Lin Xuan looks up at the sky and laughs. At this time of today's war, he has been fighting all the way, which makes his fighting consciousness stronger and stronger, which is beyond the remedy of the system.

Need to rely on a war, a battle of life and death, to understand and feel, this day, he benefited a lot!

The bright god was as bright as day. Lin Xuan was so fierce that he wielded his sword again. He knew that he could not really ask anything from this alien race. He would not keep it!

"Return to one!"

With all his strength, the light of the sword was as dark as the dark, and Lin Xuan was like the God of war. Every time he wielded the sword, there was a kind of Taoist rhyme of returning to nature, which caused the wind and thunder to move and the void to sing!

The light of thousands of swords converged into an eternal river, which was as bright and bright as the Milky way. The divine light roared, and the sky thunder roared. This was Lin Xuan's most powerful move, which almost emptied the remaining spiritual power in his body.

Above the sky, a long river is rolling in, like a brilliant God. It has a kind of decaying Qi machine to destroy all things in the world!

At this moment, the ancient black gold Dao resonates with the Hengduan Dao technique, which greatly increases the power of the brilliant shenmang, sweeping down the sky and cutting off the alien race!

He roared, his eyes full of sadness, as if he knew that he could not return to heaven.


The foreign people are not willing to end like this. They hold the long sword that is going to be broken and want to stop it. However, when the God awn falls, the long sword in his hand is broken into tens of thousands of pieces almost in an instant!

It's like a meteor shower. It's rolled by the power of the divine awn, turned upside down, and disappeared into the body of the alien race, blooming with blood!

However, the alien race is worthy of the alien race. Lin Xuan's invincible cutting sword technique failed to completely end his life. His physical body was also very strong. He strongly supported his body and wanted to take away Lin Xuan from his weak state!

"I have to admit that you are a despicable insect, but it's a pity that you have to pay the price of blood if you fall into my hands!"

He is laughing miserably, the face that is full of fluffy has blood tear to leave, be injured by the fragment just now!

Sharp claws, flashing cold light, just a few steps back, then bear the huge pain, again toward Lin Xuan attack and kill!

"Keep burning blood!"

Since he wanted to fight alone, Lin Xuan had expected all kinds of scenes, and the cards had already been ready.

At this moment, his body, which was dry and exhausted, seems to be rebuilding heaven and earth. There is infinite divine power in his pregnancy, roaring and singing. His whole body is like a Buddha, not dim.

"It's you who's waiting!"

Lin Xuan laughs, although his face is more pale at the moment, but he has recovered half of his fighting power and wants to blow everything up with a long fist!


He is like a wild beast in human form, more exotic than any other race. Every time he comes, the fierce fighting style can shake the sky. At the moment, all the ancient buildings in the battlefield are turned into powder, and it is difficult for him to survive!

The monks in the distance had already been stunned. They wanted to leave, but they couldn't move at the moment.

"We have witnessed the legend..."

"Who is this man and how can he be so powerful?"

"I've never heard of this person before. He must not be from Yuzhou Prefecture. Is he the most outstanding person passing by from other prefectures?"

At this stage of the war, they could see that Lin Xuan was even better. He had the means against heaven, and the alien race was going to be defeated!

It's just a matter of time.

It's already strong enough for Lin Xuan to use the spirit cultivation as a counter cutting spirit Master, but now he has to set a stronger record. His fighting power is unparalleled, and no one can match him. He wants to counter cut the alien spirit Master!

What this stands for is almost self-evident.

If you fight at the same level, Lin Xuan will not lose even if he treats the alien Tianjiao!

You should know that the most powerful Royal heirs have the blood of ancient ancestors flowing in their bodies, and their blood power is unparalleled, far better than the ordinary race.

This is also the reason why the royal family can be called king, because of this kind of blood, flowing in the body of future generations, can have a terrible phenomenon of atavism, which is comparable to those characters when they were young.

"Mole ant, don't be too proud. One day, our ancestors will come back and take back everything we lost, and reappear the glory of the flood and famine era!"

At the moment of the war, Niutou's alien people know that they are hopeless, and their tone is also about to die.

He was already weak, but his opponent became stronger and stronger in Vietnam.

"This day won't be too far... You think we are looking for something that can wake up our ancestors..."

"Ha ha, wait. Not only our family will return, but all the powerful families in the archaic times will return. The most powerful royal families and even the supreme royal families will return again!"

"We are the masters of this land. We were only our servants and slaves in those archaic years."

"In the silence of an era, we really think that we are afraid of you ants..."

"The so-called human race is not worth mentioning at all!"

The inheritance of the alien race is very long. At this moment, in the war, he lost a lot of blood, and even his spirit was dim. Knowing that he was going to fall, he had been severely attacking and mocking the Terran.

From head to toe, they are looking down, just like the giant dragon treating ants, and they don't take them seriously at all.

"Ha ha, even if it's not worth mentioning, it's still suppressing you for so many years. Do you really think it's too old now?"

Lin Xuan laughed coldly. He waved his hands. The strong wind roared and shook the sky!

"Suppress us?"

"Ha ha ha!"

"The Terran worms are really ignorant..."

"With you, as long as the royal family is born, all the people of the human race will be buried and turned into dead bones!"

"The reason why the most ancient and mysterious strong people are not born is that they just think it's not the right time."

He tried his best to hurt Lin Xuan. Even if he couldn't kill him, he would hurt him and make him bleed!


Lin Xuan's immortal body was too miraculous and extraordinary. He blocked several counterattacks without any trauma!


It's like a thunderbolt again. The roar is like Huang zhongdalu, and the aftershocks are rolling!

Lin Xuan killed all sides and exerted his magic power. His bones all over his body made a sound, and infinite magic power poured out madly!


Under such a crazy war, the alien race finally couldn't support it. It was difficult to catch such a terrible blow. His chest was thoroughly pierced by Lin Xuan!

Then, a spirit flew out of the exotic platform, very abrupt!

However, Shen Yan had been prepared to kill all things. With a big hand, he snatched the dim spirit from the sky and crushed it in an instant!

The voice of pain becomes the last song, the soul is destroyed, the alien is withered, and it turns into light and rain!

The sunset is as red as blood, which seems to indicate something.

They sneaked out of the forbidden area, lurked in Yuzhou Prefecture for a hundred years, and avoided the most dangerous Qingzhou Prefecture. They were not born today to stir up any turmoil, because such a degree of turmoil is far from what they can start.

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