Not everyone has the courage and strength of Lin Xuan and others. Except for a few of them, others are very hesitant. The people who were saved before are even more outspoken and unwilling to go on the same journey.

"The way is different, do not conspire with each other, since you do not want to share the trouble with us, you can leave."

Lin Xuan calmly smile, he is not angry, people do not for themselves, heaven and earth, without their mind can understand.

However, if you leave at this moment, and then encounter a dangerous situation, it has nothing to do with Lin Xuan and others, and will not help each other again.

However, although Lin Xuan's face was calm, the stone broke through the sky with a cold hum, and angrily scolded him like thunder: "go away!"

Smell speech, those a few people are dare to anger not dare to speak, can only let stone break the sky to reprimand, slightly low head, speechless with them respectively.

"These people are timid, embarrassed and useless. It's meaningless to stay. They don't want to be angry with them."

Honghao also sneered and held his hands down. His gorgeous clothes were rustling in the wind, and his eyes were sharp.

However, a few followers who followed him did not leave and were able to recognize the general trend.

At present, in this secret territory, it's safest to follow Lin Xuan and others. Even if you meet an invincible person, you can also have your own pride to fight, so that you won't be defeated.

And if you leave, if you are unfortunately found, it's really a place where you can't die!

"Time is pressing. Don't say more. You guys, who knows the coordinates of xuanming sect? It should be a mess now. We've been in the dense soil for seven days. I don't know what's going on now?"

Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Mingyue college is well prepared to come here. It must know the coordinates of the inner gate Taoist center. At least most of its top fighting power is there. Let's go now. Are we going to die?"

However, at the moment, some people have raised their objection that they should not act too hastily. Lin Xuan's idea is too rash. If it is not good, it is possible that they will die without a place to die.

He was a follower of Honghao and a strong man in the University.

"In any case, go and have a look first."

"I also said that if you don't want to go, you can help yourself. You won't be embarrassed."

Lin Xuan's face hasn't changed. These days, he has been busy practicing. In fact, he is worried about the situation of Shen MuQing and others. But his own strength is really poor. If he meets a peerless genius in the realm of spiritual master, he will be very difficult to deal with.

That's why we have to shut up in the dense soil.

Now his cultivation has caught up with him, and Lin Xuan is confident that no matter who he is against, he will have the power to fight in this secret place!

To some extent, it is a help to him. It can suppress the opponent, but it will not suppress him!

"Amitabha, brother Lin, I'd better go with you."

Lingshan temple's Daoyuan small bald head is young, but at the moment, he is very loyal and supports him again!

"Well, let's go now!"

Lin Xuan was fearless and his eyes were firm.

"We have agreed to go with each other. Even if it's a tiger's den, we can make a breakthrough!" The stone breaks the sky to laugh a, he spirit thin cloud sky, the eye light is blazing, thrilling.

"That's right. Even if it's a tiger's den, it's going to turn him upside down!"

Although Hong Hao has not known each other for a long time, he is also a student of the University and a top-level pride. At the moment, he never lost his momentum and laughed together.

The man behind him immediately shut up, followed him honestly, and told him to leave. He was afraid that Honghao would not blame him, and there would be a crisis from his opponent.

Among them, Honghao and the little monk all have corresponding coordinates, and they have objects to sense. This is the inside story.

They traveled all the way to the East, and soon came to an oasis. There were no precipitous cliffs for a hundred miles. It was like walking on the flat ground, and Heze was full of vegetation.

Here thin smoke curl, transpiration of water mist dense around, the clouds, hazy as if fairyland.

Even in such a secret place, this oasis is a rare spiritual place, very extraordinary.

Mi Mi stream, lush vegetation, a total of long day color, a lively natural, and no trace of smoke, like the pure land of the world.

People pass through this oasis and water. On the far horizon, the palace is vast and the fairy fog is dim, and the pavilions and buildings seem to connect with the heaven and earth, majestic and magnificent, just like the fairy que.

This is the Holy Land and inner gate of xuanming sect in the past. Even after ages, it still gives people a great shock from afar!

Since the founding of emperor Daqian, it can be called the strongest clan. Even if it is destroyed, everything that has been left behind is enough to be respected and admired by later generations.

They seem to be able to imagine, in that heyday, what a grand occasion it was in this secret place, with its brilliance flashing, and the rainbow between the buildings and the towers like the rosy clouds, colorful and gorgeous.

"It's a good place, it's a good place. It's so marvelous that the expert who opened up this small world at the beginning is really an extraordinary person."

At the moment, even the well-informed Honghao was amazed, and his eyebrows were filled with respect. He was stunned by the wonderful layout. It was hard to imagine what kind of existence it was that could keep such a layout!

"No wonder that the mountains that so many spiritual veins are located in are not used as mountain gates, but scattered around the secret place like a besieged city. This is a natural spirit gathering array!"

He exclaimed in amazement, which surprised everyone.

Lin Xuan had great attainments in the array, and now he could see that this place was extraordinary. He said with a smile: "it's really a blessed place, surrounded by mountains. The spirit of the earth flows from the underground river, converges in the oasis and water in the center, leans the spirit of the mountains, and raises a hundred Li pure land!"

"There are many immortal palaces, the fog and shadow are continuous, and the aura is as vast as the sea. When you are in them, it seems that you want to ascend to the immortals, which makes you feel ethereal."

"It's still a scene ten thousand years later. I don't know how grand the heaven and earth is when the Dharma is still alive. I'm afraid it's like the Pearl of Jiulong, defending the pure land of this oasis!"

"At that time, the leader of the sect was really magnificent. If he was given such a precious place, he would really cultivate infinite talents. At that time, the bold words of building a great sect were not just words!"

Lin Xuan was really surprised that this kind of terrain, such a secret place, was not even worse than some of the big religions in the northern regions. What he lacked was only the inside information and time.

After all, those big religions can not become big religions overnight. They are made up of outstanding people from all ages.

However, xuanmingzong was not lucky. Soon after he established his religion, he caught up with the rare turmoil in forbidden areas. The ancient royal families came together, and the great Qian Dynasty, which was in its heyday, was destroyed.

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