After a long time's absence, Lin Xuan's fighting power was astonishing, weeping ghosts and gods and sweeping the spirit division. What kind of achievements was this? Many of them were asking themselves, can they have such fighting power in his realm?

In addition to the most calm eight Prince and several other Tianjiao, others look at Lin Xuan with fear in their eyes!

Even if his cultivation is not high, but now no one dares to underestimate it!

Lin Xuanquan is a town of mountains and rivers. At the moment, the three people in the main hall of the University were all withered, just like a shriveled persimmon. Their vitality was about to be cut off, and they were almost destroyed by Lin Xuan!

He's just too strong to break all immortality under the iron fist!

"Don't fight, don't fight, please stop it!"

"There must be some misunderstanding between us. Cough, stop!"

Their three faces were covered with blood, some of their teeth were knocked off, and their bodies were also full of scars. Their waist couldn't straighten up, and they were beaten to shit!

However, Lin Xuan sneered: "misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? Just now, I didn't accept it. I didn't think I was just like this. I just started. Why did I give advice? "

In fact, I have to say that these three people in front of me are more resistant to beating than the previous one. They are also the best. They are all outstanding people in the major state capitals.

It's a pity that when you meet Lin Xuan, who is like a demon king, you will only be beaten!

"I'll take it, we'll take it!"

"Brother Lin, ancestor, we are wrong. Stop it quickly“

Lin Xuan's fists were unreasonable. Even a mountain seemed to be flattened by him. His fists were very painful!

Smell speech, he cold hum a, stand in the same place, finally no longer hand.

The three men didn't dare to say a word at the moment. They were all like mourning for examination and approval. They were helped away and suffered a lot.

If Lin Xuan hadn't broken through the spirit Master, he would have killed them dozens of times even with this way of playing!

At this moment, he scanned the crowd, and finally no one dared to speak ill to him, all shivering.

This is just the devil. He is fierce. The man who was killed by one blow in front of him has no place to reason.

This is because Tianxing university is like this. As long as it is a war agreed by both sides, life and death will not matter.

But before that man, he asked the elders of the university to preside over them. Who will die if he doesn't die?

"Ha ha, some people think that I don't deserve the quota of this secret place?"

After the fight, Lin Xuan smiles and turns his head to the crowd.

The battle just now was just a warm-up. He didn't enjoy it. Now his blood was boiling and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

However, this time all silence, no one dare to say more, for fear that he was Lin Xuan's iron fist to education!

It's written on my face, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!

"Poof, hahaha!"

In the crowd, there was a clear and pleasant laughter, just like a yellow warbler.

Lin Xuanshun looked at her voice and saw a familiar figure. It was not someone else. It was her old friend, shuiqingxin, a girl in white.

I'm covering my mouth now. I feel funny.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan also smiles. Instead of saying much, he turns around and stands in the crowd of proud people to determine the number of people for his last trip to the secret place.

Water girl's talent is extraordinary. At this age, she is already a spiritual master, but she seems not to be interested in the journey to the secret place, or she has self-knowledge.

At this moment, no one dared to question Lin Xuan's quota.

However, there are still people who don't want to give up their quota. What do you think about Lin Xuan's metamorphosis? There are two people around him, and they can't be as metamorphosis as him, can they?

Then, a young monk in Washington stood up, pointed to Shen Qingfeng beside Lin Xuan and said, "ha ha, brother Lin's strength has been shown incisively and vividly. We are all convinced, but the quota of this secret place is obtained by our own strength."

"My brother's cultivation is not high. Even if he goes to the secret place, it's not necessarily a good thing. There may be some changes, so please let the quota out!"

"Yes, and the woman beside brother Lin, whose realm has not reached the peak of spirit, can't occupy the quota like this. We don't agree. We have to ask for an explanation!"

One of them took the lead, while the others were ready to move. This time, it was not aimed at Lin Xuan. They were biting their teeth and holding their courage for fear that Lin Xuan would interfere.

However, Lin Xuan looked like a spectator and didn't say much.

With a sneer, Shen Qingfeng came out calmly, pointed to the friar in gorgeous clothes, and asked, "don't you agree? You want to fight me? "

"That's right. If you are better than me, I will be willing to do it."

However, he was not aggressive and his self-cultivation was not bad.

Shen Qingfeng nodded, stood in the center of the hall of the University, hooked his hand and said, "come on!"

At this moment, a lot of onlookers think it's weird. Is this man too calm?

"Can we say that this man, like Lin Xuan, is a hero who can fight across stages?"

"It's impossible. I don't believe that such people are so easy to meet, and they all come together."

"This one named Shen Qingfeng is too calm. It seems that he is sure to win. His scalp is numb!"

They were so surprised that they began to speculate.

And at this moment, Shen Qingfeng shot, and a shot, it is superior secret!

"Bai Hong Guan RI!"

A white God awn like a rainbow, momentum skyrocketing, there are invisible fluctuations in the brewing, strong incomparable!

The eye son of that gorgeous dress friar is in a moment greatly startled, hastily resist, but at all not enemy, be swept by this a god awn to fly directly, fall heavily in the edge of the main hall!

This scene, simply shocked everyone!

Those who were not satisfied with Shen Qingfeng just now, shut up completely. They finally understand that this one can't be underestimated!

"My God, it's really special. I'm right. This guy is so strong. Where's the devil from?"

"Hey, hey, these people are from Qingzhou Prefecture, qixuezong!"

"What, it turned out that it was the descendant of that clan. No wonder we are so stupid..."

Some people look shocked. In ancient history, there are too many stories about the blood weeping sect. Many outstanding people have come out in large numbers and vowed to resist the alien race!

What's more, a school gave birth to two supreme kings, both of which are things of purpose and respected by people.

At the moment, as for the woman beside Lin Xuan.

The man who said he didn't agree with me before was completely frightened. He was afraid that it was also for the sake of living his ancestors. He said in a hurry: "this fairy, I have eyes and don't know Mount Tai. The quota of this secret place should be a fairy!"

Other people were speechless, and their last hope was gone. They felt that this trip to the secret place was really nothing to do with them, and then they all dispersed.

The number of people in the secret place was finally determined. A total of 50 people were given a bronze order by the elder. It is said that this is the key to the secret place.

Next, Lin Xuan and others prepared something for a rainy day.

Three days later, led by two elders, they took the black boat, the same ancient treasure in the University, to the sky and fly to the secret place.

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