There must be other reasons. Unfortunately, Lin Xuan is doomed to ask nothing.

The spirit of the alien race turned into light and rain, and the original tall and powerful body also lost its vitality. Like a rigid stone, it fell heavily on the ground.

Although Lin xuanxiong's face was a little pale, there was still an invincible momentum brewing, which was daunting!

At this moment, those people who were still mocking Lin Xuan's overconfidence had been completely convinced. The pictures that they didn't even dare to think about on weekdays really appeared in front of them today!

"It's incredible that he did it!"

Some people feel ashamed, and some people are afraid that Lin Xuan will come to them!

Because they didn't avoid Lin Xuan's words just now. They said it in front of him.

Those sarcastic words make people angry when you think about them.

But Lin Xuan didn't say much. Today, he has witnessed the life and death of too many people. What's the point of being ridiculed by his own people? Haven't they been chased and killed by his own people?

"Ha ha!"

Lin Xuan laughed at himself and didn't bother to talk to them.

"This Taoist brother, I don't know where to follow?"

However, at this time, a cheeky young man in Xuanyi, with a three foot sword on his back, jumped forward and bowed to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan suddenly turned around, his eyes swept him coldly, like a sword out of its sheath, ready to start at any time!

It scared the man to death.

Shuanggu shudders, and the feeling of being watched by Lin Xuan is like facing the evil spirits from the abyss, which is too deterrent!

Just now, I can still remember the picture of killing the alien race. With his ten courage, he did not dare to fight with Lin Xuan. I'm afraid he would die even worse!

At this time, a girl in white also came, her eyes with a trace of worship and shock, looking at Lin Xuan said: "master, where are you from?"

Facing this elegant girl like white lotus, Lin Xuan didn't release his murderous spirit on purpose. He drew back his eyes, then turned around and said, "it doesn't matter where you come from. There's nothing more important now than to survive."

"Don't die too early. I'll see you in the future."

Lin Xuan calmly left, but Shen Qingfeng and others didn't show up all the time. They were always in the dark, quietly recovering their own state and strength.

Behind her, the girl in White's eyes were soft. Looking at Lin Xuan's back, her voice was as clear as a lark: "elder martial brother, you have to live!"

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan's steps stopped, but only for a moment, he recovered as usual and walked towards the shadow.

This is a small hidden array. It was created by Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing. With this kind of hidden array, they can avoid many unruly foreign people.

The reason why he was seen through this time is that he accidentally made some noise, and the other is that he is really strong and has amazing sensitivity.

Their concealment array is only the most elementary. It's OK to fool the low level, but if you meet an expert, you can easily see through.

In contrast, Lin Xuan is very abnormal, and he is not in full swing. But in this way, he has killed an alien spirit Master. No one will believe him if he can't go!

"Go ahead, and then go to the other race to kill. You can't be more beautiful. I'll fight again to sharpen myself!"

Shen Qingfeng has almost recovered. He has refined a lot of elixirs by these times. At this time, he is full of spiritual power and in a much better state. He is eager to try.

But also at this moment, not far from the East suddenly there is a huge wave hit.

The whole city seemed to be overturned.

That kind of great power seems to fall from the sky, as if the rules of order, boundless Avenue veins are revealed, the void is shaking madly, and the earth is about to fall!


"What's the matter?"

"What happened?"

Before they had time to leave, the elder martial brothers of the girl in white behind them all raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

There are dozens of hundreds of rainbow flying over the sky. They are all powerful. They cut off the water with their swords. Even if everyone has lived up to their prime, their strength is incredible!

Almost all of the figures in Changhong are the elders of each sect at the peak of Lingshi. Many sects come at the first moment when they receive the news!

At this moment, the road of golden light spread to the city, like the arrival of some supreme figure!

"My God... The elders of the clan are coming!"

"Wuwuwuwu... I'll be saved!"

"With the arrival of the supreme elder, this turmoil is finally coming to an end!"

"The Lord of cangyun sect came here. He was the closest to here. He came when he received the news."

"Yes, it is said that these elders are ambushed on the road. Someone is stopping them!"

At the same time, a large number of elder martial brothers came. They didn't come by flying.

It's that someone with great power has opened the ancient domain door, shuttling through the void, crossing tens of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, otherwise it would not have come so soon.

At this moment, the originally empty streets, the original hiding of the human friars, all emerged, many of them did not die.

At the same time, the cries of killing and roaring in the city are becoming more and more fierce. There are real strong people fighting, roaring and roaring. Even if they are far away, they are like thunder in the ear!

"At last, we have to wait until this moment. The alien people will pay for your blood

"No one can run!"


Some people's eyes were filled with tears. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help crying.

They have witnessed the cruelty of the turmoil. The people who died in the spirit city are already unknown, and there are no lack of their close relatives and friends. Now they all hate and want to revenge for their old friends!

Originally, no one could stand up, but now, hundreds of real spiritualists are coming, and the most powerful of the venerable realm are coming. They are all boiling with blood, and there is nothing to fear!

Morale is really important.

Just as Lin Xuan and others are worried, many of them are not afraid of death. They just fear that death is meaningless and not clear.

But now it's totally different!

The situation changes in an instant!

When the strong ones of the human race come to help, the alien races in the city are withering. It's not an opponent. It's the other way around.

This war will destroy the whole spirit City, many buildings will collapse, what's more, the earth will be hit one after another like craters.

Countless deaths and injuries!

However, when the last alien in the city was completely wiped out, there were no more than 100 alien corpses in the city.

The really powerful group, who are carrying magic weapons, have already left early. I'm afraid they have received the news before the strong ones of the human race arrive. There is no trace in the world!

"These foreigners are well prepared and have already made all kinds of plans!"

When Lin Xuan and others learned of the news, they also sighed and let the real threat run away. The dead were all the minions of the alien race. It was hard to do anything.

Just like when the city was broken, there was a powerful alien who broke the defensive array with the gilded sledgehammer. It was never seen again.

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