Along the way, Lin Xuan is just like a man who measures the heaven and the earth. He moves without wind, and his speed is extremely fast.

On the contrary, it became an advantage.

In less than half an hour, he finally saw a splendid palace rising on the horizon, which seemed to be made of gold. Even in the past, it was still shining with golden light, solemn and holy.

As soon as Lin Xuangang approached, he found that there was a fight in the huge hall.

When he wanted to find out who was in the war, all of a sudden, the crisis happened!


A yellow and black light suddenly shot out, let Lin Xuan's pupil tight, He Qi machine a coagulation, mercilessly swing a fist, as if to break the mountains and rivers, destroy all things!

Lin Xuan's body was full of golden light, and he was shining with piercing brilliance. Almost immediately, he could not extinguish the golden body to prevent accidents.


The immortal magic fist is invincible. The yellow and black light is a fragment of a big clock. With the faint light, it is smashed by his fist!

Then, the battle in the hall became more and more fierce. It was like thunder. There were more than two people!

When Lin Xuantang and Huang Zhi walked in, they saw that there were five people fighting in the middle of the hall. All the swords and soldiers came out, but they didn't leave their hands.

One of them, a little monk with a bald head, has a compassionate look on his face, but his hand is merciless. The Zen stick in his hand is like some kind of secret treasure, shining with golden light, and there is a chanting voice in his eyes!

At the moment, he is being besieged. He is a monk from Lingshan temple. He turns his Zen stick to open and close, recites amitabha in his mouth, and constantly spits out obscure scriptures. His divine voice is connected to heaven, which makes people have the idea of putting down the butcher's knife and reincarnating.

As for the four people who wanted to surround and kill him, one of them was another outstanding man from Tianxing Prefecture, following the eighth prince, and the other three were also the same people.

Coincidentally, two of them were those who spoke rudely to him outside the ancient battlefield!

"Ha ha, what a coincidence!"

Lin Xuan sneered. Although he didn't know what these people were fighting for, it didn't stop him.

In the center of the ancient battlefield, I was afraid that it would lead to something strange, so I didn't do it.

If we seize the opportunity now, we will not let it go.

"What... It's you!"

One of them heard his laughter with a face of hell.

"Little master Daoyuan, I'll help you!"

Lin Xuan did not take out any magic weapon. Instead, he shook his arms and jumped up like a golden winged ROC. He dashed down like a golden winged ROC and waved his fist at one of the monks who ridiculed him!

"Well, thank you, benefactor Lin!" The little monk put away his Zen stick and closed his palms to Lin Xuan not far away. He said with a smile.

In this place, the fighting power of Lingshi realm will be greatly reduced because of the suppression of Taoism. Not to mention here, even in the outside world, not everyone can take his fist!

"Lin Xuan, it's none of your business here. Don't mind your own business!"

"Yes, go back quickly. Maybe we'll spare your life, or we'll never spare you when the eighth hall comes down here!"

A few people in the war suddenly got a little flustered. It was worrying that the four of them had not been able to get the upper hand in fighting a young monk.

At the moment, Lin Xuan's nemesis is coming. It's too bad!

Lin Xuan laughed and said nothing. What he responded to them was the blazing magic fist, the golden light shining, and the void rumbling!


There is a person didn't have time to dodge, was Lin Xuan a punch into the chest, the whole person's face instantly white, issued a shrill roar.

He seems to have been swayed out of all the meridians and viscera. That kind of power can pity the mountains, let alone the flesh.

Lin Xuan's immortal body had already been reborn and reached the level of spiritual master. At this time, the close combat was like killing a God, like entering a realm of no man.

The king of Qin sweeps the six harmonies, and the tiger sees him as magnificent!

In his body, the endless tide of spiritual power is boiling like a sea, and the surging blood is incomparable like a volcanic eruption.

Lin Xuan's clothes were fluttering, his hands were moving, and he carved a secret method in the void. He made a fiery God's awn, just like the roar of sword light, the surging of wind and thunder, as if he was creating heaven and earth!

Another man was hit by him, cut several holes on his body, gushed blood, and suffered a lot!

"Lin Xuan... I have nothing to do with you. Why did you do it to me?"

The hero from Tianxing state found that the situation was very bad, but in a flash, with his own strength, Lin Xuan had solved the two people. Now they are in big trouble. He said they should not fall here!

Lin Xuan didn't take care of him. Instead, he found another man. Now that he did it, he couldn't do good. It's better to kill him!

Some people expected such a scene before they came here, so they advised you not to fight. But the road of practice is not so simple.

Sometimes, they have to do it.

Lin Xuan and little master Daoyuan were the top-ranking Tianjiao in the school. When Daoyuan was the only one, they never fell into the disadvantage.

At the moment, with his hand, almost one-sided development of the situation, the eighth Prince's people were killed by Lin Xuan in an instant, three people, hand mercilessly.

The only outstanding person left in Tianxing state wanted to slip away.

But Lin Xuan didn't give him a chance at all. He took out his cloud piercing bow from the storage space, bent his bow and shot at the moon. Eighteen arrows in a row came like a golden dragon, and all of them fell on the man's back.

The invisible arrow is transformed by Lin Xuan's spiritual power. It's powerful. It will hurt that man badly!

"Lin Xuan, you and I are all from the same family. I have no grudge against you. Let me go..."

The man yelled, but Lin Xuan didn't pay attention. His sword eyebrows were starry and his eyes were as sharp as a sword.

The invincible iron fist will arrive in an instant, which makes the void wail!

"Lin Xuan... You are so cruel. In that case, I'll fight for it!"

After all, he is a proud man from Tianxing state. Although he is not the top one, he also has a lot of means.

The dark black sword was cut out by him. It was bright and dazzling.

"Die for me!"

He turned around and no longer ran away. Instead, he wanted to take Lin Xuan on the road.

Before you die, you have to pull a cushion!

However, the person he met was Lin Xuan, and his mind was doomed to fail.

Lin Xuan's Qi and blood soared to the sky. In his hand, there was also an ancient black gold sword. It split down from the height. The blade that cut everything turned into immortal light, and the earth cracked!

"Kill the sky!"

Lin Xuan gave a big drink. In front of him, the Tianxingzhou man who had been desperate to fight back was cut to pieces by him.

The next moment, the spirit of the man flew out of the platform, with a ferocious face and a silver needle in his mouth. It was like a warm God in the platform.

Very suddenly, invincible, it seems to break through Lin Xuan's head!

But almost at the same time, Lin Xuan offered a white jade tripod in his hand, which became bigger in a flash, and took the silver needle in.

With a loud roar, he rose from the sky and clapped his hand from afar, covering the mountains and rivers, completely smashing the spirit!

A battle force, gas swallow ten thousand li like a tiger!

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