He can amplify the voice, many people can't help but look up at it at the same time.

"Lin Xuan!"

Shen Mu green face dew worries, hurriedly called him a, but was stopped by Shen Qingfeng.

"If that alien nation does not die, we will be defeated. The whole city will not live."

He knew what Lin Xuan thought. The existence of the leader had become a big mountain in everyone's heart, which made the monks on the scene have no mind to resist.

Only when Lin Xuan defeated them and everyone had hope, they could defeat the alien race!

Shen MuQing's mind was active, and soon understood that even if she was worried, she didn't say much.

At this time, there was a sudden voice in the crowd.

"Boy, I advise you not to die. It's meaningless."

"Yes, that alien race is too strong for us to deal with."

"Don't think about it. Even the strong one at Lingshi level is not his opponent. What's the use of going there?"

Several people who couldn't bear to watch Lin Xuan's death kept persuading him, but Lin Xuan went to the front of the alien leader.

The man kicked away the body at his feet, raised his head and licked his shriveled lips, and laughed.

"It's ridiculous. Ants shake trees. It's meaningless. You're here to die, right?"

"I'll kill you."

Lin Xuan smiles. As soon as his voice falls, a warning comes out of his mind.

In a flash, the collar was in front of him, so fast that he could hardly react.

In a hurry, Lin Xuan quickly put his arms in front of him. The next moment, a huge force rushed him out, and he stepped back more than ten meters. Then he managed to stabilize his figure.

"You're good, better than the first few."

The leader laughed again and rushed over again.

But this time, Lin Xuan was ready.


He angrily opened the immortal gold body in a flash, and his blood surged like a fierce beast reviving, and the God of war came to the world!

On top of his right fist, a bright golden light quickly gathered and enveloped his whole hand. It seemed that he carried heaven and earth and bravely met the leader.

Just a moment after the fight, Lin Xuan felt a shock all over his body, and a more brutal force hit him. The golden light on his hand was smashed instantly, and a wisp of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"So strong!"

Lin Xuan's body was forced to step back.

Even though he had been psychologically prepared, he underestimated the strength of the alien leader.

At this time, the alien leader was floating in the air, surrounded by black air, and the terrible momentum was in full bloom, which suppressed the whole area. Obviously, whether it was the body or the cultivation, it was extremely terrible!

"It's really not an opponent."

Someone sighed, and the last hope in his heart was shattered.

The strength of the foreign leaders is not the same class as them.

Everyone knew this, felt the terror not far away, and fell into despair.

Lin Xuan also felt the extraordinary momentum of the alien leader, and took out the black gold sword with a dignified face.

Although he suffered some internal injuries in the previous battle, at the moment, he still forced his Qi and blood to the extreme. His huge cultivation and physical body made the space around him change, as if he could not bear it, otherwise there would be a roar out of thin air.

Lin Xuan's skin the first mock exam of the red blood, and the blue veins are all on his body.

This! That's his ultimate state!

Red and black light shrouded in his body, the momentum visible to the naked eye continued to spread around him!

In this process, the alien leader just looked at him coldly and didn't care. Until Lin Xuan's momentum reached the peak, he hummed coldly, raised his hand and pressed Lin xuanxu.

All of a sudden, a black fog appeared in the air above Lin Xuan. It turned into a giant hand and grabbed him.

"You should be honored to be a sacrifice for the rejuvenation of our nation."

As soon as the foreign leader spoke, hundreds of foreign people nearby roared and rushed to the friars around, and the air of terror rose to the sky, and the ground continued to vibrate.

Lin Xuan didn't care about the friars, and the black gold sword suddenly cleaved to the Giant Claw above.

The huge claw was made of black fog, but it was surprisingly hard. It didn't change much after a blow.

"Kill the sky!"

Lin Xuan didn't want to keep it. The power of the black gold sword soared. With the power of opening the sky, Sheng Sheng turned the huge claw into nothingness. But the next moment, the alien leader had already arrived and hit Lin Xuan's belly.

The power of this fist was extremely terrible. If he were a general monk, he would die on the spot. Even if he had immortal gold body, Lin Xuan still felt a shock in his body, and a mouthful of blood burst out.

Forced down the discomfort in his body, he did not dare to neglect it, and the black gold ancient knife cut it again.

"Return to one!"

Without any reserve, Lin Xuan played all his cards. He used the cross cutting technique to the extreme, but it was still difficult to cause too many threats to the alien leaders.

After more than a dozen rounds, the alien leader had only a few more injuries, but Lin Xuan had become a bloody man, with scars all over his body and severe internal injuries in his body.

It's not just him, but the rest of us.

More than a dozen of the other races fought at the same time. In order to relieve the pressure of the others, each of them fought against each other alone. It was very difficult for them to fight each other.

Qin Feng, in particular, was at a disadvantage at the beginning. Even though he was gifted, he was still a little worse than other people. He was in danger several times!

Lin Xuan clenched his teeth. The only thing he can do now is to solve the problem of the alien leaders in front of him, and then try to help them.

At the moment, the scars on his body have reached a shocking level. Every part of his body is constantly suffering from severe pain. However, he has endured it and rushed forward again to fight with the alien leader.

Cross cutting knife technique!

Don't kill the palm!


All the magic powers were displayed by him, almost fighting with his life. Although his trauma was increasing, the alien leader also gradually showed a declining trend.

"Damn the Terrans! You are indeed beyond my expectation, but it is you who will die in the end! "

The alien leader roared to resist Lin Xuan's attack. Although he was more powerful, he couldn't resist Lin Xuan's crazy playing style, as if he was not afraid of death.

Although it was beaten a little bit, but it is very clear that there is a limit, this state can not last long.

Lin Xuan could guess his idea naturally, but he just kept on attacking, as if he had fallen into madness.

In such a storm of taboo attacks, his body gradually reached the limit, and his body surface even overflowed with blood.

"Keep burning blood!"

Lin Xuan gritted his teeth and roared. His Qi and blood rolled like a river to support this taboo art.

His face turned pale, but the spiritual power in his body increased rapidly at the same time, which made his attack not only not weak, but also more destructive.

The surrounding huge area was completely covered by his violent spiritual power, and the fighting friars and the alien race could not help but instinctively leave for fear of being involved.

The wave of shaking the sky and the earth is coming out continuously, and the cracked ground can no longer bear the damage, and it will burst apart every inch.

The scene lasted a few minutes before it gradually calmed down. The whole battlefield was completely covered with the fury of spiritual power and smoke, and it gradually dissipated after a long time.

A figure slowly emerged.

Even though they were fighting with other races, many monks still risked their lives to see them.

"This... How can this be! He killed the alien leader

Someone screamed out, which immediately attracted more people's attention.

In the middle of the battlefield, Lin Xuan stood there steadily. Even though his body was covered with scars, even his clothes were red with blood, they could still be distributed.

And at his feet, a figure lying quietly, eyes wide open, face full of unwilling color, has no vitality.

It was the alien leader who had made them despair before.

The alien leader was killed by the Terran friars!

The news was like a shot in the arm, which shocked all the monks!

The mountain in their heart is broken! Instead, it was Lin Xuan's body, which was arrogant to other people.

"Destroy the alien race!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone seemed to be reborn. The previous despair turned into anger and poured out to the rest of the alien.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he was excited and didn't dare to delay. He rushed to Qin Feng and helped him to kill the alien.

"Thank you very much."

Qin Feng said with a complicated look. If Lin Xuan came later, he might have explained it.

"It's just a small thing."

Lin Xuan waved his hand, then solved the trouble of Shen MuQing and Shen Qingfeng, and the four helped the other monks together.

After Lin Xuan killed the alien leader, the friars' confidence soared. Now with the help of four people, the situation that had been suppressed gradually reversed.

However, within an hour, the alien race was completely at a disadvantage. Without the existence of the leader, they became a mess. Under the leadership of Lin Xuan, they were wiped out one by one.

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