For the emperor Daqian, every turmoil in the forbidden area was a war of national destiny. If you can't lose, you will lose everything.

Always want to top in the front, even can't survive!

How to recuperate?

How to compare with other dynasties?

Surrounded by fierce tigers, to keep the country's prosperity is to do our best.

This is also the reason why Mingyue Dynasty is so powerful!

"Now there are a lot of students from Mingyue college. Our situation is not good!"

A disciple of an institution of higher learning was slightly lost at the moment.

"We don't all have tokens on us. We can crush them. If we can't, just crush them and leave the secret place!"

Another person echoed: "yes, this time the Ming Yue Dynasty came prepared and killed many people, such as me. Although it won now, it did not encounter a strong enemy, otherwise it would not be so easy."

However, at this time, someone retorted: "it's just a bad choice. It can only be made under the most compelling circumstances!"

"Yes, if the people of Mingyue college can come in, there must be great power. Although the way of heaven and earth is oppressive, such great power can't come in, but it's very likely that there will be many people waiting outside, so we can't get out at the moment!"

"On the contrary, it's safer to stay in a secret place!"

Even Shi Po Tian nodded: "however, it's not the right time to go out. At least we have to wait for the elders of the university to find something different and come!"

"The best result is that the two elders who came to see us off have sent the news back to the University."

"As long as you wait for a while, you can leave unharmed!"

"Of course, in the worst case, these people are most likely sent in after the two elders left."

"If that's the case, the information is not available here. Maybe I'll wait for three months!"

However, Hong Hao shook his head and said, "no, this is the first time that we have come here for trial. Even if the elders leave because of the suppression of the field, they will not be far away. They will wait for us in the edge of the security zone."

"Maybe it won't take a few days to find something unusual!"

"So, we don't have to worry too much. The priority now is to live and try our best to find out the situation of the disciples of Mingyue college in the dark."

Honghao, standing on the water, looked back at the crowd and kept opening his mouth.

"I think we can find a secret place and hide it in the dark. This secret place is not so small. It's not so easy to find us."

"Yes, I don't agree to take the initiative to explore anything. If it is found, it will lead to disaster!"

"It's true that we can only go out alive when we are dormant!"

Wen Yan, but someone raised an objection. He should never take the initiative to provoke the people of Mingyue college. He has no confidence in his own side and thinks that he should hibernate!

However, at this moment, not far away, Lin Xuan, dressed in white and with long black hair, sneered.

"Brother Lin, why are you laughing?"

At this time, one of the college students, who was saved by Lin Xuan, was not very good-looking at the moment.

"What am I laughing at? I laugh at your stupidity, of course

"We can hide for a while, but not for a lifetime. Besides, we really need to hide?"

Lin Xuan burst out laughing. His Qi and blood roared and his hair was flying. It was like thunder. His momentum was incomparable!

"What we need to do now is to gather the strength of all the students in our university. We should not be defeated one by one. There are not a few talented people in our university. They may not have the strength of the first World War!"

"At this time, I don't know how many disciples are being hunted down just like you and so on. There is no time for us to hesitate."

"So, is someone willing to go to the war with me?"

Lin Xuan's eyes were full of arrogance and maneuvers. His fierce eyes swept all the people, and his voice was very domineering. His arrogant momentum was reflected incisively and vividly.

However, Lin Xuan's words are radical after all. At the moment, many people in the field are silent and don't approve of Lin Xuan's idea.

"Brother Lin, we are all too busy to save ourselves now. Where can we save others? Everyone has his own life. It's better to be safe!"

"Yes, brother Lin, we admit that you are very strong, but when you meet a real genius, no matter how strong you are, it's hard for you to compete with them..."

"Yes, brother Lin, think twice before you leap. As long as we live, we may not have the chance to avenge our fellow disciples in the future. But if we die in a secret place, we really have no hope. Those fellow disciples are dead in vain!"

I don't know why, Lin Xuan looked at the chattering students in front of him, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

"This is the top group of people in the Daqian Dynasty. It's bloodless. I can probably understand why the Daqian Dynasty can't be compared with the Mingyue dynasty!"

Lin Xuan sighed in his heart. It's human nature to be afraid of death. There's nothing wrong with that. He can't expect everyone to be brave and not afraid of death.

Lin Xuan sneered and looked at them carefully. They were still wounded, and their eyes were full of fear.

"Since you don't want to go with me, you don't have to say anything. What I'm asking now is, is someone willing to go with me to the war?"

At this moment, the faces of those people were slightly angry, but they just lowered their heads. Even if they were looked down upon by Lin Xuan, they could only bear it and did not dare to attack.

"Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?" At this time, the bald monk, who was reciting the Scriptures, went to Lin Xuan and continued: "brother Lin, I'd like to go with you!"


Lin Xuan gently raised a smile and nodded.

"Ha ha, how can you get rid of me?"

"People of our generation, even if they die, will never step back!"

Shi Po Tian ha ha a smile, he also took a step, the burly body as steady as Mount Tai, walking calmly.

He had that confidence and no fear.

"Well said, we must not wait to be killed and be slaughtered!"

"Moreover, from ancient times to the present, even in the face of the turmoil in the forbidden area, I have never retreated. How many people with lofty ideals spilled their blood into the sky, and how many proud heroes died in battle?"

"They haven't flinched. What are we afraid of?"

"What's more, who is better than who in this secret place? It has the power of the first World War! "

Who is not the proud man? Now Lin Xuan and others are so magnanimous that Honghao is not willing to fall behind. He also has confidence in himself. Even if he is defeated, he has his own way to protect his life!

Honghao is worthy of being a rare talent of Changhe sect for thousands of years. At this moment, the holy light in front of him is more brilliant and brilliant!

Shi chuantian also laughs. He looks like a wild animal in human form. He is also very accomplished in fighting in the flesh. At the moment, his blood is also recovering, surging and boiling!

The little monk's head is shining. There is immortal golden light gushing out of the platform. A fiery bowl is hidden in the platform. The villain sits on it and recites the Sutra!

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