien creatures at the top of the spirit Master. We don't have any chance. Even if we can kill several alien beings, we have to stay here!"

Lin Xuan was extremely calm.

He's not afraid of death.

I want to make my death more meaningful!

"These alien people are definitely not coming for the purpose of killing. They must be looking for something. Otherwise, they would not fight so much. This is almost a riot against the spirit city!"

Shen MuQing's eyes are also bright, facing Shen Qingfeng.

Lin Xuan nodded and said: "let's go and find a chance to break it one by one. Don't fight with such a big man. That kind of death won't play any role in the situation!"

At this moment, the real catastrophe is coming.

What's more, the despair and terror they had never thought of before.

Such a big city, so many experts, even in a short period of time almost all withered.

A deep sense of powerlessness emerged in the hearts of all.

Many experts are flying away, and those of other races are not chasing them. They seem to have a different purpose, just like locusts passing through, sweeping everything in sight.

Before, the so-called Tianjiao in the tea shop left as soon as the alien broke the array barrier. I'm afraid they don't know where to hide now.

Lin Xuan and others also left.

It's a bit of a shame.

The war is just around the corner, but they shrink back.

However, their realm is too weak to play a key role in the situation.

"To leave at this moment is not to escape, for survival and for the future. In such a situation, death is the most useless."

Qin Feng's eyes are full of tears, and Shen Qingfeng feels that there is a depression in his heart!

That's the Terran.

They have the same blood.

At the moment, he is being slaughtered by other people, and he has no power to fight back.

And they really feel too powerless to help.

That kind of weak and helpless, for the first time in their body!

Once upon a time, they all felt invincible to each other and suppressed their peers. No one was their opponent.

At the moment, I can't even fight!

In the past, no matter how many stories, no matter how many records, they can only listen to them as stories, and they can't really feel the same!

But at this time, when the real catastrophe comes, their hearts are in pain.

There is a great sadness and anger in the brewing!

"Those people's blood will not flow in vain. One day, when we all stand on the peak, we will settle accounts with them!"

"And now, the opportunity we're waiting for is here!"

"Those alien races are scattered in the city, but they don't gather together. It's really like looking for something more, which can be broken one by one, killed several, and started together!"

After hiding for a short time, Lin Xuan was biting his teeth. It was hard for them to look on and hide like some people. They had to play their own light after all!

Even if it's just a firefly, it will shine through thousands of mountains and rivers!

Lin Xuan's eyes were full of fighting spirit, as if he wanted to kill all the enemies!

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