Lin Xuan's maneuvers, all the powerful enemies are turned into ashes, not opponents at all, was destroyed by his strong fighting power!

At this time, the little monk Daoyuan came after him. He looked at the corpse in the void and said: "Amitabha, what a good thing

"Benefactor Lin, if he knows you killed the eighth prince, he will not give up!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan immediately shook his head and said, "I don't want to deal with him. If I really want to do it, what's the fear?"

"Ha ha, benefactor Lin, don't worry too much. Now there is no one left. The eighth prince should not know what happened here. I will leave here after I have finished the chanting for him!"

Daoyuan monk Baoxiang is solemn. He sits in front of the blood mist and recites the curse of death in his mouth. This is to pass the dead.

"Little master Daoyuan, don't you do it too much? It was darker than I did just now. Now that I'm dead, what kind of death curse do you want to recite?"

Lin Xuan laughed and found it interesting.

"Amitabha, benefactor Lin doesn't know something. The abbot of our temple once said that good and evil come from the heart. Living people do evil and persuade people to do good. If they don't succeed, they should do justice for heaven."

"But if a man dies, he has to spend his life in the Buddhist kingdom, wash away his filth, and be a new man in the next life!"

Little monk Daoyuan seems honest, but he doesn't know how. Lin Xuan always thinks this guy is a little bad!

Ruffian bad ruffian bad!

He said some obscure Buddhist scriptures, but when he started, he was very dark and chose the weak places to fight.

"Afterlife? Ha ha, that's just your Buddha's deception! "

In the world where Lin Xuan lived before, Mahayana Buddhism flourished. Now in this world, there are more than one sect in full bloom. Buddhism is just one kind of inheritance, not the only one.

So it's not like the previous life. It's like the people of the Daqian Dynasty. They believe in the inheritance of the immortal way of the immortal sect, and they don't want to believe in Buddhism. There's no incense at all!

However, it has to be said that the Buddhism in this vein really has its own way. The only Lingshan temple can always walk out of the most powerful successor!

Lin Xuan's mouth was unobstructed, and he didn't have much respect. However, little monk Daoyuan said with a serious face: "benefactor Lin, be careful. You should know that there are people outside and there is heaven outside. Don't be disrespectful to the Buddha!"

"No, your founder of Buddhism has long passed away. I don't know how many years ago, why didn't I see him die? This set of doctrines will fool you!"

Standing on the shoulders of giants, Lin Xuan was a firm materialist in his previous life. If he didn't pass through this kind of ghost place inexplicably, he really didn't believe in ghosts!

In his understanding, the strangeness of this world is just a way to cultivate immortals. As for the illusory things like the past and the afterlife, they are fake!

However, little monk Daoyuan shook his head and recited the ancient scriptures in his mouth.

"Benefactor Lin..."

"Ha ha, I have nothing to say. I admit that you have a strong tradition of Buddhism, and many Taoist and secret arts are rare in the world, but it's pure bullshit when it comes to the past and present life!" Lin Xuan had no scruples and said calmly.

"Don't mention your Buddha. The name recorded in ancient history is the only Lord of the protoss in all ages. Isn't the ancient emperor who came to the world buried in the years?"

"If you become a saint and become an ancestor, you will not live for tens of thousands of years. How can you live forever?"

"Even if you can't do it for a long time, how can you have a past life and a present life?"

"You believe in six samsara in Buddhism. Where do you know the samsara in the world?"

Lin Xuan repeatedly asked, making the little monk speechless, and he was confused.

Before that, he had never thought there would be any falsehood in his belief, but now he was asked by Lin Xuan.

"Benefactor Lin, we should know that even the founder of Daoism in the past and this life is convinced. The oldest inheritance has such revelation and reincarnation, but I don't know why it can't be found now!"

Just, after thinking for a moment, little monk Daoyuan continued.

"OK, I won't argue with you. Don't call me benefactor Lin, just call me Lin Xuan!"

Lin Xuan waved his hand. In his previous life, he grew up under the red flag. He didn't believe in ghosts and spirits. If he existed, he was just a kind of creature.

"It's interesting that there is no unified rule maker in heaven, and there is no reincarnation in hell. It's really interesting to believe in the theory of six paths reincarnation. Does the inheritance of this world have any origin with the earth where I live?"

Lin Xuan thought casually in his mind. Suddenly, he seemed to have missed something. He had never thought about it all the time, but now he understood it and asked, "by the way, monk Daoyuan, what's your Buddha's taboo? Isn't it Sakyamuni? "

"Sakyamuni?" The little monk was very serious and didn't want to say more, but as Lin Xuan's voice came out, he was very curious.

"What a strange name! I've never heard of it!"

"It's not Sakyamuni. What's that called?" Lin Xuan was suddenly relieved. He was really afraid that the little monk would tell him that the Buddha was Sakyamuni, which could subvert his three outlooks!

"The Buddha's Dharma has no heavenly saint. The Tathagata Buddha is the guide in the hearts of all Buddhists."

However, as the little monk's voice just fell, Lin Xuan said with a muddled face: "no heaven?"

The little monk shook his head and continued: "brother Lin, you are really disrespectful to the Buddha. You can't call it a taboo. It's ok if you don't mean to lose it. If you mean to be disrespectful, you're afraid of disaster!"

However, at the moment, Lin Xuan felt that he received a large amount of information. In the myth of his previous life, he was also a Buddha who had been in power for a short time. Even Sakyamuni was driven out of Lingshan!

In a word, why are the Buddhist doctrines in this world so similar to those in his world, and why are all holy places of Buddhism holy mountains?

"What if you call the dead by their first names?"

Lin Xuan was puzzled.

"Brother Lin, you really don't know that such a saint has left too many footprints in heaven and earth. Even if he dies, he can't be humiliated. Heaven forbids it!" The little monk looked a little solemn.

"There will be thunder robbers coming into the world, and the emperor can't be humiliated!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan full face not channel: "have so strange?"

"Once there was a venerable person who was disrespectful to the Buddha, and then he was killed by the thunder from heaven. In the dark, although the Buddha's body passed away, his teachings, his Dharma, his Tao and everything that he had existed in the world still exist, and they are consistent with heaven and earth..."

"So weird?" Lin Xuan shamefully counseled him. He didn't dare to say anything more. The little monk didn't have to cheat him. In such a world, maybe there are gods watching, but it's not sure?

"Forget it, don't mention it. I want to ask why little master Daoyuan is here and why he fights with those people?" Although Lin Xuan had too many doubts in his heart, now was not the time to understand. He had more important things to do.

Little master Daoyuan looked at Lin Xuan silently and spat out a few words: "I came for the ancient palace's dense soil!"

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