Shen MuQing's face is still as beautiful as a picture. Although her appearance on the stage has caused some fluctuations, many people are not satisfied with her, but because of her "face", she is not too harsh on her.

Only Lin Xuan and Shen Qingfeng dare to risk the world's great injustice. Those who come to the stage at this time, if they are not peerless talents, will be severely beaten.

The meaning of the Lord of the mansion is to weigh the strength of these people first.

Although Lin Xuan knew that this time his appearance did not mean that there would be him in the final quota, he had to go through a lot of experience to get rid of the real pride.

However, his action is nothing more than to establish his own belief in invincibility. The several outstanding people on the stage who are with him are just a period of peak cultivation of the spiritual master, which is far less than what he feels incomparable.

Now that these people are able to get on the stage, it's nothing for Lin Xuan to get on the stage!

At this time, standing under the stage, Qin Feng silently looks at the three of them. He wants to keep up with them, but he knows that he is still far away. If he goes up, he just makes people laugh.

If someone doesn't agree, he's not going to compete with them.

This is not the time when Lin Xuan was able to protect him in a war with an alien race. Now it's a real fair duel between his peers. The loser will not die, but he will lose face.

"Ha ha, Lin Xuan is a rare talent. I can't see through anything along the way!"

"If I can come here to practice, I will be satisfied. The dense aura here is enough for me to practice to a higher level."

He seems to be open to it. In the previous alien war, he has already recognized his own gap, which can't be compared with Lin Xuan and others.

They are able to cross the great realm of the enemy's existence, strong enough to be terrible.

However, at this moment, many people criticized Lin Xuan.

"What are you waiting for before you step down? Don't you really want to be suppressed before you are honest?"

"Ha ha, I really don't know what to think. Even if the quota of the secret place is given to you, it's just going to die. That place has been dangerous since ancient times. You can't enter it unless you are a strong spirit Master!"

"You say let me, but I haven't agreed yet. Hehe, if no one comes to the stage later, I'll teach them a lesson personally!"

The disciples in the University gathered outstanding people from the major prefectures. The reputation of Lin Xuan and others has not yet reached their ears. It is normal for them to be questioned at the moment.

However, at this time, some people in the crowd felt funny.

They are Chen Shishi and Chen Yunfan from Yunxiao sect. They recognize Lin Xuan and smile.

"Ha ha, brother Lin is really bold. He dare to be so proud of the heroes. He is not afraid at all. He deserves to be a hero in the blood weeping sect!"

"Brother, Lin xuanxiu hasn't broken into the spirit Master yet. He can do it. He won't be beaten down soon, will he?"

Chen Shishi's small face shows a trace of worry. Although she has not known Lin Xuan for a long time, she is also an old friend. When she comes to this unfamiliar University, she should support each other.

"You don't have to worry about him. Your brother, I dare not rush to step on the stage when I break into the realm of Lingshi. I'm afraid that he will be taken as a target. Hehe, he has such boldness that he must rely on something!"

"Besides, don't forget that when Lin Xuan was fighting across the border, no one could stop him and push a lot of powerful enemies!"

Chen Yunfan smiles. He is already the highest cultivation of the spirit. He is one step short of entering the realm of the spirit Master. In this one and a half months, he broke into the realm of the spirit Master with the help of heaven and earth's elixir.

After all, there are too many strong people in the University. If they don't break through, they will be crushed by many people!

Not far away, the fairy from Luoxia Valley is also beautiful. She doesn't feel abrupt about Lin Xuan's actions. She knows how powerful he is.

He just said to the young man with extraordinary bearing: "why don't you go on stage?"

"Wait, it's not urgent."

No one dares to take the lead on the stage unless he has the fighting power against the sky. People like Lin Xuan are regarded as a joke.

However, Lin Xuan looks calm on the steps of the main hall of the University. He doesn't pay attention to the so-called sarcastic remarks under the stage. He is looking forward to it. Who will come to trouble him later?

At this time, he suddenly saw a familiar figure coming up from the stage, like a big devil, with a big body and fierce fighting spirit. At a glance, he felt that he was a cruel man!

Stone from xiaoyaozong!

If we can say that the places where the emperor of Daqian gathered were the five prefectures of Qingyun, which were adjacent to the forbidden areas in ancient times. If it was not the emperor of Daqian, it would be difficult for it to survive. I'm afraid it would not be a turmoil, but it would be buried in the years.

Since ancient times, we have experienced several times of widespread chaos, and we can imagine how powerful these heritages are.

Imagine being able to respect invincible existence in such a place, even in the whole Daqian Dynasty.

Therefore, the most qualified 20 people must come from the five states of Qingyun!

"Well, it's him." Shen Qingfeng also laughed, not surprised.

Stone's realm of breaking through the sky has already broken into the spirit Master. At the moment, he is walking with great speed and sweeping many strong people on the stage. He is not afraid at all!

"Crouching trough, where is the murderer coming from? It's like a big devil killed from a sea of corpses. How do I think this guy is also terrible?"

"Shi Po Tian, from Xiaoyao sect!"

"What, the xiaoyaozong of Yunzhou Prefecture? No wonder it's explained in this way. It's reasonable to have such arrogance!"

"Hehe, xiaoyaozong also has a great origin. Don't forget that there is a xiaoyaozong with the same name in the first-class clan in the northern region!"

Although Shi Po Tian recognized Lin Xuan, he was always arrogant and didn't say hello. He stood quietly beside Shen Qingfeng and others!

Lin Xuan didn't ask for nothing. He was very calm.

At this time, Lin Xuan saw another acquaintance.

"Chiyangzong, yanchixiao!"

This is also a cruel man. He didn't lose at the grand meeting.

Although Chiyang sect is not the top sect of Daqian Dynasty, yanchixiao is absolutely not vulgar!

He has also been promoted to Lingshi, but his face is smiling and not arrogant. He wants to resolve the enmity between his clan and Lin Xuan.

"Brother Lin, we finally meet again!"

"Congratulations on brother Yan's promotion to Lingshi. Congratulations Lin Xuan smiles a little and says that he has no grudge with Yan Chixiao. He often shows kindness to him, and Lin Xuan is not good at hitting him in the face to show his bearing. His words are very easygoing.

In front of him, he once easily defeated song Yunshan, a disciple of Qingyun sect, who was praised by others. At this time, song Yunshan was under the stage, but he did not dare to go on stage.

At the beginning of the first World War, his Taoist heart was damaged. In recent days, he did not break through the realm. He was still the highest cultivation of the spirit!

He now has self-knowledge, can not be compared with Lin Xuan and others, now on the stage, is nothing more than self humiliation!

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