In the dark light of the sky, Lin Xuan is like a golden God of war. His whole body is bright with golden light, and his divine power is as powerful as fire!

He waved a long black gold knife. The light of the knife was like a meteor, shining through the immortality of the world, making the void tremble and the earth unstable!

This blow seems to run through the long river of time, to the young man in green in the dark light!

"Return to one!"

All the changes of hengduandao technique are integrated into this pattern to turn the whole war situation around!


Jinge fight, light shining, that black light seems to rush out of a piece of black spear fragments, into a black golden light rain, rushed into the Grand Canyon not far away!

Storm surges, thunder and lightning cluster!

"Ah... How dare you destroy my spear! Today I will cut your head, drink your blood and sacrifice my spear!"

The young man in Tsing Yi is also completely crazy. He turns his sleeve upside down like a long dragon. His power is surging like rivers and seas. The waves are rippling on the shore, and he falls down like the Milky way of nine days!

The mighty power is like a dragon, lifelike and shining silver!

This is a powerful skill. It's the back hand of the young people in Qingyi. It's of high rank!


With the roar of the dragon and the pouring of the river and sea, the whole world seemed to shudder. The silver dragon was so fierce that Lin Xuan was shocked!

"Ziqi comes from the East!"

Majestic purple vast three thousand miles, thunder and lightning, lightning intertwined, such as a huge network, to capture the silver dragon!

Lin Xuan didn't choose to fight hard. He also used his secret skills, and his power was surging.

On the sky, the dragon and cobweb fight. The silver dragon roars and its claws shine with awe inspiring luster, but it is difficult to break through.


The next moment, there is a mighty God thundering, many tangible animals roaring, like a penalty to the world!

This is the real killing move of Ziqi Donglai. It can move the power of Tianlei. Although the heaven and earth say that the method is extinct, Tianlei is endless.

At this moment, a thunder as thick as a huge pillar is fierce, just in a moment, it will defeat the dragon in the sky and want to rush to him!


All things are shocked, the afterwave is vast, even the floating bridge in the distance is not stable, shaking.

"Is this your most powerful means, but so!"

Lin Xuan's own secret duel is slightly inferior, but even so, he still won, this battle no longer suspense!

He turned into a Golden Shadow, attacking the Yellow Dragon, his fists were like meteor sledgehammer, every time he played, it was like breaking through the void!

"I underestimated you, but it's not so easy to kill me!"

The young people in Tsing Yi didn't accept it at all. He was so skillful that he came out one after another. He also fought in the flesh. He had good ideas and means!

"If your cultivation level is the same as mine, today I have been defeated, but there is no if in the world. Now you are not even a spiritual master. How can you beat me?"

"I'm invincible in all my battles. Even if you have great talent, you're still a little short of time!"

He roared, the void roared in their battlefield, the earth trembled, and even the aura of heaven and earth rioted, completely disordered, affected by the aftermath of that kind of war, which was hard to recover!

"Immortality of supernatural power, rebuilding the universe!"

Qingming is the most outstanding person in Mingyue college. He is the seed disciple who has the chance to go that way. Even in the whole Mingyue college, he is one of the top group of people.

If it's really a fight, I'm afraid I can squeeze into the top ten. It's terrifying!

But now let him shout, the situation in the battlefield is very bad for him. He has been beaten by Lin Xuan, rumbling like thunder!

Many people were surprised by the two men's war. They were scared out of the way for fear of being affected!

"It's terrible. Who on earth is that man? He can fight against Qingming so much. You must know that Qingming's strength is not weak!"

"Yes, if his cultivation had never broken into the realm of the spiritual master, he would have such power. During the great opening and closing, Qingming could not bear it. Sooner or later, he would be defeated!"

"Cross stage war, unprecedented!"

"If it's just ordinary genius, but that person's name is Qingming. The elder in our hospital boasted that he could set foot on that road. Now he's going to be killed by GE!"

"What a shame

"If you really let him break into the realm of spiritual master, who else can stop him? Is it because he wants to be invincible?"

"It's unbelievable what kind of demons Tianxing academy has cultivated!"

The war between them became more and more fierce. Lin Xuan's magic fist was immortal and golden. He was fearless and his eyes were frightening!

The divine power in his body is like the abyss and the sea, which makes his fighting power to the extreme. Every time he makes a move, it seems like he is going to make a breakthrough!


It was another blow, and Lin Xuan showed a bloodthirsty smile. He didn't want to drag on. There was something wrong with other battlefields in the distance!

Honghao and others are under siege and have fallen into a disadvantage!

"No, how can it be? What are you doing? "

"In terms of accomplishments, I'm deeper than you. In terms of realm, I'm also higher than you. In terms of details, I'm not inferior to you. In terms of skills, I'm also practicing the top level xuanjing. How can I be inferior to... I'm not willing?"


Almost in a twinkling of an eye, Qingming's mouth gushed blood, and finally he couldn't support it. He was surprised by Lin Xuan's fighting power, and he had no power to fight back!

Close combat, Lin Xuan as if the king of this road, for a moment, Lin Xuan maneuvers, invincible!

Not far away, another person was in crisis. They were two college students who followed them.

At the moment, the people of Mingyue college can't kill them. Instead, they choose the soft persimmon first. Some experts want to kill them!

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he let out a big drink and spewed out a breath of innate essence, which turned into a small sword like ice crystal. In an instant, he shot away. He wanted to delay for the two!

Since he brought them, since he followed them in the fierce fight against death and did not escape, Lin Xuan would surely save people and would not let them die in vain!

At this moment, Qingming's mouth roared: "ha ha ha, it's impossible that you want to help. Even if I die in your hands today, I will definitely exhaust your last power!"

However, Lin Xuan looked at him as if he were a dead man. Then he shook his fists. Without leaving his hands, he triggered the supernatural power to kill Qingming completely.

The fierce magic fist is like the falling of stars. Every time it falls, it will make a big hole in the earth!

The last blow was hard for Qingming to escape. Lin Xuan's powerful fist penetrated his chest, soaked his blood and turned him into an eagle, tearing his body apart!

But just now, not far away, there was a sound of pottery flute. I saw a handsome young man with melodious hair coming from the opposite side of the floating bridge. He was playing pottery flute in his mouth. It was as intoxicating as the sound of nature. He seemed to be in a fairyland. In a trance, there was Xianji dancing

He is as ethereal and dreamy as a cloud. He walks slowly, and every step seems to coincide with the Tao.

Even in the place where Taoism is dead, there is still a kind of Taoist rhyme flowing in him. He has the spirit of thousands of years and looks down on the world!

The enemy of the world!

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