Canlie's magic fist is shining with dazzling light, and the void is ringing, like a rumbling drum.

The strong wind roared, and Lin Xuan was like a god of war. His fists came out together to strike the world. Infinite power broke out of his body, and his spiritual power was surging, as fierce as the waves.

It's just a punch. The friar who was still ridiculing Lin Xuan and insulting him was already silly. He waved his hand in a hurry and wanted to stop him.

But it doesn't work. It's hard to resist.

It seems that Lin Xuan's Vajra fist is going to break through all the stars. All the enemies in front of him will fall!


The friar roared. He didn't expect that Lin Xuan's move was killing. It was so terrible!

He dodged, trying to escape, but it was too late!


A thunder like blast resounded through the sky, and the huge fluctuation shook the earth!

The friar, who provoked Lin Xuan, was completely defeated by this blow. Like a dead dog, he bumped into the edge of the main hall of the University.

His mouth was full of blood, his eyes were wide open, there was a big hole in his chest, and there were strands of terror gas in the flow, life was slowly passing!

Lin Xuan is like a demon in the sky. His hair is flying and falling like a waterfall!

There was a layer of holy brilliance on his body, like the stars and the moon, and an indescribable momentum gushed from him.

The scene between the electric light and the Firestone stunned all the people. All of them could not help but scream. Looking at Lin Xuan's look in their eyes, they were full of horror!

"What happened?"

"God, that man is really a spiritual realm. How can he be so strong?"

"It's amazing. It's a miracle!"

"It's really a joke that you've been blown out of the world by a waste man with one blow, and your mouth is full of blood."

Some people are shocked, others are sneering. They think that Lin Xuan is just like this, but the master of spirit Master is too useless.

Even though the power of that blow is really strong, even if they are against each other, they feel terrible and I'm afraid it's hard to resist.

But it's still tough.

As if it would be a shame for Lin Xuan, a spiritual man, to win such a place. Many people are still unconvinced!

That's the same thing!

Almost all of the people who come here have experienced many selections. They are all outstanding people, unwilling to admit that they are weaker than others.

It's just a few real favourites of heaven, but Lin Xuan is just a waste who has never reached the peak of a spirit. Why should he occupy such a place!

And not only he, the people around him, no one convinced, are eager to try, to fight!

"Hum, I really think that if I kill a waste, I can easily get the quota of the secret place. But I asked if I agreed?"

"Yes, it's just the realm of spirit. I can't wait to save face for you. Don't you really think you are invincible?"

"Ha ha, why do you say so much to him? I'll crack him down and let him know why Lingshi is Lingshi. Taoism is the root!"

In the crowd, the first few were still sneering, and the contempt in their eyes was not covered up. They thought that Lin Xuan's hand was just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, and they didn't recognize it at all!

Another point is that there are several places in the secret place. If Lin Xuan occupies it, they will have no place.

Take a look at other Tianjiao who have been promoted to Lingshi, and then take a look at Lin Xuan who is in the realm of Lingzhi. Everyone thinks that he is the best bully!

"It's worthy of being a hero from the major state capitals, ha ha."

Before that man was killed by Lin Xuan, he didn't leave any feelings. He thought he could suppress many people, but he didn't expect that these people were far more backbone than he thought.

Lin Xuan sneered. The reason why these people have so much backbone is that they still underestimate him. They feel that the gap between the two realms is there. If they play on their own, maybe it won't be like this.

"In this case, if anyone doesn't agree, he can do his best. Lin will be a hero in the world today!"

He snorted coldly, and his eyes glared at all living beings. He immediately carried his hands, and there was light falling from the dome, shining on Lin Xuan's long black hair.


"It's so bold. I've never seen anyone as arrogant as you!"

"It's just a spiritual realm, and you dare to speak wildly. You don't know how to live or die!"

In the crowd, a few people just now all sneered, as if they were mocking Lin Xuan's overconfidence.

The atmosphere in the field is tense, and many onlookers who feel hopeless are also inexplicably nervous and hold their breath.

Not far away, some of the more than a dozen gifted talents in Tianzong also moved their eyes and looked at Lin Xuan as if they wanted to see him through.

Only, at this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly laughed, the corner of his mouth slightly up.

"Ha ha, since you three have different opinions with me, why don't you three go together and don't talk about it. I'd like to see what means you have and who you are. I don't know how to live or die!"

Lin Xuan was smiling. Suddenly his face was cold, and his whole body was full of Qi and blood.

Swimming in his body, like a golden dragon!

This is the result of Lin Xuan's practice of immortal xuanjing. He can not only wash his body, but also temper his blood essence. Those golden dragons are all the most abundant blood essence in his body, and they have infinite vitality!

"Well, I'm looking for death!"

"Since you want to die, we will help you!"

"It's only your fault. There is no one in the audience. Don't blame me. I'll bully you more than you do!"

Hearing the speech, several people in the crowd who were not convinced of him spoke out one after another, feeling that they were despised.

But in fact, as Lin Xuan said, the reason why they didn't do it was that they were afraid of Lin Xuan!

But now Lin Xuan opened his mouth and asked them to go up together. Naturally, he would seize the opportunity and sneer at them all!

"There's so much nonsense. If you want to fight, fight!" Lin Xuan gave a big drink, and the little dragon in his body was like a source of strength, constantly converging on his limbs. Lin Xuan felt that he was stronger than ever!

His body shape is like a dragon, abrupt hand!

Those people were shouting loudly, but they were embroidered pillows. Lin xuanru went into a deserted place and killed all sides!

It's amazing. It's amazing!

If you wave your hand like a knife, wind and thunder will move!

Even the alien race could not resist this melee, not to mention the weak chicken like people in front of them. They were beaten by Lin Xuan and vomited blood. All the bones in their bodies would be broken to pieces!

The boxing style is roaring, shaking the sky and breaking the ground, and its power is unmatched and hard to stop!

At this moment, almost all of the people present knew that a demon was born in their school. It was like chopping melons and cutting vegetables. It was so powerful!

Many people were shocked by this scene, as if they had witnessed a miracle.

"Ha ha, Lin Xuansheng's game has been decided. After this battle, I'm afraid no one dares to compete with him for the quota any more. Ha ha, you can safely prepare for the trip to the secret place!"

In the crowd of Tianjiao people, there is Lin Xuan's old knowledge. He is the master of Luoxia Valley, with a smile on his face and some shock in his eyes.

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