"What's that?"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes were not clear, and his expression was a little startled.

A deep brown blood pool, which seems to have some living creatures, viscous blood rolling, as if something terrible to rush out from the bottom of the pool!

At this moment, everyone was on guard and took out their magic weapons.

Lin Xuan, walking in the middle of the team, deliberately slowed down to cope with the unexpected. They were also very cautious and careful.

"The creatures that can survive in this battlefield must have undergone some strange changes, just like those black crows. The reason why they are not affected is that they are infected with the smell of death here!"

"Field suppression only works for people from the outside world, but it doesn't work for creatures in the ancient battlefield."

Lin Xuan guessed silently.

At this time, at the front of the procession, elder Qi Xiu cheered coldly: "don't hesitate, leave here quickly!"

Although the two elders were also suppressed by that kind of field and could not fly, because their realm was high enough, they were walking like flying and moving like cunning rabbits.

After that, eight princes, Hong Hao, little monk Daoyuan, Taoist Qingxuan, Mu Qianqian, the daughter of the aristocratic family, and Tianzhi's lovely daughter of Fengyue Valley all followed them with great speed.

Old friends, such as Shi Po Tian, Chen's brothers and sisters, and nishang Fairies in Luoxia Valley, also follow.

Lin Xuan also had a dignified face. He sped as fast as the grass. His feet didn't touch the ground.

At this moment, many people who are suppressed and fall behind are yelling. They feel that their legs are filled with lead and they can't go as fast as they can.

"Elder, wait for us!"

"The suppression of this ghost place is so severe that we can't catch up with it

"Come on, that blood pool really looks like something is coming out!"

At the moment, the dark brown blood pool inside the blood bubble Gudong Gudong out, like boiling spring.

I don't know where the cold wind is blowing from. The distant crows are shrill. The earth is dark brown, and the stones are full of coagulated blood.

After entering the meteorite God battlefield, even the light on the sky is dim, and the smoke is heavy. From time to time, there are some sounds that are difficult to understand. Many people are confused and run away!

All of this, it seems to indicate something.


A strong wind, like no wind from, turbid wind, like a monster devouring everything, at this moment, even rolled a person, to take him away!

"No... elder, help me!"

"I don't want to die, help me!"

Finally, Fang, the two disciples of the University were engulfed by the strange wind before they could be rescued. The black wind was rolling and nothing could be seen!

"Go, go!"

Someone yelled. He didn't dare to look back and just ran forward.

Behind him, the strange wind came and went suddenly, the miasma suddenly subsided, but just now there was no more of them in the same place!

"Someone's dead!"

I don't know who it is. I yelled. My voice trembled.

This kind of unknown strange, is not meets any monster, may fight, even does not have the opportunity!

Far away, Lin Xuan subconsciously looked back and took a look.

In the misty haze, it seemed that there was a dark shadow on the cliff, which could not be seen clearly.

There is the sound of water, like just climbing out of the blood pool!

All of a sudden, as if the lantern bright green eyes toward Lin Xuan, strong as he, also unconsciously hit a shiver, a trace of fear in the heart.

That thing seems to have intelligence, making a strange sound.

Lin Xuan didn't dare to stay much longer. He used the dragon's footwork to the extreme. He came to the front of the team as if he were in a deserted place.

Behind him came the shrill screams.



"What the hell, I'll fight with you!"

At this time, even in the front of the team, the crowd had already fried the pot.

"Is something catching up?"

"What is that?"

When Lin Xuan looked back again, he saw a strange creature covered with pus like a giant lizard, covered with dark brown blood, biting an academic disciple behind him!

It seems to have some strange power of corrosion in its mouth. The living disciple was corroded into a pool of pus blood and smelled in a few breath!

It's like a hellish scene. All the students in the rear are shouting.

At this moment, elder Qi Xiu had to take out an amazing magic weapon. It was like a jade gourd, and the mouth of the bottle was shot out again and again!

"You go first!"

He calmly said to the other elder that he wanted to stay behind.

A few breath between, originally fell in the rear of a few people seem to use the strength of milk, have scared the liver and gall to crack, SA Ya son ran!

"Follow me!"

In front of him, another elder looked serious and spoke like thunder.

In the rear, the magic tools in elder Qi Xiu's hands are powerful and immortal, just like sword light, one after another!

The strange creature was beaten and screamed bitterly. His green eyes were full of hate, but he didn't dare to come forward again!

Elder Qi Xiu didn't expect to kill the beast, but turned around calmly and didn't love fighting.

In the distance, Lin Xuan and others are temporarily out of the crisis. Because of the suppression of the field, many people spend too much energy running, and now they are breathing heavily!

Most of the people were indifferent to the death of some of the students in the University, as if it had nothing to do with them.

One of the dead was a follower of the eighth prince, who once spoke ill of Lin Xuan.

We can only say that it's our own fault to repay one another!

"Elder, how far are we from the real secret place?"

At the moment, one of the disciples said in panic.

"It's not far. If you cross those cliffs in front of you, you can grow to the entrance to the secret place!"

At this time, elder Qi Xiu returned. The jade gourd in his arms was extraordinary and full of colorful light. It was a treasure in the University and a magic weapon of some venerable person!

At this time, those who fall behind also feel that they have survived.

Along the way, they encountered drastic changes in the middle of the journey. Two of their disciples disappeared and two died. It was amazing.

"If I didn't run fast, I would be the one who died!"

In the crowd, a man gasped and sat down on the ground with a face of happiness and no demeanor.

In this place where they can't, they are oppressed by the field. They are almost the same as ordinary people. They can't fly. Even if they take a few steps, they feel tired.

Lin Xuan's eyes were deep. He looked at the mountain peaks mentioned by the elder. Under the cover of miasma, his sight was hazy. But the mountain peaks were very big, and they were as black as ink, as if they had been stained with blood!

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