Elder Qi Xiu's eyes were very serious and his expression was a little scared. He warned everyone in the school.

When Lin Xuan and others heard the words, they nodded slightly. In such dangerous places, if they were careless, they would die. They should be careful. They are far from being able to walk freely.

Now they are only on the edge of the ancient battlefield. Although the earth under their feet is also full of ruins, it is not so dead and quiet. There are grass in the cracks of the gravel.

This is the bloom of life. In such a place, the rules are disordered after the war, and the field is suppressed. Any birth of life is a miracle.

Along the way, they saw many wounds left by the war. Some hills were flattened, and even the fragmented land was already dry!

Led by two elders, they are going step by step towards the real ancient battlefield.

Among them, there were 52 elders in total, including the two elders at the peak of Lingshi.

They are all rare talents in the world, and they come from the prefectures of the emperor Daqian.

In this short period of contact, some people, led by the eighth prince, came very close to each other and formed small groups.

There is also a great man from Changhe sect, named Honghao, who has extraordinary skills and skills. He is surrounded by holy light, like a God in heaven.

His momentum has no convergence, like an awakened ancient beast, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

It's also surrounded by a group of followers.

In fact, most of these 50 people are self-conscious and have no chance to get a place in that way. Therefore, they have to take advantage of this time to choose a "wise leader" to serve.

It is also a great honor to be able to follow such a person, regardless of whether they can help him or not, if he is successful in the future.

Li shuihan, the beautiful daughter of heaven in Fengyue Valley, is like the bright moon. She is surrounded by some admirers. She looks like a fairy in her blue shirt, but in her eyes, she looks like a clear spring.

However, all those present knew that her practice and the way she took were destined to be dependent on men.

It is difficult to really walk out an invincible road by itself.

Li shuihan's name is very strange, and her practice is very strange. She is even more strange. Whether she is noble as the eighth prince or strong as Honghao of changhezong, she never takes the initiative to contact, but always deliberately keeps a distance.

Lin Xuan looked on coldly. He didn't form a party and didn't need to. He was very confident in himself.

Mu Qianqian, the daughter of an aristocratic family, is as dazzling as a Phoenix. She is accompanied by a group of admirers, just like the stars holding the moon. She meets Lin Xuan's eyes and nods with a faint smile.

Lin Xuan's face was calm, and his eyes were as smooth as a lake.

In addition, other strong people prefer to walk alone.

For example, Taoist Qingxuan only respected himself with a natural look and no fear. He accepted the kindness of others one by one, but did not choose which school to join.

The eighth Prince and Honghao of changhezong won him over. They were all declined by him.

"Qingxuan's heart is so high that he doesn't even pay attention to the eighth prince."

"Hehe, Taoist Qingxuan is a man of the same level as the eighth prince. How can he surrender himself to the eighth prince?"

"It's true that Taoist Qingxuan came from daozong of the Qing Dynasty. He is also known as a rare genius in ten thousand years. Such a person should not be bullied."

Some people feel that this kind of solicitation is humiliating, but others are happy and send it to their own door.

After all, if you can hold the thigh, the benefits are endless.

No one dares to look down upon the little monk Daoyuan who always says "Amitabha." he comes from the ancient Lingshan temple. The descendants of this line have always been very powerful. He has the Buddha's light to protect his body, and he is also familiar with many Buddhist secrets!

Moreover, it is said that the Lingshan temple, which was not able to escape from the world during the reign of emperor Daqian, was related to the real Lingshan, the pure land of Buddhism.


It's a pilgrimage site in the heart of all Buddhists, not in the north, but in the middle!

Missionaries are all over the world, and the inheritance of Buddhism is almost everywhere.

This religion has a long history and is the top holy land and heritage.

"Little master Daoyuan, would you like to form an alliance? We are in a secret place. If we encounter danger or seek opportunities, we can help each other. What do you mean?"

Before approaching the ancient battlefield, they were still on the periphery and did not go deep. There was no danger along the way. Everyone was very relaxed.

Eight princes smile to the road edge small master mouth draw together.

Buddhism has always paid attention to a law of fate. In the taboo of Taoist monk, there are also words of fate. They don't feel that they are degrading. Instead, they whisper: "Amitabha, it's so good."

The eighth Prince won over the little monk Daoyuan and other people one after another.

But unfortunately, although the eighth Prince has a noble status and a kind attitude, not all of them are fond of him.

Not to mention his tit for tat Honghao, who refused his Taoist priest Qingxuan, there were some maverick people present, who would not easily commit themselves to others.

For example, the outstanding people in five states of Qingyun, Yan Chixiao of Chiyang sect, and Shi potian of Xiaoyao sect declined politely. They didn't like to follow the crowd. Instead, they were very close to Lin Xuan and they were friends.

As for the latter, he did not even care about it.

This makes eight Prince some eat shriveled, the complexion is embarrassed, the Mou son also has some tiny anger.

Even if other people refuse him, they will act as if they are not looking at him.

You know, the eighth prince came from a royal family!

Although the main door may not be completely bird royal family, but at least it will give face, after all, the inside information is there.

No one can guess the inside information accumulated during the reign of emperor Daqian for thousands of years. It's terrible.

"Ha ha, if your highness eight invites you to join the alliance, it's OK for you, but you don't have to despise your highness. Do you really think your Highness has no temper?"

"Yes, even if you come from xiaoyaozong, you can't be so arrogant!"

"What's your Highness's status? How dare you disrespect your highness?"

Several followers beside the eighth Prince sneer. They regard the eighth prince as their leader and know that they are not invincible, so they choose to hold this big leg tightly.

To this end, it is necessary to cheer for your highness!

It's a pity that they meet such a Wuchi as Shi potian. It's not so easy for them to handle him.

You know, Shi Shatian is a warmonger. At the beginning, he wanted to fight against Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan didn't give him a chance.

"Your Highness?"

The stone breaks the sky to sneer, the facial expression is rebellious, is not afraid.

At the moment, his eyes swept over the people who had just spoken, and he was full of fighting spirit. The Qi and blood in his body were rumbling and roaring, and his spirit power was surging like a sea wave!

At this moment, Shi does not look at the doglegs, but takes the eighth prince as the target. He wants to fight with him and start the war.

Shi Po Tian's fists are made with both hands. He is similar to Lin Xuan in the way he goes. He is also very accomplished in fighting in the flesh. It is said that the way that this God of killing sharpens his body is to fight naked with monsters!

Under this level of fighting, his body has been strong to an incredible level!

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