Then, the original friends, one by one, came to the stage, and the Chen brothers and sisters of Yunxiao sect were all gifted talents, completely breaking into the realm of Lingshi.

"Brother Lin, you are all right!"

Chen's brothers and sisters greet Lin Xuan one by one, with free and easy complexion and ethereal temperament.

"Lin Xuan, we meet again!"

Chen Shishi's eyes are as bright as the stars, shining with a strange luster. Feng Mei glances slightly, Qiong's nose is straight, and her red lips are as touching as cherry.

She is also beautiful, even if she looks young and a little green, but her cultivation level is not inferior to the common.

"Brother Chen, Miss Chen, in our spare time, we might as well have a drink of jade dew and ask Qingtian about the wine."

Lin Xuan nodded calmly. He had a good feeling for the brothers and sisters. He was always peaceful.

"Well? Who is this person and why are so many people saying hello to him? "

"Yes, it's just a spirit. How can he have such a big face? Can he come from a mysterious and ancient family?"

"Ha ha, no matter where he comes from or what his background is, now this is Tianxing University. It's wishful thinking that he wants to rely on his background to occupy the number of places in the secret world

"Yes, even the eight princes of the current Dynasty should speak with strength!"

In front of the main hall of the University, some people can't stand what Lin Xuan has done. They say to him one after another that his cultivation is so bad and he tries to seize the place in the secret place. It's really shameless!

But Lin Xuan didn't care.

The master of the valley and the fairies in the sunset valley are not left behind either. They are just like two proud people. They walk leisurely and don't wait any longer.

"Brother Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much."

The little valley owner of Luoxia valley was dressed in black, with long hair like a waterfall, dark and thick, showing a light purple luster.

This has something to do with his practice. It's very extraordinary. The whole person's temperament is mysterious and can't be seen through.

Lin Xuan and he looked at a smile, light way: "brother Xu is also, congratulations brother Xu stepped into the realm of spiritual master!"

"Ha ha, I've been standing at the top of the spirit for a year. This breakthrough is just a natural one. It's not enough. Brother Lin, you're really quick to enter the country!"

The shaogu master of Luoxia Valley is named Xu Longxiang. He is known as the first genius in the family for thousands of years. He is the body of dragon and elephant. This kind of physique is also extraordinarily refined and has unparalleled combat power.

Lin Xuan didn't fight with him before, but he also knew his strength. He didn't show mountains and water on weekdays, but he easily got the place to come to Tianxing University.

Lin Xuan smiles a little. What's the so-called speed of entering the country? He spent ten days in the alien spirit stone Qi gathering Hall of Tianxing University. He only added more than one million experience. It's far from the spirit Master's realm!

At this moment, Xu Longxiang's neon dress fairy is simple and elegant, dressed in a green shirt, like a graceful fairy, with a little cinnabar between his eyebrows and eyes like autumn water.

"Brother Lin, brother Shen, Miss MuQing, are you all right?"

Nishang fairy had been defeated by Shen Qingfeng, but they had no big hatred. Unlike others, she mainly talked with Lin Xuan, and never ignored Shen Qingfeng.

"The elegant demeanor of the fairies in nishang is still better than that of the past."

Lin Xuan burst out laughing, and the couple in front of him were perfect. Although there was no rumor, people with a clear eye knew that the cultivation of nishang fairy in Luoxia valley was nothing more than choosing a Taoist partner for Xu Longxiang.

If you want to say that it is powerful, the fighting power of Xu Longxiang must be unparalleled. Although the fairies in nishang are extremely beautiful, like orchids, their real fighting power is far inferior.

You know, in Lin Xuan's eyes, if Xu Longxiang and Shen Qingfeng fight at the same level, it's not sure who will lose or win.

Now Xu Longxiang has been promoted to the realm of Lingshi. If Shen Qingfeng fights with him, he will surely lose!

Both of them are the most extraordinary talents. There is no one who is weak. It's just a fool's dream to fight across a big realm.

Shen MuQing is also a faint smile, her face is gorgeous, gorgeous, even in front of the fairies, are like a pearl, it is difficult to ignore.

At this time, another acquaintance came. Even Yang Biluo, who had been defeated by Lin Xuan, also stepped forward. He was also a spiritual master. There were many outstanding people in the five states of Qingyun.

"Brother Lin, meet again."

Yang Biluo hugs her fist and smiles. Just like a swordsman in the river and lake, he is a top figure. Although he is defeated by Lin Xuan, they don't fight for life and death.

Otherwise, even if Lin Xuan wins, he won't win so easily!

"Ha ha, how are you, brother Yang."

One after another, he said hello to Lin Xuan, which stunned many people under the stage. They were a little confused, but they could only guess that Lin Xuan's background was too strong.

"What's the origin of this man? There are so many outstanding people who have a long breath to talk with him."

"Does it really come from some old family?"

"I don't believe anyone dares to provoke such a person. I'm afraid that even if you beat him face to face and get the quota of the secret place, you won't be able to come out alive!"

Some people smile and don't care.

At the moment, the cold language channel: "whatever his background, since he came to Tianxing University, he must follow the rules of the University!"

In a row, more than 20 people stepped on the stage one after another. The most powerful group of Tianjiao were almost all in the ranks, and the rest of them were finally relieved.

"There are at least 50 Places in the secret place this time, and there are still half of them. Ha ha, we also have a chance!"

"Yes, yes. It's a good story to be on the stage with Tianjiao in the future."

"Ha ha, I should have a share of the quota for this trip!"

Some people rise from the sky, no longer have any scruples, think that the rest of the people have no powerful people, their own strength is enough to deal with everything.

They are all strong men in the spiritual realm. They came earlier and practiced here for a long time. They are the elder martial brothers of Lin Xuan and others

These people are all outstanding people who are extremely confident in themselves, so many people dare not compete with them. They only dare to ask Lin Xuan for trouble.

In the main hall of the University, only Lin Xuan, the three of them, are strong enough to be spiritualists. At this moment, when all the places are occupied, some people are unwilling to make trouble.

"Ha ha, this trip to the secret place is for the real Tianjiao talents in the University. The three of you are just smart people. Why don't you come here to join in the fun? Come down soon and let the places out!"

"Yes, don't think you can be arrogant with some background. No matter how big your background is, it's useless for you to go to Tianxing University. You can only go on if you are strong enough!"

"Talk nonsense with the three of them. The rules of the university should be the first. Since the three of them are stubborn, don't blame us for our ruthlessness!"

"I, Tong Ming of Yuzhou Prefecture, implore the elder to preside over the victory and defeat and compete with them for the number of places in this secret place!"

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