The secret place of xuanming is on the edge of Tianxing state. It is located on the slope of death god. This place used to be the former site of xuanming sect. Later, it became a huge battlefield. In that long-term catastrophe, some supreme figures fell here.

And the mysterious place is not in this vast battlefield. It's just a passage.

The real secret place is a small world of death!

The secret place of xuanming, the place of xuanming sect, which was at its peak ten thousand years ago, was once the most powerful sect in the reign of emperor Daqian.

It should be noted that this small world must at least be opened up by the most powerful king, otherwise it will not have that kind of power.

According to the records in ancient history, the leader of the xuanming sect had a perfect cultivation realm. He was only one step away from becoming a saint!

Such a person has never been seen since the founding of the great Qian dynasty!

Xuanmingzong was also extremely brilliant at that time. If the leader of xuanmingzong could become a saint in one day, xuanmingzong would go to a higher level and become famous in the northern region!

It is rare in ancient history that such a person was born in a frontier Dynasty!

That kind of person, all of his studies are excellent methods, back to his native place to establish a school, strong to the extreme!

It was once extremely prosperous, but no matter how brilliant the inheritance was, it could not stand a real unprecedented chaos.

The great disaster ten thousand years ago was terrible. Some of the most powerful came out together. They once hit the edge of the world and broke the mountains and rivers.

There are also outstanding people of different races, who have traveled all over the world to find xuanming Zong, and there is no end to the war.

However, although the leader of xuanming sect was incomparably strong, relying on him alone, after all, he was still a little lonely.

At that time, the most tragic battlefield was not in Tianxing Prefecture, but in Qingzhou Prefecture.

Almost the most powerful men were all in front of the forbidden area. At that time, the rear area was empty, and they were caught by some heroes of the alien race who missed the net and took revenge.

It is said in ancient history that xuanming sect, which was once very prosperous, turned into a Jedi day and night!

There are countless deaths!

After the great disaster, the supreme patriarch fell, and most of the disciples of xuanming sect died in battle, and the inheritance was completely broken.

Xuanmingzong was destroyed.

Since then, the former site of xuanmingzong has become a dangerous place. How many years have passed, few people have set foot on it, and there are many strange things.

There are fewer people who can enter the real secret place. They can't find the coordinates and it's difficult to locate.

The reason why Tianxing university has access to the coordinates is that there were surviving disciples who had been obtained by the people of Tianxing University.

Because Tianxing University represents the imperial dynasty, the best resources will be open to Tianxing University.

"It is said that the most powerful patriarch is suspected to be a member of the royal family."

"Yes, I've heard that the most powerful patriarch was the youngest son of emperor Qian at that time. He was gifted and showed his extraordinary talent from an early age."

"He was highly expected to be sent to the real immortal sect for large-scale practice. He fought against all the powerful enemies and proved himself to be the king all the way..."

"If it had not been for the great calamity ten thousand years ago, I would have had an immortal saint in the reign of emperor Qian."

On some of the shabby decks, they took the ancient boat and had some speculation and feelings about the most powerful man in ancient times.

They roam in the sky, like a dark divine light, marching in the heaven and earth, and the bright sun is shining in the distant sky.

This ancient vessel is also a relic of the most powerful. It's hard for low level monks to make it!

On the horizon, the lush mountains are at their feet. They flew over the mountains and rivers and spent half a day on the way to the ancient battlefield.

Tianxing state is really big, which is bigger than the sum of Qingyun two states. You know, because Qingyun two states are adjacent to ancient forbidden areas, they are already boundless. They are hundreds of thousands of miles away!

And they went all the way north from the south of Tianxing Prefecture. In this short half day, they had traveled 300000 Li. If Lin Xuan and others were on their way day and night, it would take at least three days!

I have to say that this ancient ship is really extraordinary.

Lin Xuan and Shen Qingfeng also stood on the deck, overlooking the mountains and rivers in the distance.

It was really close to the ancient battlefield, and they were surprised by what others said.

The people here are all the most powerful Tianjiao and Renjie in the emperor Daqian's Dynasty. They know a lot of secrets from each other, share them and get close to the truth.

"Eighth prince, I don't know whether those rumors are true or not. You should have the most say. No one knows better than you."

At this time, a young man in blue robe, who was dignified and gifted, looked at his Royal Highness the eighth Prince not far away and asked his doubts.

On the contrary, he was approachable.

He was like a gentleman. Although he was dressed in a python robe, he didn't have that kind of oppressive momentum. He was always converging.

"In fact, this is not a secret. All the major families and clans have known about it."

"Yes, the master of xuanming sect was the youngest son of emperor Qian. If he was still alive, I would call him grandfather."

Eight his highness smile a little, to the public solution perplexity way.

"It's a pity that such a powerful grandfather will fall."

The next moment, the eighth prince had some feelings, and his heart was heavy. The ancient history of the royal family was almost the most complete. He had read a lot and knew that history very well.

Now it's getting closer and closer to the ancient battlefield of xuanmingzong's former site, and there are some strange thoughts in my heart.

"How many years have passed since the site of xuanmingzong, and the reason why it has not been razed by the most powerful is only to temper the younger generation, but also to remember the tragic years and not to be forgotten!"

At the moment, another person knows a lot and sighs in the crowd.

"Yes, every Tianjiao who came out of the university has been here. For nothing else, you should know that such a fierce war happened ten thousand years ago!"

"Not to mention in the secret place, even if it is the former site of xuanming sect, there are countless people killed!"

"It used to be extremely prosperous here, but it's a pity..."

Everyone is sighing. Among the 50 people who came here, they are all well-informed people. Even if they don't need other people's reminders, they can feel the great sorrow!

"That's why we have to forge ahead, along the way of our predecessors, to the top of immortality!"

At this time, the eighth prince had a royal style. His words were inspiring and unconventional!

"That's right. I'm equal to Emperor Daqian. In the future, I'll look far away and compete with each other. I must not face each other in life and death."

Another person reminds a way, seem to have some feeling.

However, he has no special status and no position among the strongest.

If not at the moment, Lin Xuan several people really did not notice him.

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