People don't have a long time to rest. If they stay in a strange place for a long time, something unexpected will happen.

This time, the two elders did not walk together, but one before the other.

Elder Qi Xiu, holding a jade gourd, walked in the front, just like a guiding light, to find a safe route for everyone.

Finally, Fang, another elder behind the hall, looks cautious and serious, holding a small clock in his hand. His whole body is silvery white, shining and as cool as the moon.

They passed through the first black mountain peak, which was also a mess. It was like being cut off with great power. There was a big fault.

On the cliff, the wind is whistling and rustling.

From time to time, one shadow after another appeared in the line of sight, moving in the hazy haze, making a terrible noise.

"Is that a man?"

Shen Qingfeng murmured, clenched his fist, his eyes moved, and found that the shadows looked like human figures.

"Not human, at least not alive!"

Lin Xuan shook his head. The shadows were like ragged clothes, swaying with the wind, as if they were going to be blown down at any time.

"This place is really weird!"

Yan Chixiao took a deep breath, also felt uncomfortable, the cool wind blowing into his clothes, like ice piercing.

"It should be a ghost left by the heroes who died here in the war. They lost themselves here and were in prison."

Shen MuQing sighed and said his guess.

"In many ancient books, it has been mentioned that if the monk who condenses the spirit dies, if the place where he dies is very strange, he may become a place to raise the soul."

"The scattered spirits will gather again, but the spirits at that time are not the same as the people before. They are produced in some strange environment, which may have the memory of the dead, but more of them are wandering in the dead place like ghosts!"

"Sometimes, the spirits gathered together again are not the spirits scattered by one person, just like in such a terrible battlefield, they are mottled and complicated, mixed with many strange forces."

"I have seen a record that once said that if the obsession was strong enough, those spirits could even recover temporarily!"

"If the most powerful is reborn, it is even more unimaginable. Even if it is a spirit, it must be extremely terrifying."

Shen MuQing continued with a lingering fear: "there have been many strong people falling here. Maybe some people will not die completely. It's very dangerous."

"But there is no threat to the shadow in front of us. We can rest assured."

When Lin Xuan heard the words, he also thought it was very strange. After death, the spirits disappeared and he would gather again.

In general, there are so many people who died together. Is the spirit gathered back really his own?

In other words, a lot of spirits gathered together.

Just think about it, I feel numb scalp, the ultimate terror.

After an elder opened the way to the temple, they passed through the first black cliff without danger, and did not reduce their staff again.

In the dead valley, the howling wind is like the howling of ghosts and wolves.

However, although there are all kinds of differences, they have not encountered any danger since they have mastered the correct and safe path in the University.

"Look, is that the former site of xuanming sect?"

At this time, walking in front of the people, someone exclaimed.

In front of them, there were many broken walls, ancient pagodas collapsed, huge stone pillars collapsed and smashed, and the hall was flattened by the huge impact!

There was a big black crack in the distance. It was dark, and there was Yin Qi coming out from the bottom of the earth. I don't know how deep it was.

It's like being split by a sword. The earth is cracked. The huge crack is like the mouth of an abyss, which will devour everything.

Lin Xuan's eyes are full of vitality. In such a dilapidated scene, he seems to have seen the once brilliant xuanming sect. In the void, there are many pavilions and palaces, which are flourishing to the end. Countless disciples are astonished!

The huge stone pillars are carved with beams and painted buildings, which hold up the palace like palace. It is majestic, immortal, resplendent and magnificent.

It's just, there's a big mess coming.

There's nothing left.

Even if it is a remnant site, it will be weathered under the baptism of years, without the style and grandeur of the past!

"Here it is!"

Elder Qi Xiu, the leader, also has some feelings. This is also his first time here. On weekdays, almost no one steps here. If there is no correct and safe route, he can't go here and witness all this!

"There was nothing left at the old site of the outer gate. In such a catastrophe, everything was destroyed and it was difficult to survive."

"The real treasure is in that small world!"

"At the beginning, there were many heroes of different races who killed many people. Even among some ancestors, no one was their opponent."

"They are arrogant and don't like the things of xuanming sect. They only take away a few things and leave a lot behind."

"Originally, this world was going to be destroyed, but later the most powerful of the Terrans arrived and stopped the killing, but this world has been broken and it is difficult to survive."

"The small world was originally opened up here out of thin air. Without the help of the most precious treasure, it could not be removed, so that it was dead and no one could come here again."

Elder Qi Xiu told a lot of secrets.

Then, he laughed: "the real secret place is ahead. The bronze order you sent to us is the key to enter the secret place. If you encounter an irresistible accident in it, you can crush the bronze order, and you will be kicked out by the small world."

"But if you come out in this way, you won't come back here. You may lose yourself in the vast ancient battlefield. So, don't crush the bronze order until you have to."

Smell speech, immediately someone pie pie pie mouth way: "this kind of way, even if escape, not still dead?"

"Ha ha, if you don't escape, you will die, but if you escape, you may still have a chance of life. If you are lucky, you may send it to the outside world or the edge of the ancient battlefield!"

"It's a big secret place. It's thousands of miles in length. It's also dangerous. Be careful!"

Qi Xiu elder is not angry, but a light smile, calm way.

How can there be no danger in such a place?

Before coming, many people have made a choice. If they are worried about life and death, they don't have to enter Tianxing University, let alone compete for the final quota!

They can come here, except for a few, in fact, there is not a weak one. They are all prodigies in the major departments, and they are more powerful than the outstanding people in the five states. They are very powerful and can not be underestimated!

"Well, elder Lin and I won't enter. In three months, we will come to pick you up. The world is silent and repels too strong forces. Even if we enter, we will be suppressed miserably and meaningless."

Elder Qi Xiu waved his big sleeve, carried his hands, and continued: "if you inject your spiritual power into the bronze order, you will have a reaction with that small world, and you can enter it!"

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