It's like a paradise in the world. I didn't expect that there was such a dense soil behind the gate. The grass was gloomy and the Ganoderma lucidum was everywhere. The heaven and the earth were full of fragrance.

In Lin Xuan's opinion, the worst of these elixirs are all Chinese elixirs.

At a glance, there are not a few of the best medicine in those fields.

This is definitely a great opportunity, enough to make many people envious, even bloody fight.

"I'm rich. I didn't expect that xuanmingzong had left such a back hand in this ancient hall. There are so many miraculous medicines that can help me to practice and to a higher level!"

"I don't know how many years these elixirs have existed. No one has ever picked them. They are sealed in the dense soil. They live forever and don't wither."

"I can feel the breath of Taoism and Dharma on these elixirs. They must have matured ten thousand years ago. The elixir itself is pregnant with the power of Taoism and Dharma. It's reasonable that the elixir itself is gathered together and sealed here by experts with great mana. It can maintain the prohibition without invalidation."

Inside the simple hall, everyone looked at the light door. Many people were very keen, and some couldn't bear to enter it.

Originally, it was an impossible place, but I didn't expect that there was such a dense soil flowing with the breath of Taoism and Dharma, which had never been revealed before and was forbidden and covered.

Honghao from changhezong and shichuantian from xiaoyaozong are absolutely unimaginable enemies. If they all want to fight for this opportunity, there will be a fierce war!

Lin Xuan and monk Daoyuan are silent, but it doesn't mean that they are not hot eyed. Even those who practice Buddhism need medicine to practice.

What's more, there are so many miraculous medicines with extremely high level, which are enough to refine hundreds of medium level and even high-level Didan medicines.

What's more, the medicine field they see now is just a corner of the dense soil. How many good things there are in it is totally unimaginable!

"Ha ha, all of you are from the same family. Now there is still a ban in this secret place. If we all work together to break the ban and then distribute it!"

At this time, one of the people was also an outstanding man. He was also the most powerful man in a certain state. He was very confident even in the face of Honghao and his followers.

"It's not bad. It's unimaginable. I can't use it. I'd better divide it up!"

"Hehe, it's too early to say whether or not to divide, how to divide, we have to break the prohibition first."

"Don't talk nonsense. Let's break the ban together. All the elixirs in it can't be cheap. One person has his own share!"

Among the more than ten people present, there were almost no weak ones. They were all very strong and had enough confidence at the moment.

Hong Hao was calm and modest. He said with a smile, "in that case, please don't hold on. First break the ban, and then make a decision."

Shi Po Tian also sneered: "considering that we are all from the same school, we really don't have to face each other. But if you want to fish in troubled waters and don't work hard, don't blame me for settling accounts in autumn!"

His voice is very domineering, fearless, standing in the top of the list of outstanding people, can not be underestimated.

Lin Xuan and the little monk looked at each other, nodded and said in a voice, "then don't hesitate. Let's do it together!"

Even if the ban in front of the light door has passed for thousands of years, even if the Taoist Dharma is dead now, it depends on the power of the Taoist Dharma mixed in those elixirs. It is still not easy to break, and it needs the power of all the people.

Lin Xuan took out the black gold sword from the storage space. He didn't stop. He was like a god killing on the ground. His temperament was a little chilly, and he wielded it hard.

"Kill the sky!"

As soon as hengduandao was used, everything was quiet, and everyone's eyes were moved.

At this moment, the sword was bright and powerful, and it fell heavily on the huge light door, making a deafening roar, like nine sky thunder in the ear!

The terrible fluctuation made the void tremble. The space seemed not very stable. The light gate was full of light, and the prohibition seemed to be completely revived. The golden patterns were like small snakes swimming in front of the light gate.

The next moment, the stone also took a step forward, like a demon, dark thick long hair flying in that wave, eyes glowing like lightning, a terrible thunder mark in his hand was blasted out!

This blow was like the palm thunder that Lin Xuan had learned before, but the rank was very high and powerful!

Almost at the same time, monk Daoyuan was chanting the Buddha's name, and the golden bowl he was dragging seemed like a wonderful secret weapon. Now he was so powerful that his light poured down like the water of the Tianhe river!

Honghao didn't fall behind either. Although he didn't use any secret weapon, he was very strong. Between the fingers, he shot a lot of ground marks. The wind and thunder moved greatly, as if he wanted to smash the world. It was very powerful!

After that, the rest of the people took action one after another. They were all powerful means, which is hard to imagine.

Like the doomsday of the collapse of heaven and earth, the earth shakes, the void is unstable, and the ancient bronze hall seems to be unable to bear it. The bronze fragments on the dome keep falling, and they are about to disintegrate!

Lin Xuan and others have been attacking the light gate since they started. The light gate seems to be connected with the main hall. If they want to break it, it will collapse the main hall.

However, they did not stop, even if the hall is in danger, still can not stop them.

The stone pillars in the hall are full of bright cracks. Almost in an instant, they were shattered by the huge impact force. The huge ancient hall collapsed in a short time!

But the light door forbids, at this moment dim to the extreme, is like really wants to be broken to open generally!

"Right now!"

Lin Xuan roared, and looked at Shi Shatian and others, but they didn't keep them. They used each other's most powerful means. Almost in an instant, the gate of light completely disintegrated, turned into thousands of golden rays, scattered on the earth, and finally dissipated.

At this moment, people's eyes almost unimpeded, there is no danger, everyone can't bear their own ideas, want to rush to the real paradise!

However, at this moment, outside the hall suddenly came a sharp and piercing laughter.

"Jie Jie, it's really a coincidence to come here. There are so many miraculous medicines here. It's worth the trip. It's worth the trip!"

A figure in black came with a veil covered and a smile on his face. His steps were unusually calm and his body had a kind of frightening smell. He was very powerful.

"Who wants to pick peaches from our hands? I can't die!"

The stone breaks the sky, the eye light is indifferent, in the hand appears a handle silver big hammer, interweaves the thunder and lightning ray, is extraordinary.

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