Shi's words shocked the people present. They didn't know all the secrets that came from the old age. Only the real legitimate children in the family had that qualification.

At the same time, they also feel surging, there is a kind of war blood boiling, signs of recovery!

That is a kind of spirit engraved in the blood. The past of emperor Daqian was really difficult.

Lin Xuan was born in the blood weeping sect. Although he had not practiced in the sect for a long time, he had been branded as the sect.

He also claimed to be a disciple of qixuezong.

There were his friends and teachers, although elder Luo did not admit that Lin Xuan was his disciple.

"If we can't even handle today's difficulties, how can we reign in the world?"

"How to be a saint and ancestor?"

Shi's words were deafening, like Huang zhongdalu's, which shocked everyone.

His body is like a stove, and his fighting blood is burning. He wants to elevate himself to the top and go to the deepest and most dangerous place to fight!

This is the honing of one's own body, and also the honing of one's faith.

From ancient times to the present, the saints who can be killed from the numerous corpses are really rare.

We have to go through millions of robberies!

But at the moment, the stone has that kind of spirit, like a fierce beast revived from ancient times, with sharp eyes, like a fiery furnace.

"Yes, don't hesitate any more. Let's go and stir him up!"

Lin Xuan nodded, and he was the one who had reached the end of his life. What is the one who had reached the end of his life!

In this world, Lin Xuan was suppressed by Taoism and could not be promoted to a real spiritual master.

He has reached the strongest state in his life, that is, the body as a spiritual master, breaking through that limitation.

Few people have been able to do it since ancient times!

His whole body is crystal clear and lustrous, and it seems that there is no fluctuation, but in fact, it is the performance of introverted combat power.

recover one 's original simplicity!

At the foot of the water, beautiful wood verdant, crystal clear stones, like chess pieces listed, there are strands of light gushing out.

All of them are ready for the battle of life and death!

The nearer to the vast xianque, the more nervous the two men who followed Honghao were. Even if no one had been here for thousands of years, they could still feel the pressure.

"At the beginning, the supreme figure preached here, and he was closed for many years. He made friends with this heaven and earth, and imprinted a lot of his Taoism. Now there is still that kind of terrible Qi!"

If the weaker friars came here, I'm afraid they would kneel down to the fairy palace.

"This is the half saint's ashram. It should be so."

At this moment, Honghao nodded.

"Half saint?"

Lin Xuan had some doubts.

"It's true that the cultivation of the supreme figure in those days was the semi holy realm!"

"The so-called semi Saint means that one has already stepped into the realm of the saint, and the other has not yet stepped into it."

"Moreover, there is another threshold, which is Yasheng!"

"The so-called sub Saint means that the whole person has entered the realm of the saint, but the Dharma and Tao of the saint have not been fully understood."

"On the way to becoming a saint, there are too many gullies. It should be noted that saints from all ages are extremely rare. Only when they are able to rise up, they have to press down on their peers."

Although Shi Po Tian has that kind of spirit, he is not blindly optimistic, but understands a lot.

By this time, everyone had come to the entrance of the grand fairy palace. The sky was full of rosy clouds, colorful and gorgeous, as if it were a wonder in the world.

The fairy palace, as if there are crane wings, elegant Smart, like a fairyland.

There are only eight roads leading to the fairy palace. In front of you, there is only one. It is a floating bridge. Under the bridge is the abyss, which is the natural barrier of the fairy palace!

It's also a natural array carved at that time. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the end.

In the past, the floating bridge was not taken seriously by people, and it could be driven by a rainbow.

But now, with the extinction of Taoism, it is difficult to use the power of law to fly into the sky. If you want to cross the abyss, you still need to go through the floating bridge.

The water in the oasis pure land all leads here, flowing to the abyss, like a waterfall, vertically down.

Clouds and mists, the abyss, there are endless rays gushing out, hanging in the fairy palace, interwoven like a rainbow like chain, flashing light, ethereal extraordinary!

This is the reason why you can see such a wonderful sight from a distance.

The spiritual veins of the whole secret place are all gathered in the oasis pure land in the center by underground river, creating one water Ze after another around the fairy palace.

And the fairy palace, also bred in the center of all the spiritual veins and water, is rich in aura, just smell, as if to drunk in the past.

In front of me, the vast aura was as deep as the sea, and it seemed that it could not be exhausted.

This is also the reason why the world, even if the Tao and Dharma are dead, still has not lost its vitality.

Because the spirit vein has not dried up, it is still flowing according to the layout of that year, providing for the pure land of oasis.

At the moment, before the floating bridge, someone had occupied it. It seemed that it was blocked, and people in the fairy palace were not allowed to run away at will.

The so-called fairy palace is the inner gate of xuanming sect.

The undulating xianque palace is like a mountain of clouds. It's very huge. This inner gate of xianque palace is bigger than the whole Zhengyang mountain!

It should be noted that the space in this secret territory is endless, and the oasis pure land in the center is even more vast.

If it were not for the friars, the footwork would be faster. If they were only mortals, they would have gone for a lifetime, and they would not have come to an end!

"There are many experts among those people. Do we want to come out directly?"

They came all the way, hidden in the dark, and did not appear directly.

In front of me, in front of the floating bridge, there were more than a dozen people standing at the moment, and they were not like those who met in the Mitu copper hall at the beginning. They were all young and arrogant, and they didn't wear black clothes.

These people are not afraid to expose their identities. They are extremely strong and stay outside the fairy palace.

"In this way, the situation in Xiangong is optimistic. These people must be here for the purpose of siege. This shows that most of them should have nothing to do!"

"This is the inner gate of xuanming sect. There must be many strange places. In my opinion, the majestic aura rises like a dragon pillar. I'm afraid there are also places like dense earth in it. The power of Tao and Dharma will last forever!"

"But it's not good news for us that the power of Tao and Dharma will last forever."

Lin Xuan shook his head. He looked at the dozen people who were sitting in front of the floating bridge. There was a sharp twinkle in his eyes. He didn't want to wait.

We must know the situation of Shen MuQing and others!

"Nishang fairy, his Royal Highness the eighth prince, Shen Qingfeng, Shen MuQing and others are probably all here. After all, everyone knows that this fairy palace is really a good place. Although it has been visited more than once, it is still a treasure place."

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