The man was dressed in a green shirt. His face was very ordinary, and his eyes could not see any sharp meaning. He was very kind.

However, as soon as his words came out, someone immediately disdained and said: "ha ha, this fellow is really merciful. Little master Daoyuan is not as merciful as you, Taoist Qingxuan is not as merciful as you..."

"It should be noted that this road of supremacy is the road of killing and cutting. You will not move others with benevolent people. It is not necessarily that others will not move you."

"There are few places like that. Although we know we have no chance to set foot on it, we can't slack off. We can also shine and improve our fighting power!"

Such a voice of opposition and ridicule is only the beginning, but also attracted a lot of arrogant laughter.


This is not a way to play the role of family. If you are kind-hearted, you may not even know how to die when you are in turmoil.

Even the eighth Prince didn't speak at the moment, just smile, it doesn't seem to agree with the words of that fellow.

Only by fighting to the death and in blood can the best be expelled.

"I also know the cruelty of that road, but now that I am a fellow, I should not face life and death. If I encounter a crisis in a secret place, I should lend a helping hand!"

The man shook his head, denied some interpretation of his words, and explained.

In other words, others may not agree, but at the moment, it's about one's own life and death, and some people agree.

"It's true that no one has set foot in the former site of xuanmingzong for decades. Tianxing university has been reopened, and it has been shelved in the past. It's possible that there is any danger in it!"

"Not only the former site of xuanmingzong is in crisis, but also we don't know what we will encounter in the real secret place."

"It's said that the original war was terrible, leaving a lot of strange things. I have to be careful!"

"As a member of the same family, you should help yourself."

Fifty people are all the strongest people from the major state capitals. Although they are not in a very high level, they are all potential seeds, especially the kind of arrogance that one man is in charge of the pass and ten thousand people can't open.

And just as the people kept talking and exploring the ancient secrets of xuanming sect, the two elders in the cabin all came out.

One of them, Lin Xuan, was very familiar. He was the elder of the school who went to qixuezong.

From other people's mouth, he already knew that the elder was called Qi Xiu, who was the protector this time.

The realm of cultivation stands at the peak of Lingshi. Another elder of Chu, who is also a protector of Taoism, will send them safely to the secret place of xuanming and pass through this vast ancient battlefield together!

Perishes the God slope!

This battlefield alone stretches thousands of miles, nearly thousands of miles. Every step into the ancient battlefield may encounter crisis.

The xuanming sect outside the secret place is the location of the outer sect, which is also called the former site of xuanming sect.

Many of the disciples of the Daqian Dynasty were recruited. At the peak, there were hundreds of thousands of them, which was extremely terrifying.

But it is such a prosperous clan, but disappeared in the long river of history, only from the ruins and ancient history to witness its glory and brilliance!

Inside the secret place is the inner gate. The war is not as fierce as the outside world. It's just that many outstanding disciples of different races once attacked it. The strongest fighting is just the peak of Lingshi.

Now, ten thousand years later, there is nothing left.

So it's not as dangerous as the outside world.

"The former convenience is the outermost part of the meteorite God slope. The ancient ships can't pass through the ancient battlefield. There are inexplicable field and array suppression, which affect the law between heaven and earth. They can't fly!"

"We need to walk in step by step!"

"But you can rest assured that elder Chu and I will send you to the secret place."

Elder Qixiu manipulated the ancient boat and landed slowly from the sky.

"Here we are?"

"Here it is

Many of them are here for the first time. In this dangerous place, they dare not enter at all, except for the chance that the strong one at the top of the spirit master comes here.

In a sense, this place is also a forbidden area for living people!

If there is no accurate and safe route, you will die!

There has been more than one king falling down here... There are many powerful enemies in the venerable realm. Even if they have passed away, even if they have left a trace of real blood, they can kill them hundreds of times!

The sword and dagger that used to fight are just a fragment. If they are not careful, they will be killed.

As well as the means left behind by all kinds of ancient mysterious races, many strong people are strange and unknown after their death, all of which are death when touched!

This battlefield is not open to the people in their realm. At least it should be promoted to the peak of the spirit Master. Even the existence of the venerable realm can't say that it can walk wantonly in this ancient battlefield.

There are many taboos.

But now, because of the changes in some forbidden areas and the reflection of ancient prophecies, the university is very nervous. There is not so much time for them to practice to the peak of Lingshi. Soon, they will be on their way.

Before leaving, I must go to some ancient battlefields, not only for chance, but also for sharpening. The road in the future will only be more dangerous than that of such a Jedi.

The reason why we chose this place for the first stop is that as long as we spend thousands of miles in the vast battlefield, the mysterious place in it will not be so terrible. After all, it is the inner gate of the once glorious xuanming sect. It is not necessary to say how many opportunities there are, which will be of great benefit to them!

At this time, the dark old boat was restrained and finally landed on the ground. They all got off the boat and looked at everything in front of them!

Red as the bloody earth, even if they are still a short distance away from the battlefield, separated by so far, can also smell the pungent smell of blood, lasting!

In addition, the ancient battlefield seemed to be shrouded in fog. The deeper it was, the more obscure it was. It was very mysterious.

"You don't have to worry. The university has mastered the safe route. In the past years, I brought my disciples here several times. Although this vast battlefield is dangerous, it is not without safety."

At this time, the eighth Prince smiles and looks at the people on the ancient ship.

Smell speech, originally some worried people also calm down, besides, there are two elders with them, should be all right!

"Before entering the ancient battlefield, I still want to warn you that you must not leave the team carelessly. Where we are not allowed to go, we must never go!"

"No matter what you see in this battlefield, whether it's a magic medicine or a magic weapon, those chances are not what you can get."

"Otherwise, it would not have existed for so many years. It has already been taken away."

"Your purpose is to find a mysterious and secret place. As for the old site of the outer gate, there are too many strange things in it. You can't touch it. Otherwise, there will be disaster!"

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