It's true!

Lin Xuan's face brightened, which was undoubtedly good news for him.

The place where Taoism and Dharma are suppressed is equivalent to that all the spiritual masters on the scene are abandoned, at least half of them.

With that kind of cultivation, the spiritual power is still strong, and even has the spirit, but it can't move the Taoist method, the combat power is greatly reduced, and the advantage is not so great.

In this way, if he really met a strong enemy, Lin Xuan would have more confidence.

"Ha ha, why didn't you say it before you came here? It's a real surprise!"

Lin Xuan ha ha a smile, he and Shen Mu Qing already familiar of can't again familiar, at the moment slightly some blame strange way.

On one side, Shen MuQing had a beautiful smile, just like an immortal flower, and said, "didn't you ask me?"

"Haha, in this way, we will be more fearless. We can roam the secret place. No one has set foot there for decades or hundreds of years. I don't know what chance we will have to wait for us."

Shen Qingfeng is also smiling, his fight against Lin Xuan's body is still in shadow, naturally understand their advantages.

Besides, his physical body is not weak either.

Yan Chixiao on one side is also a person of this way. All of them are based on their own body. Even if they don't use Taoism, they are too strong.

Only Shen MuQing, a woman, can't fight with human flesh like Lin Xuan and others. However, she has excellent swordsmanship and is not weak in the war.

However, as we went deep into the hinterland of the ancient battlefield, the miasma floating in the air became more and more intense, and the field suppression became more and more severe.

Even Lin Xuan felt a little bit of difficulty, and even talked about others.

Different from the suppression of Taoism, the suppression of this field can also affect the physical body.

Many people wailed: "where the hell is this? My legs seem to be filled with lead. It's not only difficult to leap, but also difficult to step. It's like walking in the mud!"

"It's like a mountain on my back. The pressure is getting stronger and stronger. Is this place so terrible?"

"It's not a good place to spend a lot of energy!"

However, some people sneered and said, "the sages have long said that the body and the way are equally important. We pay attention to cultivation, but we forget what is the basis."

"Based on the flesh, this is the treasure of all the friars of the human race. You can see some of those people with extraordinary flesh. Do some of them find it hard to bear the oppression?"

"Like you, sweating and panting?"

At this moment, many people looked at the people who were walking in the front and found that neither Honghao, who was walking like a tiger, nor the eighth prince, who was walking calmly with both hands on his back, had been greatly affected!


At this moment, there was a student of the University who fell behind, looking at Lin Xuan and others who passed him.

They are all flesh bodies, and they are extraordinary all the way. Even Shen MuQing pays great attention to himself, and does not have much influence. He walks calmly, and there is nothing wrong with him.

"How is that possible?"

Another exclaimed, shocked to see this incredible scene.

If Yan Chixiao, who was walking with Lin Xuan, was so relaxed, they would recognize him. After all, he was Tianjiao, who had been promoted to Lingshi, and his performance was just right.

But Lin Xuan and his three men are all spirits. Can they be so relaxed?

Is it natural?

You know, they are all spiritual masters, and some of them are sweating. It's really hard to compare with them!

"Well, they are worthy of being the disciples of qixuezong. I underestimated them before we waited!"

At this time, someone sighed and said with emotion.

Even several people who mocked Lin Xuan before were silent at the moment and did not dare to mention it again.

It can be said that at one time and another, now Lin Xuan is under little pressure. He seems to be full of life and spirit. If he really does it to them, he will lose.

Along the way, under the leadership of the two elders, what they did was the safety zone explored by countless ancestors, and they did not step on some Jedi.

In addition to more and more heavy suppression, nothing happened and gradually relaxed their vigilance.

Their team is like a long dragon. Some people walk in front of them without being affected. Others walk step by step like children. It's very slow. It's really hard for them to suppress the field!

"Don't be discouraged. Even the elders of this place are suppressed. Even the venerable can't say that they can search the ancient battlefield. The suppression of the field is the destruction caused by the war of the most powerful."

"When you enter the real mysterious place, there will be no such field suppression. At most, you can't use Taoism. You won't even have to walk so hard!"

There are well-informed college students who remind and explain to some people who walk behind.

However, at this moment, at the front of the procession, the two elders waved their hands and said to the people behind them, "everyone, take a rest. Don't move. Hurry up to recover."

"The former convenience is where the meteorite God slope is located. It was the center of the war and the former site of xuanming sect, which is more dangerous."

"Although the predecessors in the University have explored a safe route, it is not that they have not experienced any changes."

"More than once, a disciple was killed inside. He died in a strange way and encountered strange things."

"When we get there, we can't be so slow. If we are alone and lost in the miasma, there will be more changes!"

Elder Qi Xiu, with a serious face, warned the crowd again.

Hearing that there was a brief disturbance in the crowd, they were all shocked.

"No, I didn't mean there was no danger before I came here?"

Some people have nervous faces and panic in their eyes.

"Haha, you are too naive, my dear. The university never said that there was no danger. It just said that it would send elders to protect us through the ancient battlefield and go to the secret place to experience."

"There are times when the elders can't protect this kind of dangerous place."

Smell speech, Lin Xuan's side, a friar of green dress Taoist robe hey a smile, seem to really laugh at that person's timidity.

"In fact, this trip to the ancient battlefield is not a kind of experience?"

"If anything really happens, there are so many of us, and the two elders can't take care of it at all. After all, we have to rely on ourselves."

They don't have a long time to rest. They have to hurry up. It will be dark here. At that time, the miasma will become more intense, and even something terrible will revive, for fear of any change.

Along the way, into the central battlefield of meteorite God slope, people scream from time to time, there are many broken bones, enough to see the tragedy of the original war.

Not far away, a cliff appeared in front of them. It was completely toppled. It seemed that it had been broken by someone with great magic power. There were many big black cracks with thick black blood on it. It looked terrible.

The rocks here are rugged and gloomy.

On the edge of the cliff, there are some very strange black crows flapping their wings, their eyes emitting a dark green light, and their mouth emitting a seeping sound, which is very strange.

Below, there is a dark brown blood pool. I don't know how many years have passed, and it hasn't dried up so far. There are bubbles constantly emerging.

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