"What are you waiting for, quick decision, late change." Shi Po's blood boils like a fiery cauldron. He stands tall and upright, like a hero in the world. His face is calm and fearless.

"If that's the case, let's fight together and kill the strongest people first. The rest will be easy to deal with."

Honghao also opened his mouth and looked sharp.


Lin Xuan also nodded. His face was calm and calm. They all used the secret method to cover their Qi. They were always close to the floating bridge.

At the moment, among the more than a dozen people in front of the pontoon, some are sitting and watching the practice, while others are talking and laughing wantonly. They do not realize that danger is approaching.

Lin Xuan and others kept approaching, only a few tens of meters away from those people.

This distance, for ordinary people, is far away.

But for Lin Xuan and others, they could be killed in an instant.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath. He did not know when he took out a dark ancient sword from his body. There was a light golden luster in it. It was ancient and mysterious.

The next moment, with a roar, he finally moved. It was like turning into an arrow away from the string. It was like the wind, it was also like thunder. He was merciless, waving a black gold ancient knife, and chopped at a person who was chatting!

"It's now, kill!"

He was the first to bear the brunt. His whole body seemed to be transformed into a remnant shadow. He imprinted a little divine form in the empty air and made a fierce move.

A sky killing sword technique, infinite divine power gushes from the blade of the black gold ancient sword. The black sword light can't break anything, it seems to cut down the sun, moon and stars, and stir up the sound of breaking the sky, just like thunder!

The man didn't expect that someone would touch them. He was still such a killer. His eyes were full of horror!


"The people of Tianxing university are coming!"

In a hurry, the man roared and wanted to escape, but he was still cut in the back by Lin Xuan. There was a knife mark with deep visible bone, and the blood gushed out like a spring!

The void trembled, as if it had been cut apart. If Lin Xuan didn't fall loose, his eyes were bright, like the eyes of heaven, surrounded by purple lightning.

The injured man ran wildly. This heaven and earth could not control the rainbow. He could only rely on his two legs.

The hot pain of the wound on his back made him bite his teeth and sweat, as if he had just come out of the steamer.

"If you can't run away, you'd better not make a meaningless struggle!"

Lin Xuan's figure is like electricity. He holds an ancient black gold sword. He is like a demon in the sky and a god of Taisui in the world. His hair is like a waterfall, flying with the wind.

The sword rises from the sky and runs through Xiaohan. It is powerful and unstoppable.

"No, I'm not willing. I'm shameless. I dare to attack us!"

The man's face was not willing, but he was not Lin Xuan's opponent after all. The edge of the black gold sword was like a masterpiece in the world. His head was falling and his blood was pouring.

The golden light on his forehead flickered, and a spirit light flew out. It was his spirit.

"No, don't kill me. I'll give up my treasure and give up my life!"

However, Lin Xuan's face was cold, and he didn't listen to him at all. The shadow of the sword was like the wind. He made another move, without any suspense. He almost crushed the spirit of the man and turned it into light and rain.

Then, like a human beast, he rushed into the battlefield again. In the killing, not only Lin Xuan cut off one person, but also Honghao, Shi Shatian, Daoyuan and xiaobald. They were all first-class heroes. They fought alone, almost all in a crushing posture. In a twinkling of an eye, four of them fell down!

"Well, I haven't come to you yet, but you've brought it to me by yourself?"

"I'm really looking for death. In that case, I'll send you on the road!"

"Kill me!"

Lin Xuan and other people's sudden action, indeed preemptive, cut off four people.

But the other side still has ten people left, and among the remaining ten, there are many strong people, which are hard to deal with.

The leading man in the royal guards' folding fan shakes gently, which is more like an outstanding person who is hard to find in the world. Every move flows with extraordinary Taoist rhyme, which is unfathomable, just like facing an abyss.

His purple hair is like electricity, his white clothes are better than snow, his face is handsome, his eyes are as cold as ice and cold as frost.

On his side, there was another man who was equally extraordinary. He was bathed in the blood red light. He was tall and powerful, full of Qi and blood, just like a candle dragon. He had a terrible smell.

Some people hold a seven story pagoda of glass. It is emerald green, flowing with a crystal luster. It is like a treasure in the world.

The sky is as blue as ice crystal, with fresh wind and fresh vegetation, which contains infinite vitality.

In front of the pontoon, the swords are drawn.

At the next moment, these people all took action. They were all earthshaking means and divine power. They made the earth shake and the birds flee in a hurry.

In front of Lin Xuan's eyes, the man holding the glass pagoda was on top of him. He was not old, and he was dressed in Xuan clothes. He was also handsome and noble.

"Hum, kill my college disciple, you will die today!"

The master of Xuanyi gave a cold hum, and the glass Pagoda in his hand was shining like a gem.

"Just you? I raise my hand to suppress it! " Lin Xuan laughs, don't think of, don't put this person in the eye.

"I'm not ashamed. You're just a useless person who hasn't been promoted as a spiritual master. You were attacked and killed a disciple in our college. Do you really think you're a hero?"

The son of Xuan Yi sneers and sneers at Lin Xuan.

"I'm not a hero, but it's enough to kill you!" Lin Xuan's steps are like a dragon. He moves at last, with a look of laughter on his face. He has no fear!

"Hum, I'm arrogant, I don't know how to live or die!" Young master Xuanyi snorted. The small Pagoda in his hand, which was only the size of a palm, was transformed into a huge Seven Star Pagoda in almost an instant. It came down from the sky to suppress Lin Xuan!

Pagoda town, mountain and river!

That kind of fluctuation is terrifying, like a mountain falling!

"Today, I will tell you that relying on utensils is only inferior. If you want to be the strongest, you still need to cultivate your body!"

However, Lin Xuan was not satisfied with the threat of the glazed pagoda. He burst out laughing and rose from the sky!

The whole body is like pouring gold, like the God of war, powerful, immortal, like the golden sun, to break through heaven and earth!

"What the hell, break it for me!"

The momentum was as strong as a wave. Lin Xuan put his fists together and made an invincible physical attack. With a heavy blow, he seemed to defeat the void. A clear voice resounded through the sky!

The golden magic fist seemed to be the only one in the world. It was another blow on the glass pagoda, which broke out a huge trembling sound!

Like thunder, it shakes the mountains and rivers, making the void shake.

The sound wave is vast, and Lin Xuan's fighting power is turbulent. He is frantically beating on the green glass pagoda to defeat the treasure with the divine power of the flesh!

Like a revived God of war, Qi and blood is like a boiling volcano!

Shen Yan's magic power is endless. Shen Yan's eyes are peering at the sky!

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