Seeing this, Shen MuQing and Shen Qingfeng immediately gave up their attack on the giant beast. They used all the means to their utmost. They even used all the taboo means to block the rune. But it seems that they can't support it for a long time.

Lin Xuan saw this and accelerated the frequency of attack again.

His fists almost turned into a mirage, constantly blowing out, and the strength of each blow was enough to crack the rocks.

In such a total disregard of defense, do not remember the cost of attack, even as an alien, the beast also some difficult to support, began to show a decline.

On the contrary, Lin Xuan's offensive was more and more fierce.

He thought of the desperate look in the little girl's eyes when she saw her mother's death. He thought of the woman's determination when she left the corner.

"Alien! Damn it

Lin xuanzhan is crazy! Every punch has a tremendous potential, the golden light and thunder continue to bloom, as if to break through the world!

Although the giant's recovery ability is extremely terrible, it can't stand such attacks.

The huge body was full of holes and cracks, and the dark green blood kept splashing. The whole body was almost broken into pieces.

When Lin Xuan's magic power was exhausted, it had no resistance. After a few breath, it was suddenly blasted on the head by Lin Xuan's fist, and the body that lost its strength fell into the ruins.

With the death of the beast, the runes Qin Feng and his three men fought against quickly dissipated because they lost their source of strength. At this time, they were covered with a layer of cold sweat.

"If there is no Lin Xuan, I'm afraid the three of us will fall on this thing."

Qin Feng sighed with emotion and looked at Lin Xuan with a complicated complexion.

The more he got along with each other, the more he understood the gap between himself and Lin Xuan.

The other two are also general ideas, and nodded in agreement.

In this regard, Lin Xuan didn't think so. He looked at the distance with a worried face and said in a deep voice.

"You three, since we've already made a move, it's meaningless to hide any more. Let's take advantage of the fact that these alien races are relatively scattered among each other and eliminate some of them."

They all nodded when they looked at each other. Although Lin Xuan's powerful fighting power gave them some confidence, they were not able to deal with it at will. They still need to seize the time and reduce their strength as much as possible.

Four people just make a little discussion, the little girl will be placed in a relatively safe position, then find other alien.

It has to be said that this alien force is much stronger than they imagined.

The war situation in the whole city is almost one-sided. There are scenes of wanton massacres of different races everywhere. Occasionally, there are resistance monks who will be killed in a short time.

From the beginning to the end, there are not many casualties in the alien race!

On the contrary, the human side, countless casualties, the city is full of ordinary people's bodies, bleeding floating sculls, people can't bear to look at!

"The monks in the city, even if they are weak, should not be so weak."

Qin Feng doubts a voice, looking at the corpse, the heart cannot bear.

Lin Xuan's eyes were quiet. He looked towards the center of the city and said in a deep voice.

"If I'm not wrong, they should be gathered together. In front of the alien race, ordinary individual monks have no advantage at all. Only when they gather together can they have a chance to win."

"Then they have the heart to..."

Qin Feng was biting his teeth, but there was no exit behind him.

He knew in his heart that this was the best way, even if countless civilians would die.

Looking at his gloomy appearance, Lin Xuan sighed and went on.

"There's nothing wrong with what they've done. The alien race is powerful, and rash action is just a dead end. Even we must be careful."

"Wait a minute, let's first look for those souls who are at the top of the world and have not yet formed. If we can solve the problem of one end at a time, we will have more chances of winning in the final duel."

At this time, he also became the backbone, three people have no opinion, according to what he said began to hunt.

In the previous battle with the beast, Lin Xuan had already suffered some internal injuries, but now the time is short, and he can't afford to recover, so he keeps looking for a single alien.

Although the alien race is naturally powerful and the means are even more strange, all four of them are amazing and gorgeous. Under the joint action, they can't resist their existence at all. Dozens of alien races were killed by them.

Although this is already an extremely amazing result, but for the overall situation, it is still a little insignificant!

The city is full of howls and screams of ordinary people. At every moment, people are reduced to exotic food. More often, they are turned into corpses.

The once prosperous city is now in ruins.

Even though Lin Xuan's four men had made every effort, they could not change the situation after all.

They can save a group of people, but they can't save everyone.

But even so, a few people are not the slightest discouraged, just keep silent hand, a head of the eradication of the alien.

After a long time, they got to the center of the city.

However, the scene in front of them made the four people sink at the same time.

Here, what's going on?

With the center of the city as the radius, in the area of more than 100 meters, there is no intact place to be seen.

All the buildings have been turned into vermicelli, and the ground is cracked, as if it had just experienced a catastrophe.

The most prosperous area, impressively turned into an open space!

Lin Xuan frowned and looked around. His heart sank again.

There are at least hundreds of foreigners gathered around here, and the strength of each one can't be underestimated. Among them, there is an extremely strong atmosphere.


Toward the breath, Lin Xuan's heart suddenly beat twice.

The smell of danger!

Just watching, he felt a huge pressure, even the Qi and blood in his body began to stir up, instinctively made the main response.

That's alien! A head of strength has reached the spirit Master, can already turn into a human alien!

"Go... Run!"

At the foot of that alien race, a monk was trampled on, his facial features were full of blood, and his breath was almost imperceptible.

After using his last strength to shout out this sentence, his vitality was completely cut off.

This is a strong man in the realm of spirit Master. I'm afraid he is the top fighting force in the city at the moment, but his eyes are so desperate when he dies!

This area is where the monks gather. Now there are hundreds of people who surround the alien in the center, but no one dares to do it. There is despair in everyone's eyes.

"It's over! We're all done! "

A monk couldn't bear the pressure. He collapsed and just sat on the ground and cried.

Strangely enough, none of the people on the scene laughed at him. Instead, they all looked dignified.

Lin Xuan several people after like the person on the side inquires, this just understood everything.

The alien who can be transformed into human form is the leader of these alien races.

The Terran friars wanted to get together and fight to the death with the alien race, but it broke everyone's illusion.

That leader's strength is too strong, so strong that everyone can't resist.

So far, dozens of monks have fallen into his hands, including the only three spiritual masters left in the city!

There is a huge gap of strength like a natural moat, which can't be made up by the number of people at all. What's more, there are so many foreign races in the eye.

Many friars have even given up the plan of resistance. As a result, they can meet each other. No matter how much resistance there is, it's just futile.

Lin Xuan frowned, glanced at the crowd, and immediately walked out of the crowd.

"Let me try its means."

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