Several people nodded and agreed, the anger in their eyes reached the extreme, and seemed to break through the sky.

They have been practicing Taoism for more than ten years, but they can't even protect their own people, which makes them feel ashamed.

Lin Xuan's eyes were like electricity, and he felt the movement with a cold killing machine. After a moment, he immediately chose a direction to rush to.

The other three looked at each other and quickly followed.

At this time, the whole city has already become a Shura hell!

Everywhere is the roar of anger and the cry of despair!

There are more than ten meters tall, the body of the terrible beast Lin Jia, the thick claws carrying a bone hammer, each time will be a house into broken tiles.

There is also the strange existence of the wolf Orc body. It's like a blue black whirlwind sweeping through the city. After it attacked, countless people turned into stumps and spattered with blood.

This is a real massacre!

Those ordinary people have no chance to resist in front of these terrible alien races. Even running away is a delusion. They can only wait for the harvest in despair.

The stench of the city, blood flowing in the streets, like a river.

Hell, that's all.

Qin Feng with a few people continue to run, looking at the color of despair in the eyes of the same race, eyes canthus to crack!

He can't help but want to kill several times, but after feeling Lin Xuan's terrible murders, he finally put up with it.

Obviously, the anger in Lin Xuan's heart is better than that in his. But just as Lin Xuan said, in the face of such a large number of terrifying foreigners, it's just death. He shows off his anger for a moment, but it doesn't have any effect.

Only one by one, they have half the chance to win!

All four of them are peerless and arrogant. Even if they haven't reached the spiritual master, their speed is not inferior and they are constantly shuttling through the city.

Lin Xuan's senses were all open, and he was searching for the information around him as he went on.

In his perception, hundreds of people have been buried in the hands of foreign people along the way.

Those desperate and unwilling roars linger in my mind, even if he is calm, almost unable to control himself.

He was forced to enter the city gates everywhere, and hundreds of foreigners swarmed in. Before the tide, he was still too weak.

"Mother, I'm afraid."

A tender voice came into Lin Xuan's mind, and his eyes could not help looking forward.

On the street full of blood, a little girl of six or seven years old squatted in the corner, holding a rattle tightly in her hand, with tears in her eyes.

The green and astringent little face is dirty, and the body is full of dust.

The corner where she was leaning on had been isolated for a long time. The rear was full of broken tiles and gravel, and there was smoke and dust. A huge beast came out of it.

The alien is seven or eight meters tall, just like a gorilla, with only four arms, and his body is filled with terror waves.

Its scarlet eyes constantly swept around, with contempt and disgust, a giant palm with a wave, the side of the house suddenly burst open, debris.

"What a despicable race, a prey like existence, dare to resist US?"

The giant beast looked at a man with a long knife rushing towards him in the room. He just stepped out, and the man turned into powder.


Just at this moment, a woman suddenly came to the little girl and hugged her tightly.

Her body is shaking, obviously fear to the extreme, but still the little girl in the arms.

They curled up in the corner at the foot of the beast, the end is doomed.


The little girl seemed to find a way to rely on her. She burst into tears and buried her dirty face in the woman's arms. She wanted to cry.

But the woman quickly covered her mouth and looked at the position of the beast with fear. Meanwhile, there was a trace of hope in her eyes.

The only thing she can do now is pray not to be found by the giant beast, then maybe there is still a trace of life.

But as an ordinary person, how could she know that the giant beast had already discovered their existence in such a short distance, and she was not in a hurry to start, just because they had no threat.

After dealing with the man who dared to resist, the giant turned his huge head slowly, and his scarlet eyes were full of cold and fierce.

The woman's body trembled more and more.

In the face of these terrible alien, death has long been doomed.

But when she looked at the little girl in her arms, the despair in her eyes suddenly turned into resolution.

"Yue... Yue'er, listen to your mother. From now on, you will stay here. When this monster leaves, you will find a place to hide, OK?"

"No! Mother, don't leave Yueer. Yueer is afraid, Wuwu. "

The little girl was crying. She held the corner of the woman's clothes tightly in her two little hands and refused to let go.

The woman looked at the huge shadow on one side, even busy.

"Yueer is obedient, and her mother will come back soon. Remember, don't make any noise here, and then find a safe place to hide!"

Her tone turned into a reprimand at the end.

There's no time!

She couldn't coax her like before. She could only command her to drop this sentence. Then she burst out of the corner and ran to the distance.

And her action naturally attracted the giant's eyes and strode towards her.

All this naturally fell into Lin Xuan's eyes.

The murders on them are almost condensed into essence, and everyone has a huge anger in their heart.

Lin Xuan clenched his fists tightly. Because he used too much force, his nails were embedded in the meat. There was blood spilling, but he didn't feel it.

Being a mother is just. They all know the greatness of the woman, but no one spoke.

If you just put them in danger, those people will rush out without hesitation, even if they are struggling to fall, they will also kill those alien people!

But for the sake of the overall situation and more lives, they can only endure it!

Shen MuQing's body is shaking, she is also a woman, and the heart is soft, the most can not see this.

There was a dead silence among the four.

After all, the woman was just an ordinary person. Before she ran far away, she was saved by the giant beast. Then she was crushed to death, and her life was cut off in a moment.

With a cold hum, the beast threw her body into the distance, then turned around and looked at the little girl in the corner.

"You are very good. You can be my food!"

The giant opens his mouth, and the buzzing sound shakes the eardrum.

It strode towards the corner.

And Lin Xuan four people, then appeared not far away from it.

"If it's the overall situation, we shouldn't do it."

Lin Xuan suddenly opened his mouth, his eyes were calm, just like a pool of stagnant water, but he was killed.

"But if you can't follow your heart, what's the use of this road?"

At this moment, his breath is no longer hidden. He rises up like a wild animal. Even a few people beside him can't help but be frightened.

"Even if the body dies, I want it to die!"

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