Outside the ancient bronze hall, a mysterious comer suddenly appeared, which made Lin Xuan's eyes move and cast a fierce look silently!

The image of the man in black depended on it. He was not afraid of the people in the hall. He walked calmly, laughing.

"Ha ha ha, are you qualified to touch such a precious land? It belongs to us!"

A few people in the field all look a cold, feel this person tone is too big, unexpectedly don't put them these people in the eye.

However, Lin Xuan has a doubt in his eyes. The people in black are not talking about himself, but about us. Are there any helpers?

The only people who were able to enter the secret place were the 50 people who came together in the University. In addition to those who died, there were also 47 people.

This person deliberately covered his face, unwilling to expose his identity, came alone, but the tone was so big, which was very unreasonable.

Is there a ghost among them?

Lin Xuan looked at Hong Hao at the first glance. If anyone has the most strength here, he is the only one who has such influence.

There are still three followers around. If you add the black clothes people, who are not sure of their identity, but show great momentum and strength, you will have a chance to deal with the rest of them!

However, Lin Xuan thought about it again, but he felt far fetched. Not to mention that Lin Xuan, Shi Po Tian and Daoyuan monk of Lingshan temple are all first-class talents. Coupled with the other two equally extraordinary college students, Honghao doesn't have much advantage in fighting.

"Cover up, what do you dare not see?"

However, at this moment, even Hong Hao sneered at the man in black.

"Am I wrong?"

Lin Xuan's heart sank down. His eyes were deep. He looked at Honghao's appearance that he wanted to do something. He didn't seem to be acting out.

"No matter what you say to him, he is the only one among so many of us. No matter who he is, he will die if he dares to challenge us like this!"

An outstanding disciple of Tianxing University gave a cold hum, and a long sword appeared in his hand. He directly killed the man in black!

No one who can enter Tianxing university is weak. They are strong and confident.

However, Jie Jie, the mysterious man in black, smiles. A strange blood red spear also appears in his hand. The threads of veins appear in it, interweaving into a mysterious beast, lifelike, as if alive!

In the dark, the strange beast like lava roared and turned into the trembling sound of a long gun. It was like a tornado and a wild dragon. It killed out bravely!

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan's eyes flashed a trace of surprise, the cruel, this is really want to kill, and no mercy!

They are not likely to be killers if they have any irresolvable conflicts or if someone is looking for death.

And the man in black is so determined, which is very unusual!


The sound of Jinge's fighting was like thunder. It was just the first time. I saw the long sword in the student's hand smash into pieces, and it became countless small pieces, all of which fell into his body!


His body is like full of holes, which is directly torn apart by the fragments of the sword. It's extremely terrifying!

"Hey, hey, the seeds selected by the emperor Daqian are just waste like you? It's too weak! "

With a sneer, the man in black turned the gun upside down. In front of the bloody head of the gun, there seemed to be a strange beast shaped. It was ferocious and terrifying. It wanted to penetrate the man's body and completely destroy the vitality!

It was also at this moment that Lin Xuan did not wait and see any more. You long's body method made him appear in the two men's battlefield almost instantaneously. He wanted to stop this scene

The black gold ancient Dao was severely wielded by him. It was extremely powerful!

"Kill the sky!"

The man in black was stopped. He was angry. He hurried to stop Lin Xuan's attack. He said sarcastically, "where are the insects? They haven't even broken into the Lingshi. Are you mole ants chosen by the emperor Daqian?"

"If that's the case, let's kill them all!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan's battle with the man in black did not come to an end. He was as powerful as a overlord. His blade was sharp and his momentum was like a rainbow. Every knife fell with great power, as if he wanted to split heaven and earth!

At this moment, the eyes of the man in black changed a little. It seemed that Lin Xuan, who looked weak in his eyes, was so powerful that he blocked his many means!

"Ha ha, I underestimate you, but that's it!"

The man in black sneered. The long gun in his hand was shining brightly. The fierce spear was as dazzling as the sun. From heaven down, it was like a God. He wanted to nail Lin Xuan to the earth!

Not far away, seeing this scene, Honghao's eyes were deep, and he said: "this man is not from the University, or even most likely not from the emperor Daqian. I have a hunch that this trip to the secret place may have a big event!"

On the other hand, Shi chuantian also realized something, and also had some doubts: "is it true that there are people from unknown origins in the secret realm?"

"Try your best to catch this man first and ask him clearly!"

Even the Buddha's name in his mouth keeps coming true. The monk is no longer compassionate, but rather serious.

As soon as the words came out, Shi Botian and others immediately came to help, and they had to catch the man in black first!

However, the man in black sneered: "do you want to catch me? Daydreaming

Almost at the same time, a dark jade pendant was crushed by him, like a signal.

The man in black doesn't love war. Although he is confident, he is not arrogant.

In front of him, Lin Xuan himself was unbelievable. He was too strong.

And then rushed over the stone broken sky, Honghao, is a class of strong people, if really on, I'm afraid his situation will be very bad.

"Hum, if not for the silence of the inner world and the suppression of me, you rubbish will all die!"

However, even if he turned around and fled, the man in black did not forget to mock Lin Xuan and did not pay attention to them.

Earlier, Lin Xuan knew from elder Qixiu that the Taoism in this place was dead, and he rejected and suppressed the monks in the realm of spiritual master. The higher the realm, the more suppressed they would be.

"Don't go after him. We'll break the ban. Don't get picked up. Take away the elixir first, and then go to meet other people."

"At present, people of unknown origin appear in the secret place. They may change. They should gather together and not be broken one by one!"

Lin Xuan stopped quickly. He felt that the man was deliberately trying to lead them away, wasting their time.

On one side, Shi Botian and others all nodded, realizing the seriousness of the matter, and there was no objection.

At this moment, everyone rushed into the already exposed dense soil and the medicine fields all over the mountains, all of which grew miraculous medicine.

Even some weeds are infected with spirituality, which is comparable to a half cure.

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