
The glazed pagoda glows and expands like a huge pillar supporting the sky.

However, in the face of Lin Xuan's magic fist, there was no way to handle him.


Lin Xuan takes a deep breath, shakes his sleeves, and he moves his magic power to wave his fist again.

This time, he was really like an immortal God King. His whole body was like a burning flame, and his huge magic fist was like a shooting star, which was heavily wielded!


At this moment, when the afterwave dissipated, a crack appeared on the glass pagoda, which was especially conspicuous on the jade like glass pagoda.

After that, the cracks continued to spread, just like the broken glass. In a short time, the glass pagoda broke in an instant, and all the charm was broken.

"What, how is that possible?" Xuanyi's eyes were startled, and his hands were shaking, as if he had seen something incredible.

"Just one blow broke my glass pagoda. Who are you? I underestimate you!"

In his heart, he was extremely shocked. His glazed pagoda was also a rare treasure, barely the best of the middle class.

But even if it was such a God, it was hard to resist Lin Xuan's fist. In his eyes, it was incredible, a look of hell!

"The man who killed you!"

Lin Xuan sneered. His figure flashed and he came close to him. There was no kindness in his heart to let him die!

"You dare!"

He angrily denounced, flicked his finger, and shot out a divine awn. It was like an arrow from the string. He wanted to stop Lin Xuan's step.

It's just that it's doomed.

The divine awn didn't hurt Lin Xuan. He easily resolved it and couldn't resist Lin Xuan's attack. Suddenly, he was in a panic.

"Elder martial brother Chen, help me

He ran away and wanted to escape. He hated that he was so arrogant that he chose Lin Xuan as his opponent.

Originally, I saw that Lin xuanxiuwei had not been promoted to Lingshi. I thought he was a bully. Now I can be regarded as lifting a stone and smashing myself in the foot. If I'm not careful, I have to take my life in!

"It's too late to run now!"

Lin Xuan, like a ghost, suddenly arrives. His magic fist is brilliant and he wants to end all this.

But, just at this moment, a black spear seems to cross the river of time, flowing with strands of ancient rhyme, stabbing towards Lin Xuan!

As soon as his eyes were fixed, his body was like a dragon. He reacted quickly. In an instant, he dodged the distance of tens of meters and let the magic spear fall through.

After the spear, a young man came and directly attacked Lin Xuan.

"This man, leave it to me!"

Young people wear green clothes and walk in the wind. Their clothes are fluttering and hunting.

He grasped the black spear and looked at Lin Xuan calmly like a murderer from hell.

"Elder martial brother, this man is very strong. Don't underestimate the enemy!"

After seeing the visitor, the young master of Xuanyi was relieved, but he still asked.

"Ha ha, the body is very strong. Let me see if it's your body or my spear!"

With a sneer, he was also a rare talent in Mingyue college. He made a fierce and decisive decision. He would kill Lin Xuan with one blow to break his heart!

However, at this moment, the black gold sword appeared in Lin Xuan's hand. He said with a calm smile: "are you stupid or am I stupid? Do you really think that only you have weapons?"

Lin Xuan laughs. The reason why he didn't fear the glass pagoda before was that he used to break it with his strength. Now, facing the mysterious and ancient spear, he can't open and close as he did just now. Otherwise, no matter how strong he is, he can't be better than a real killing weapon!

"Well, even so, you're going to die!"

Young people are hunting in green clothes and waving spears. It seems that there is a breath of death in the air!

He was like a peerless evil god. His figure finally moved and he came to kill Lin Xuan with a spear.

Black light flashing, killing everywhere, this unparalleled blow as a spear through the world, momentum like a dragon!

If you are someone else, you must drink bitterness on the spot.

"The pride of Mingyue college is just like you. It's too weak!"

But Lin Xuan is still laughing. Now in this realm, no one dares to say that he can be forced, let alone that someone can kill him.

He is as motionless as a mountain, and has a majestic breath flowing on his body, which gives people a sense of stability.

The next moment, the hand of the black gold knife suddenly cut out a knife awn, like the creation of heaven and earth, the knife light visible, swept by!

"Return to one!"

Lin Xuan's calm wielding of the sword is the final move of the cross cutting sword technique. It seems that the wind is light and the clouds are light, but it is a kind of expression of the potential. The so-called momentum is like breaking through bamboo.

The sword was like a crescent moon, which seemed to cut down the stars. This terrible blow was enough to make Lin Xuan lose one fifth of his own power at this moment!

This move consumes a lot of magic power, but its power is also earth shaking. The black spear held by the man in Qingyi was swept away directly, and it was heavily inserted into the earth not far away, causing the earth turtle to crack a huge crack!

But the young man in Qingyi himself, though he was able to block the robbery with his strong strength, was cut out of his internal injury, hurt his heart, and spilled a crystal bead of blood in his mouth.

"Who are you in the end? When did Tianxing University have a person like you who could hurt me so much?"

His eyes were cold, but his expression was a little startled. He finally understood why his classmates had just lost in Lin Xuan's hands. Even he was just forced to come on, and suffered a lot!

"It doesn't matter who I am. From the moment you enter the secret world, we are enemies." Lin Xuan shook his head. His face was as calm as water, and his spiritual power recovered. It was terrible.

"If that's the case, ha ha, it's useless to say more, then fight!"

"I don't know how many more swords you can wield with such a skill?"

The young man in Tsing Yi was laughing, and his Qi and blood were booming. He wanted to fight with Lin Xuan!

"Enough to kill you!"

With a smile, Lin Xuan rushed to the young man in Qingyi, like a beast revived in ancient times. There was a kind of desolate and ancient atmosphere in the air!

"Fix my spear, kill nine days!"

The young people in Tsing Yi have light hair, and they are also roaring. The sound is like Huang Zhong Da Lu, the spear is unparalleled, the black light is curling around, and the black fog is surging!

He is also one of the most outstanding people in Mingyue college who is proud of his peers. His combat power is also very terrible.


As soon as they started to fight, they were as powerful as a needle against the wheat. The void kept shaking!

All the auras of heaven and earth were rioting, and the center of the battlefield was tearing apart, and the dark light was like a sea, engulfing them.

In that vast ocean, the murderous spirit soared to the sky, and the sound of fighting was sonorous. Many people nearby were shocked and frightened by the movement of the two men's war!

But at the next moment, Lin Xuan was like the golden God of war, full of divine light, waving the black gold ancient sword, and killed all the enemies with one force!

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