"Ha ha, don't laugh. If you want to die together, you'll know you can't help it!"

However, Shen Qingfeng did smile. Regardless of his injury, he struggled to get up from the ground.

On one side, Shen MuQing is still silent, although his face is tired, but his eyes are shining.

"And me, I can't die, you don't want to leave me!"

Qin Feng laughs miserably. He is the elder martial brother of the three, but he is the most useless of them.

After all, there is still a gap in talent. It's hard to really be like Lin Xuan and others. The alien race who only faces the same realm can crush it!

"You don't have to. Don't worry. I'm in the best condition. I can't do anything. I just want to know what they are looking for when they go into the city so hard!"

Lin Xuan shakes his head and looks at Qin Feng.

"Ha ha, Lin Xuan, don't you think we're oil tankers?"

Shen Qingfeng laughs and looks miserable, but he doesn't mean anything else.

"I'm not satisfied to let you live well?"

"Well, since you want to come with us, we'll die together, or we'll die together!"

"But I really can't stand by!"

Lin Xuan was biting his teeth. He turned around and was about to look for another alien race.

After that, Shen Qingfeng and others began to laugh. Indeed, even though they were very weak, even if they did it in vain, they could not change the overall situation.

But now in the spirit City, every time an alien race dies, more people will survive.

But at this moment, those who have been saved by them are crying and shouting.

It's not to cry for the dead friends and Taoist friends, but to see them off.

In such a situation of death, it is an extravagant hope for others to survive.

And Lin Xuan and others, but also to death.

They were all moved by this great courage and spirit.

"A few outstanding people in Qingzhou Prefecture, you must survive!"

"We will never forget today, or this life."

"Heroes, what do you want to tell us? As long as one of us can survive this catastrophe, we will spread the word for you!"

"Yes, if we can go out alive, we will make your achievements known to the public, and we won't let Yingjie's blood flow in vain!"

They cried, tears in their eyes, and a sense of sadness in their hearts.

At this moment, Lin Xuan looked back again and thought, "there's nothing to take with you. Don't rush out of the city. Now there must be people of different races guarding the city gates. It's hard to escape."

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. You can hide in places that have just been searched by other races. You should not come back in a short time."

"That's all. Take care of yourself. I hope we can all survive!"

Lin Xuanping turns around quietly, and the black gold sword in his hand quivers slightly, as if feeling his mood. He has a sense of excitement that he is going to fight.

This knife is really miraculous. It can absorb the blood essence of those foreign people. I don't know how many secrets are hidden.

But Lin Xuan had no way to explore at the moment. He had to live first.

The four of them left again. Starting from their original position, they had experienced three major wars, especially the one just now, which was particularly dangerous. When they met the real strong alien, they almost all fell here.

"Now we can't choose those strong opponents any more. We can only pick up soft persimmons and pinch them. We can kill a few of them!"

Lin Xuan several people in the spirit City Shuttle, often can see those shivering, running around the little friars.

Some of them are lucky enough to get caught.

Of course, most of them are corpses all over the ground. The whole city is like a scene of purgatory.

It was a premeditated counterattack. Lin Xuan could not go through the war of the same degree just now. He could only choose those who were left alone.

However, such goals are rare and difficult to meet. If you are careless, you will meet big ones.

A little common, they can rely on the secret method to cover the Qi, not to be found.

But if you encounter those super large ones, you can find them even a few miles apart.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan was careful enough to travel all the way to those remote places. If he really came to look for something, then the big troops of the alien race would either go to the city Lord's house or the chambers of Commerce.

There are the most good things in it.

However, even in remote places, most of these alien people are traveling together. The least group of alien people they met along the way are more than five, so it's hard to start.

However, at this moment, they finally found another opportunity.

"Shh, here's the chance."

Lin Xuan several people all hide in the dark, display their own secret method, quietly close to a small battlefield.

At the moment, on the broad street, there are two strange people like monsters fighting with several experts.

These masters are losing out and will be defeated.

Step by step, finally, Lin Xuan suddenly came out of the darkness. The black gold sword made a clear sound, and a bright light appeared, as if to cut through the darkness.

"Kill the sky!"

Lin Xuanyi's hand is a killer. He suddenly appears behind an alien who has never been transformed. He looks strange and extremely ugly.

He has red hair like hay all over his body and sharp teeth in his mouth. If he didn't know their origin, he would be really like those monsters in the mountains!

The red haired monster didn't expect that someone would kill him behind his back.

It's just the highest cultivation of the spirit, or it's unexpected. It's hard to avoid Lin Xuan's killing move.

The whole head was chopped by Lin Xuan, and his life was completely destroyed.

This time, he succeeded only because someone helped him contain the alien race in the front, so that the alien race had no defense. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to solve the problem so quickly.

On the other side, Shen Qingfeng and Shen MuQing fight together, one waving a long gun, the other cutting down an eternal sword light.

come unexpectedly.

All this happened so fast that there was no time for the alien race to respond.

Another red haired monster roared, saying many obscure language, as if in a big curse, as if to denounce their meanness and shamelessness.

The red haired monster's eyes were red with blood and tears.

He still wanted to struggle, but it was useless. He had already been pierced by a long gun, and was killed by the shenmang sword, which was left by the ancient sword of Qing and Jin Dynasties. He was seriously injured and could not escape.

"It's over!"

Lin Xuan killed again, to make up for the last one.

"Crack the ground!"

In the light and shadow of the sword, the red haired monster reluctantly fell to the ground, and its head was also cut off by Lin Xuan and rolled down like a ball.

The red hair monster didn't breed a spirit, so it's hard to escape without any vitality!

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