The visitors on the floating bridge are very ethereal, like smoke and illusion, like the existence that does not exist in the world!

His face was like seeing through all the illusions in the world. His black hair was like a waterfall, flying in the breeze.

A stranger is like a jade. A gentleman is unparalleled in the world!

All of a sudden, the person in front of him gave Lin Xuan such a feeling that he was like an immortal. His actions and actions all contained some kind of Taoist rhyme.

The melodious sound of the pottery flute turns into a wonderful note, which makes the whole battlefield stop in an instant. Even Honghao and others cast a kind of suspicious eyes.

And the people of Mingyue college burst out a burst of cheers at the moment.

"My God, it's elder martial brother Mo Yun

"Hum, elder martial brother Moyun has arrived. You people should not resist US. You are doomed to be defeated."

"If I kneel down on my own initiative, maybe I'll leave you a whole corpse!"

"Hey hey, you are all people with special physique. You all have excellent skills. Even in Tianxing college, you are all first-class arrogant."

"It's not our wish to kill Tianjiao. Why don't we kneel down and recognize that we are the main people, and then we will be in peace?"

In the crowd, the students of Mingyue college, who just felt a little flustered, were all extremely calm at the moment, thinking that the victory was settled.

You should know that the people who come here are not others at all, but the most outstanding person in Mingyue University, elder martial brother Moyun!

Even in Mingyue college, where there are many outstanding people, elder martial brother Mo Yun is the most arrogant. Before he started, he was already a great successor.

Later, after entering Mingyue college, he showed amazing potential, almost surpassing all the outstanding people of the same generation and making countless people look up to him.

In the whole Mingyue college, there are only one or two people who can compete with elder martial brother Mo Yun!

It should be noted that these two people are absolutely able to set foot on the road of climbing the mountain. They even have a strong foundation and can go a long way!

"Mo Yun? Ha ha, who is that? I have never heard of it

Stone burst into the sky with a sneer. He looked at the man who seemed to amaze the time. He was better dressed in white than snow. Now he came slowly with a ceramic flute blowing in his mouth.

"Ignorance, hum, you are so arrogant that you don't pay attention to elder martial brother Moyun. You really want to die!"

"Yes, I haven't even heard the name of elder martial brother Moyun. Hehe, it should be noted that elder martial brother Moyun is the president of Mingyue college. He says frankly that elder martial brother Moyun is a rare genius in Mingyue College for thousands of years!"

"In the past, many young people who were not as good as elder martial brother Moyun were able to easily step on the road of climbing the mountain, and even went a long way. Their final accomplishments were all from heaven to earth!"

The disciples of Mingyue college looked at the figure with awe in their eyes. They praised it constantly and held it up to heaven!

But Shi didn't take it at all. He sneered: "I don't think it's any more than that!"

"Hum, bold!"

"I don't know how to live or die!"

Mo Yun's loyal pump supporters are burning with anger at the moment. No one is allowed to be disrespectful to their supporters. They have to go to the front one after another and be ready to start!

Just now, it seems that the arrival of the figure in white stopped many wars in the field. At the moment, the stone burst into the sky, and there are some signs of resurgence.

However, at this moment, many people were surprised by Lin Xuan's battlefield. Lin Xuan's fighting power was simply sensational!

However, just a few minutes later, he even cut Qingming's waist, but also destroyed his body. He was going to kill a real hero of Mingyue college!

At this moment, although the body of Qingming was torn by Lin Xuan, he was not dead. A light of soul came out of the Lingtai. A villain went up to the sky to escape from Shen Yan's pursuit and escape to the direction where Mo Yun was!

"Elder martial brother, help me!"

Even if Qingming gave up his body, his spirit was still good. Shen Yan bent his bow and wanted to shoot him in front of the floating bridge. Unfortunately, three stray arrows rushed out, but he still couldn't kill him.

Let him escape to the man in white.

"Someone can hurt you so far. Hehe, I think he must be the best one in Tianxing University. Although he has never broken into the spirit Master, his Qi and blood are like dragons. It seems that he wants to condense into the spirit form, and he is as calm as a great mountain. This is a manifestation of his physical accomplishment."

"You still underestimate him. It's not unfair to lose."

The young man in white smiles indifferently. He gently takes out a turquoise scroll from his sleeve, showing a crystal clear luster.

In front of him, the spirit of Qingming became bigger and came to the young man in white, just like ordinary people.

"Elder martial brother, thank you for coming in time. If not, I'll be here." Qingming looked back at Lin Xuan with a slight look in his eyes. He was full of killing intention, but he turned into a reluctant color after all.

Now that his body has been destroyed, he can only survive by escaping from the spirit. Now he doesn't dare to die any more. Lin Xuan is so powerful!

"Needless to say, your spirit is also damaged and unstable. You'd better enter this mountain and river map. When you get back to the college, your elders will reshape your body for you!"

Mo Yun shakes his head. His eyes are as plain as water. He shakes his wrist and stretches the blue yellow picture of mountains and rivers.

Qingming looked back at Lin Xuan and said with a sneer, "it's a pity that I can't let you die in my hands today. Hum, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to. All the opportunities in this world have nothing to do with me now!"

He was deeply hurt and needed to enter the mountain and river map to be pregnant and raised. This long map is a kind of secret treasure, which can nourish the spirit and contain a small world.

It's not a pure creation, but a small space, just like a heaven and earth bag and a Xumi ring.

In Qingming's eyes, resentment, but still into a ray of light, into the mountain and river map pregnancy.

At this moment, the battlefield where Shi Botian and others are in has stopped, and everyone is facing each other from a distance. The atmosphere in the field is tense, and the war is likely to be imminent.

Lin Xuan's face was also calm. He stood there quietly, holding a cloud piercing bow burning like a flame. It was like a towering mountain, which could not be ignored.

"You want to stand up for them?"

Honghao's eyes are deep. He looks at a man dressed in white like frost and snow. He is as warm as jade and has a good temperament. He plays a melodious pottery flute in his mouth. It seems that the battle in front of him doesn't matter, or he doesn't pay attention to it.

"I didn't understand what you said. It was you from Tianxing University who killed my fellow disciples and even killed my younger martial brother. We haven't settled the account yet. On the contrary, we are asking for punishment. Ha ha, don't you really think that Mingyue college is a bully?"

Mo Yun puts down his flute. In the breeze, his clothes flutter, and his eyebrows stir up a magic radian.

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