There are some similarities, but not all the same, between the complex patterns engraved on the simple bronze rings and the divine patterns that Lin Xuan learned at the beginning.

The combination and arrangement of Shenwen are changeable. Even those who have practiced this way for hundreds of years and are famous all over the world can't fully understand it.

Under the guidance of elder Qi Xiu, the rest of the disciples took out the bronze order and infused it with pure spiritual power.

Almost at the same time, there is a strong suction from the void, and then, the whole world seems to have been split, splitting a huge void gap.

Under the magical effect of the bronze order, people were inhaled from time to time and disappeared in a flash.

Vaguely, you can feel the desolate and ancient atmosphere inside, which is a complete small world.

But now the Tao and Dharma are dead, and the vitality is almost dead.

Lin Xuan looked back at the people beside him and said curiously, "if we enter the secret place, will we be together, or will we appear anywhere immediately?"

Smell speech, a few people all shake head, even Shen Mu Qing also say not clear now what situation is inside.

"Take these notes well. If we enter, we will be scattered. If the distance is within a hundred Li, we will feel something. We can meet with this thing!"

Lin Xuan took out three notes from the storage ring and divided them with Shen Qingfeng, Shen MuQing and Yan Chixiao. Before he came here, he refined them with real precious materials in the University.

Today, Lin Xuan's array pattern attainments are also improving, and he has been able to refine the notes that span a hundred Li.


Yan Chixiao smiles and takes notes.

"They've all gone in. We don't have to hesitate. If we go late, all the good things will be taken first!"

Lin Xuan laughed and took the lead in pouring the spirit into the copper ring in his hand. Almost at the same time, as if there was an invisible tentacle, he tore him into the desolate void crack!

Behind him, Shen MuQing followed closely and made some moves.

However, Lin Xuan's back was covered by the misty smoke and mist. He couldn't really see it, so he had to put all his focus in front of him.

Through the long darkness, a glimmer of dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of Lin Xuan's eyes.

The next moment, he was out of the void, shining like day.

Lin Xuan found himself in a mountain. There was no sun above his head, but the world was very bright.

At his feet, many valleys stand up, with undulating gullies, towering ancient trees and luxuriant grass, just like a primitive region.

There are so many animals and birds in the mountains that there is no sign of death.

Such a scene made Lin Xuan very confused.

"Did I come to the mysterious place? Isn't it that this is a place where Taoism and Dharma are dead, and even life is dying out? "

"But what's going on? It doesn't look like the end of life? "

The stillness of Taoism has little influence on Shen Yan. If he doesn't feel it carefully, he can hardly feel it.

Only when he carved the divine lines did he realize that the laws of heaven and earth were completely lost and there was no response.

"Yes, Taoism is dead, but the world is not completely dead, so there is still life."

Lin Xuan seems to understand something. The secret is different from what he imagined.

Moreover, just as he said before, it was scattered with Shen MuQing and others, and did not appear in the same place.

"It's said that the heaven and earth are thousands of miles in length. For our friars, it's only two hours' walk."

Lin Xuan said to himself that he was not too worried. He found a right direction and walked like flying. Although he said that he could not fly because of the suppression of law, it had nothing to do with Lin Xuan. He was not a spiritual master himself.

With the power of his body, Lin Xuan leaped to heaven and earth, and there was no big difference between flying with a rainbow.

He is like a dragon returning to the four seas. He is like a fish in water in this place and is not subject to any suppression.

Before the field suppression, here did not feel a trace.

In the mountains, he rushed down and startled a crowd of animals.

According to the University, this place has not been set foot for nearly a hundred years. It is a primitive scene. The thick trunks are like pillars supporting the sky, and the dark vines are intertwined in the forest.

Just, along with Lin Xuan's a section of fast walk, but discover some not right.

"I don't think it's going to take hundreds of miles just because of the rolling mountains."

Now his speed is extremely fast. In just half an hour, he crossed the endless mountains.

However, this rolling Valley seems to have no end, which is not scientific at all.

If this is the inner gate of xuanming sect, there shouldn't be so many valleys.

If so, how big should this small world be?

What's more, the strangest thing is that he has been in this small world for such a long time that he has never met anyone else. Even in the world of thousands of miles, it is impossible for him not to meet anyone.

With doubts in his heart, Lin Xuan felt that he was in a certain confusion.

But then, shaking his head, he denied that in the silent world of Taoism, Shenwen is invalid, how can the array be effective.

"Is it true that this small world is more than thousands of miles away?"

A thousand li, can be a thousand li, two thousand li

Lin Xuan took a deep breath. In order to break his doubts, he once again used the dragon's footwork to walk through the mountains. Half an hour later, he finally saw a vast land.

"Well, this place is really big. The gods and men who opened up this small world must have great ambition. They should keep up with the big immortal gate."

But unfortunately, after all, it's just an extravagant hope.

Which one of those immortal sects has a long history and lives forever, and has given birth to more than one saint. Even in the most top holy land of the immortal sect, there has been the supreme heavenly pride who has proved to be the emperor.

Lin Xuan was relieved that there was no danger along the way. On the contrary, along the way, he collected many elixirs of hundreds of years or even one of 300 years.

The monsters he met were at most high terraces, and now they were not a threat to him.

This place is a natural treasure house with many rare elixirs.

However, they will stay in this secret place for a long time, but they are not in a hurry to go to the mountains to look for the elixir. The real good thing is in the inner gate of xuanming sect!

If you go late, there will be nothing left!

So when Lin Xuan came out of the mountains, he wanted to find the real inner door.

On the boundless land, the dark brown soil seems to have experienced a great war. There are many traces of scorched soil, no grass, and even huge cracks in many places.

Seeing this, Lin Xuancai realized how fierce the war was in the secret place.

The continuous mountains are on the periphery. They were not deeply affected by the war in those years, so now they have recovered their vitality after thousands of years of cultivation.

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