His voice was so cold that the others could not help shivering.

In particular, Qin Feng, because of his relatively low accomplishments, was even more shocked by the boundless killing intention.

For the first time, they felt Lin Xuan's real anger and horror.

"We are with you. No matter what, we must kill this alien today!"

The three of them spoke in unison, and they all came to the extreme of endurance. Even if Lin Xuan didn't make a statement, they might not be able to help.

Lin Xuan nodded and reached out with one hand. The black gold sword was suddenly across his palm. The powerful and simple Qi was spreading all around. The endless blood was pouring out of his body, as if the God of war was born!

That alien's cultivation is very strong, and it can be regarded as the top level among these alien's. He can't tolerate his carelessness. If he doesn't have peace in his heart, he won't do it rashly.

Looking at the giant beast that kept walking towards the little girl, Lin Xuan looked slightly awe inspiring. He applied his body method to the extreme. In a moment, he pasted it close to her. With the use of the cross cutting sword technique, the black gold ancient sword fell from the top. With the sound of wind and thunder, the space seemed to be split!

Naturally, the giant beast noticed the change. His body stood still, and his huge palms were full of black air. He wanted to hold the black gold sword.

"To die!"

With a sneer, Lin Xuan's Qi and blood surged, and his magic power increased to the extreme. His momentum increased by two points again.

"Return to one!"

He didn't keep the slightest hand, this blow will volatilize the momentum to the extreme, and the surrounding world will freeze for a moment.

The alien looked frightened. It seemed that he felt the terror of the blow and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

On the ancient black gold sword, the murderous spirit is rampant, and it is cut down with irresistible force. A huge hand of the alien race is cut off directly, and the black spirit covered on it also dissipates.

The dark green blood flows out continuously!


Under one blow, he was so badly hurt that the beast's face was furious. With a roar, all the black ripples spread away around it.

This ripple looks very light, but it is mixed with the atmosphere of annihilation. One glance makes people despair.

"Get out of the way!"

Shen MuQing made a prompt.

Lin Xuan had already reflected that he came to the little girl's side with a flash of his body, holding her and retreating quickly.

Where the black ripple goes, everything quietly turns to ashes.

"The power of terror."

Qin Feng was afraid to make a sound, but there was no fear in his eyes. Instead, he welcomed it with a strong sense of war.

The beast glared at him with scarlet eyes, and two jets of heat came out of his huge nostrils.

At the place where Lin Xuan cut off his hand, his muscles began to wriggle, but after just two breaths, the hand recovered as before.

Lin Xuan looked at the scene and frowned: "I'll fight it head on. You wait for the chance."

After that, he rushed to the front of Qin Feng, and the black gold ancient sword with infinite Dao Qi cut down first.

Others may not know, but he had a face-to-face fight with the beast. With its strength, if Qin Feng was against him, he might fall if he was not careful.

"Do the despicable people think that they can compete with the great Chinese people with the power of foreign things?"

The beast opened its mouth, humming, full of disdain.

One of his fists was filled with black air, which soon turned into a layer of armor like existence, and then hit the black gold sword.

Endless Dao Qi was defeated as if it were decaying. Before the blow came to Lin Xuan with the power of the mountains, there was a tidal wave of terrible pressure coming from all directions, squeezing his body as if to crush it.

Under this blow, countless cracks appeared on the ground, and many broken tiles and gravel were turned into powder.

However, Lin Xuan just gave a cold hum, and didn't turn into fragments as the beast thought.

"Do you think you are the only one with the same flesh and blood?"

With the blessing of immortal body, his physical body has already reached a sensational level. Ordinary attacks can't hurt him at all, let alone the pressure.

Lin Xuan didn't seem to be affected. He stood in the air quietly, looking at the fist falling from the top, and then blew it out.

The seemingly small fist collided with the giant's fist.

The dull explosion wave takes the intersection as the center and rushes around at a great speed. Then, there is the explosion sound.

It was a pure physical collision, but it broke the space. Qin Feng, who was just approaching, was moved backward to resist the power of aftershocks.


He swallowed saliva and looked at the motionless Lin Xuan. His eyes were full of shock.

Even Shen MuQing, who dared to come, was shocked.

But it's not too much to say that it's evil to compete with other people!

In their hearts sigh, Lin Xuan has once again rushed out.

This time, he put away the black gold sword, and his whole body was full of Qi and blood. His fighting spirit reached the end, and he kept on shooting at the alien race. Every punch with the potential of collapsing mountains, he kept hitting.

The alien also made a real fire and did it with all his strength.

Just a breath of time, they will fight more than ten times.

The aftershocks of terror poured in all directions, and a deep pit was shaken out of the ground. There was no good place on the road.

The place where one man and one beast fight is also turned into a forbidden area. The black air and golden light are scattered everywhere, and the thunder comes out!

Watching all this, the three people couldn't help but feel a huge shock in their heart. The strength of Lin Xuan and other people far exceeded their expectations!

Even so, they didn't shrink back and rushed into the battlefield by mobilizing their accomplishments.

After they joined the war, the situation which had been quite similar suddenly changed.

With a roar, the beast was about to defend against Qin Feng's attack, but Lin Xuan had already bullied him, and the golden awn was surging around him. His fist was even more mixed with the power of opening the mountain. Suddenly, he blasted a bloody hole the size of a millstone out of the beast's abdomen.

"Terran! Damn it

The beast eats the pain, roars, and releases his anger on Qin Feng. A strange Rune appears in the palm of his hand. As soon as it appears, there will be endless desolation and death.

The whole sky is dark, and a sense of hopelessness rises from several people's hearts, which makes people need to give up resistance.

Lin Xuan found the clue and roared: "keep the heart of Tao, don't be confused by it!"

Although the three people responded quickly, they were half a point slower after all.

That strange Rune has rushed to Qin Feng now, with the power of destruction, even the space will be suppressed by him!

Qin Feng's heart was tight, and he didn't dare to be careless. Suddenly, he wanted to resist.

However, all his means had no resistance in front of this rune, and all of them disappeared.

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