The spirit city is already a sea of corpses. There are corpses everywhere. Many people are mourning and crying.

"Elder martial brother, wake up, elder martial brother!"

"Younger martial brother, you can't die!"

"Younger martial sister, cheer up, we will be able to escape this catastrophe!"

"Master... As powerful as you, are you going back?"

Once upon a time, the arrogant leaders in the major departments were all experts who could fight against several powerful people of the same level. Today, they are not even rivals of an ordinary alien race, and they can only drink bitterness.

Such a tragedy is hard for many people to accept.

They fought in vain, and it was hard to change anything.

There was a young man who was in a muddle and crawled out of the dead. There was no brilliance in his eyes, as if he had lost his soul.

"Ha ha ha!"

"All dead!"

"You are all dead!"

The nervous laughter was a little sad and penetrating. He was like a devil coming back from hell. His hair was scattered, and his blood was all over him. He was like a madman.

Along the way, Lin Xuan and others really witnessed too much sorrow. Their mind was as hard as iron, and they were numb.

In the spirit city of nuota, no one can stop the killing, which is really like the sorrow of the human race.

They only had more than 500 people, but they were like a massacre, crushing tens of thousands of monks in the spirit city.

No one can stop them.

Qin Feng gasped heavily. He had already collapsed to the ground. In order to protect the morality in his heart, they really used their last strength to fight.

But all this is too futile to change the result.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Xuan silently looked at the crying crowd and said to his companions who were fighting side by side.

"I can't die!"

Shen Qingfeng is biting his teeth. He is as badly injured as he is. He almost died to the last alien who just broke into the realm of Lingshi, which is very dangerous.

Qin Feng even felt that he was incompetent. He should have been invincible in the same realm, but he was not an opponent to the other people at the top of the spirit. Only with Lin Xuan's help could he kill them.

Without Lin Xuan's help, he would have been lying here like those lying corpses on the ground, and he would never wake up again.

"I'm fine, too!"

Not far away, he closed his eyes and sat down. Shen MuQing, who had been fighting against time, also opened his eyes to Lin Xuan.

Her injury is not light, and her lower abdomen is pierced. It would be difficult for her to recover so quickly without the best healing pill.

As for Lin Xuan, he didn't get any better. He was also hurt.

"Can we still fight?"

Lin Xuan's voice was a little hoarse. In the war, he fought hard and roared to the sky.

At the moment, however, he was a little depressed and consumed too much blood essence.

"It's no use. We fought all the way and killed only a dozen of them. All of them were seriously injured. Even if we continued to fight, nothing could be changed at all!"

"It's not something we can control."

Shen Qingfeng laughs miserably. He is as strong as them. He almost killed more than a dozen foreigners with his life.

It's really hard to imagine how terrible the real chaos would have been ten thousand years ago.

How many people will die.

It's no wonder that every time the forbidden area was in chaos in ancient history, I didn't want to describe it in detail. It was so tragic that I had to sacrifice a lot of people to kill an alien race.

And those famous heroes in history, those great powers, after all, are just a few.

They can suppress the alien race with absolute combat power, but only individually. In terms of overall strength, the Terran race is really weaker than the alien race, so they are naturally lower!

"Hateful! If we were promoted to the spiritual realm, we would not fight so hard, and our combat power would be more than ten times stronger! "

Qin Feng is lying on the ground, and his blood is still gushing out of his mouth. His chest is undulating and his blood is stagnant. It's hard to fight!

Shen MuQing is also a little silent.

Although they are brave, they really can't go against the sky.

"This is not our time. Our time is in a real war in the future."

"Even if we can kill several other races, it won't affect much. On the contrary, we may die."

"At this moment, I've tried my best."

Qin Feng sighed. He was really desperate. They had not grown up to be heroes to save the world. They were very weak. They could only watch the Terran being slaughtered by the alien. There was no way.

The shouts of killing and crying in the city are gradually weak, which is not that the chaos has disappeared.

It's the killing and crying Terrans that are dead.

The slaughter is still going on, just getting further away from them.

However, at this time, Lin xuanqiang stood up from the ground, holding the black gold sword.

After a short recovery, he has recovered a little.

At the beginning, elder Luo gave him all the precious medicines to replenish the essence and blood. They were all taken and melted in the body to create a continuous stream of new blood.

His spiritual power was exhausted, and the blood essence in his body could use the forbidden technique again. Besides, Lin Xuan's spiritual power and array pattern attainments could also surprise his opponent in the war.

"Don't cry, just hide. The disaster is far from over. Those foreign companions may come back. We can't stay here long."

"You also hide, give up meaningless struggle, hide, hide, so that they can't find you, as long as they don't appear in front of those alien race, they won't take the initiative to find you!"

"These people have different purposes, not just to kill."

Although Lin Xuan's voice is hoarse, no one dares to ignore it.

Just now, they appeared in the air and saved all the people here.

Without the appearance of Lin Xuan and others, they would all die here.

"I don't know which school you come from, my dear? If we are lucky enough to leave here alive in the future, we will go to the door to thank you! "

In the crowd, there was a wounded young disciple struggling to stand up. There was a long blood hole on his arm, and he was still gurgling with bleeding water. His face turned white and looked terrible.

"Qingzhou Prefecture, qixuezong!"

Lin Xuan faintly dropped a word, and then looked at the three people behind him.

"You are all more injured than me. Find a place to hide." Lin Xuanmu Guangping said that he didn't blame anything. They really tried their best.

"And you?"

At this moment, Shen Qingfeng said with a dumb smile.

Since their war, the early so-called enmity has long gone away. Having experienced such a great calamity of life and death, not to mention a strip of water, it has already been a friendship of life and death.

"I still have spare strength, and I will continue to do so. If I can kill an alien race, I will die many fewer people."

"I'll try my best to buy some time for the help of the major departments."

Lin xuansa took off with a smile. At this moment, he did not choose to retreat.

Even if he had already entered the extreme realm, Lin Xuan wanted to live to death and stand after breaking!

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