
The elders in the University have always been known for their justice and strictness. The leader of this prefecture is a strong man, aiming to cultivate the strongest arrogance of heaven. In ordinary times, he is also allowed to fight privately.

At present, the competition for such places is naturally supported.

It has always been the rule of the University.

"Yuzhou Prefecture? Oh, Tong Ming

Lin Xuan hears speech, immediately burst of laughter, only feel this person is very funny.

It's just that how powerful Tianjiao is, but this person's strength may not be as strong as brother Zhao, who was dressed in Taoist robes before. There is only one spirit left.

Just like him, Lin Xuan is too lazy to do it.

At this moment, in front of the hall of the University, many outstanding people were standing not far away, and several people familiar with Lin Xuan were all smiling at the moment.

They didn't see him for a long time. Although they knew that Lin Xuan had great talent, they also wanted to see if his strength had improved.

At the beginning, it was only a small battle. Now if it is a big battle, it is a real big battle!

However, some people don't think much of Tong Ming at all. They say with a low smile, "it's just a man who makes people laugh. He dares to challenge brother Lin and doesn't know what to do."

Chen Yunfan murmured that he had always overestimated Lin Xuan and never underestimated him.

On one side, Chen Shishi said curiously: "brother, what you said is so mysterious. I admit that Lin Xuan is powerful, but that is between the same realm. Now he has not broken through the spirit Master, how can he be an opponent of the spirit Master."

If we say that the so-called "half hanged master" in the 40's and 50's can survive in time, Lin Xuanda will also fight. But all the young people in front of us are able to promote the master at this age, even if they can't compete with the top group of people, they can't be compared with ordinary people!

"Hum, Lin Xuan, aren't you afraid?"

Tong Ming from Yuzhou Prefecture is in high spirits now. In front of many Tianjiao and school elders, if he can defeat his opponent and get the quota of the secret place, he will surely be looked up at!

This is a rare honor for him!

At the moment to Lin Xuan a face despise of appearance, to him shout a way.

In the center of the main hall of the University, the place is open and connected with the heaven and earth on the dome. Although it is not a good place for the war, it is also full of divine lines and can withstand the aftereffects of the war.

Besides, there are elders in the University who preside over it, and others are not worried at all.

"Hey, hey, no matter what your background is, you should respect your strength in the University. If you can't, you'll leave late and give up your quota, otherwise you'll have to fight!"

"That's right. Don't talk about your background. Fight if you want, or you'll give up the quota!"

"Don't delay any longer. Today you have to fight, even if you don't fight!"

Someone laughed and threatened Lin Xuan.

They all think that Lin Xuan is easy to bully, so they have to cut him first.

At this time, Lin Xuan was really helpless.

Naturally, he can't be afraid. He just feels that it's really insulting to fight with such a person!

In short, Lin Xuan's mind has been unusual in the eyes of the so-called genius, self-confidence can be easily suppressed!

"Ha ha, it's Tong Ming, the genius of linshanzong. Isn't he looking for death?"

"That strong man surnamed Lin, who can be offended? He has to be killed. I don't think Tong Ming wants to live any longer!"

"Haha, I deserve it. Once I met him at an auction and took away my favorite thing. It's his turn to be unlucky this time!"

At this moment, I met several disciples of the sect in the Lingcheng of Yuzhou Prefecture, and silently mourned for Tong Ming.

Are you kidding!

At the beginning, this God of killing, but in front of them, he killed a strange race whose spirit Master was close to the peak. That was the strongest alien race in history. All of them had extraordinary physique and incomparable fighting power!

Lin Xuan almost killed the alien without damage. They couldn't catch up with the strength!

Such a powerful existence can't be justified. It's not a sheep into a tiger's mouth!

White girl water eyes heart is also silently cover eyes, seems to be afraid to see the result.

She's not afraid that Lin Xuan will lose, but she's just afraid that the next scene will be too bloody. Lin Xuan's hand is not light or heavy. At the beginning, he cut melons and cut vegetables to solve the problems of the huge alien race. At present, this person can't compare with the alien race, let alone Lin Xuan's opponent.

"Hum, Lin Xuan, what are you waiting for? Ha ha, if you're afraid, it's easy. You can kneel down and kowtow to me three times, and I'll let you go!"

"Ha ha ha, how about it, but if you want to kowtow to my elder martial brother?"

At this moment, Tong Ming relies on himself to enter the sect first. He is called elder martial brother and specially takes the big one.

Not far away, in front of the main hall of the University, there were a lot of people. Today, the master of the University convened the introductory meeting, and almost all of them came.

There are hundreds of talented people in all the prefectures. They are all strong among them. They are all sneering at Lin Xuan's jokes!

"Haha, it's just a waste relying on the family's shadow. I can't help myself. I'm completely at a loss at the moment!"

"It's true that such a dandy is not qualified to get a place in the secret place. If it's spread, it's just ridiculous!"

"Ha ha ha, I think he is a counsellor. He doesn't dare to do it at all. I'm afraid he doesn't really have to kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Well, this man's coming to such a stage is just his own fault. He can't see the facts clearly."

"We have been promoted to the realm of spiritual master for a long time. Now we dare not step on the stage rashly. Why does he not reach the peak of a spiritual master?"

In the crowd, the voice of ridicule and contempt was particularly harsh, which made Lin Xuan's eyes cold!

His eyes were like frost, like being able to split the air and sweep the crowd lightly. Then, he looked to the center of the hall and looked down at Tong Ming. He sneered: "I just want to spare you a dog's life, but I didn't expect that you not only don't know how to cherish it, but also are so aggressive that you have to force me to do it."

"Ha ha, in that case, why don't I help you?"

As soon as Lin Xuan's voice fell, he was like a gust of wind, like a ghost. The people present had not even seen his track clearly. Not far away, he was still aggressive and arrogant. The arrogant Tongming seemed to have seen something terrible, and his pupils were constricted.

Like a silver training, Lin Xuan's body turned into a divine light, surrounded by purple arc, like a mountain of angry King Kong, just wielding a powerful fist!


He didn't even use a magic power, just a punch, like thunder rolling, the void resounded with a piercing blast, deafening!

Then, the magic fist was invincible. Lin Xuan was just like the God of war in the sky. His means were extraordinary. This fist turned into eternity, as if to explore the immortality of the world!

The void is shaking. Many people in the hall are shocked. They can't believe that they stare at the scene in front of them. It's like hell!

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