Not to mention the xuanming sect, it can't die any more. Moreover, it's not only that the alien race doesn't want to see a big religion rise and stand in the door of their home, which poses some threat to the existence of the forbidden area.

After bombarding the xuanming sect, a lot of alien Tianjiao came together and killed all the descendants of the xuanming sect.

Even those around the Daqian Dynasty who can be compared with the Da Jiao inheritance, also do not want to sit back and watch xuanming Zong really rise.

After all, everyone knows that there is no forever friend, even the same race.

You can fight side by side when you fight against other races, but when it comes to your own people, it's also ruthless.

There was a real great religion that wanted to support the re establishment of xuanming sect, which was a reward to the supreme king who shed the last drop of blood in the war.

However, there are many obstacles. Even the Kuangshi cult is unwilling to go against the trend. After all, the dead are gone, and those that still exist are huge things that can not be underestimated, even if they can not be compared with the real Kuangshi cult.

All in all, it is also a great force.

Finally, the matter was settled. Later, the extremely powerful emperor Daqian failed to recover and barely survived.

We must know that in the early days of the founding of the state, the most prosperous sects, such as qixuezong, xuanmingzong, xiaoyaozong and so on, were all sects with invincible kings in the gate. Not to mention in the Daqian Dynasty, they were able to be ranked among the second most popular sects in the whole northern region.

Invincible king!

How many people can see it in ancient times?

What's more, the invincible leader sect of xuanming sect was about to become a saint!

Unfortunately, in order to catch up with the turmoil, we still failed to go against the weather!

Otherwise, what a glorious reign the emperor of Daqian should be today, and how could he be so humiliated by other countries?

Now, xuanmingzong is destroyed.

The king of xiaoyaozong has also died in the battle. Although the curtain has come to an end, the strongest one in the sect is just the venerable one, and even the peak of the venerable one has not been reached.

The same is true of qixuezong. His father and son were promoted to be king later, but they didn't know their life and death for so many years and never appeared again.

Even the ancient royal family, there is no king.

The emperor Taizu, who was the founder of the country in those years, made great contributions to the past and the present, and his cultivation was infinitely close to that of the saints. At that time, all Ming Yue emperors were younger brothers!

It's not so good.

However, because of one turmoil after another, the Daqian Dynasty gradually disintegrated, and generation after generation became worse.

Today, the highest level of the whole Daqian Dynasty is just the old master of Tianxing University, which is the peak of the venerable.

But the old master is too old to take that step.

It's said that Shouyuan is near. I'm afraid that in the near future, dust will return to dust and earth will return to earth.

What about the emperor Daqian?

If there is no successor, I'm afraid it's not far from collapse. Such a great Qian Dynasty can't stand the next turmoil, even if it's just a small one, it may be destroyed from now on!

At that time, if it had not been for the forbidden area to stop fighting and not to be born again, there would have been great contributions made by Kuang Shi Da Jiao, xianzongnian and the Daqian Dynasty. I'm afraid that the Daqian dynasty would have ceased to exist.

Nowadays, in the reign of emperor Daqian, many large-scale businesses are related to those holy places and religious sects. They are also the products of bloody battles from ancient times. Some of the most powerful once stayed in this land forever.

Later generations came to visit, or simply lived here, then became a branch.

Lin Xuan and others are full of emotion. Even though he is not a man of this world, so many experiences and memories left by his predecessor make him bear the brand of the emperor Daqian.

In particular, Shi Po Tian and Hong Hao are both proud of the rise of emperor Daqian. They were born and raised in China. They have a strong sense of belonging!

"What a pity

"The inheritance that was so strong in those days has turned out to be like this today."

"There is no immortal inheritance in this world. Everything will come to an end."

Even a few followers of Lian Honghao were pathetic and cried out, "how can I be bullied if the imperial dynasty is still as prosperous as it was then?"

"In those years, there were many times of turmoil, and the emperor of Daqian always stood in the front and never retreated."

"Keep peace and peace for them."

"But what do you get in the end, bullying and insulting?"

Even people with such temperament as Shi Shatian are full of tears in their eyes at the moment. They are all young people, and they all hear from books or old people about the brilliant past in ancient history.

It couldn't have been imagined before.

But now I can understand it more clearly when I see the xuanming ancestral hall in front of me.

"Master once said that I am the hope of all the people in xiaoyaozong. I will step on that road, kill from the infinite heroes, and prove my invincible road!"

"Before, I didn't quite understand why the eyes of the masters were full of tears. It turned out that it was because of the humiliation they had suffered..."

"We have also been brilliant, xiaoyaozong is never weaker than others."

It's hard to understand that Shi chuantian was not a man of emperor Daqian.

They used to be the saviors of the human race. They had to be stabbed in the back by their own people when they were fighting in the front. What a pity.

"Some people say that we have something to do with Xianzong and xiaoyaozong in the northern region. It's true, but the past is not enough for outsiders."

"The master once said that our pulse is not recognized by xiaoyaozong, because the founder of religion is an abandoned disciple."

"He was expelled from the school of xiaoyaozong and came to the emperor Daqian, which is in the extreme west of the northern region. He quietly established today's xiaoyaozong."

"Master once said, we are us, not anyone!"

"He admitted that he was related to xiaoyaozong, but he had nothing to do with it. For so many years, he was not the same person."

Shi Po was greatly touched in the heart of heaven. At the moment, in front of Lin Xuan and others, he silently talked about the past of many teachers.

"Even, I remember the master once said that hundreds of years ago, when there were royal families of different nationalities, people from Xianzong and Daxiao came to investigate, among them, people from xiaoyaozong."

"Those people are bossing me, and they are rebellious to our master. They even threaten to destroy our orthodoxy. It's the master and others who have withstood the pressure. The more I know about many things, the more angry I am!"

"Later, the war did not start. It was just a few small battles, but for the master, it was enough to remember his whole life!"

"He said he didn't know if his ancestors had been threatened and unfairly, but it would not be easy."

Shi's eyes are as hot as the blazing sun. Now he looks to the distant sky, where there are many immortal palaces and magnificent scenery.

"On that road, the master said that he might meet the real people of xiaoyaoxianzong. I've been looking forward to it all the time. I worked hard all the way to let them know that I can't be insulted by xiaoyaoxianzong!"

"I also promised master that one day I would become a saint and go to xiaoyaozong to ask for a statement!"

"Every step now is a test before I step on that road. I will not fall down or shrink back!"

"You have your own passion. You should go forward and cut off all the powerful enemies!"

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