On the blue sky, there is a vast expanse, white clouds hanging high, cranes flying, such as blue sea and blue sky, moving the heart and soul.

Mo Yun is standing in front of the floating bridge, which looks like an immortal bridge. His eyebrows are full of smiles. The jade like pottery flute shines brightly, showing a crystal green luster.

The ethereal immortal sound seems to come from the real immortal population, soft and beautiful, just like the sounds of nature.

However, when Lin Xuan heard Mo Yun's words, he sneered.

He strides toward Mo Yun, and his voice is like the roar of thunder.

"In the same way, I'd like to give it to you. You're so confused about right and wrong that you suddenly come to the trial place of our disciples of Tianxing university to kill us. Why do you do it?"

"We are only allowed to kill our students wantonly, but we are not allowed to give them tit for tat. What's the reason?"

"It's ridiculous that you talk of benevolence, justice and morality, and look like a gentleman, but you dare to question our teachers for their crimes."

"This is the moral principle of your Mingyue college. Is it so mean that you once repented for a moment?"

"You really deceive me, no one in Tianxing college can't?"

Lin Xuan roared, his hair flying, his momentum is unmatched, like the recovery of the ancient race, the blood in the body are singing, to burst out!

Lin Xuan's heart was like a volcanic eruption, and there was an invincible gas brewing.

In such a secret place, there is the suppression of Taoism in heaven and earth, which is the protection of Lin Xuan's nature. His body is unparalleled and he is not afraid of all his opponents.

Can easily cut off Qingming's body, even if there is another elegant gentleman who is known as the rare genius of the college for thousands of years?

I'll suppress it by myself!

"Ha ha, you are so rebellious. Don't you want to sweep us all by yourself?"

Mo Yun's eyes are as bright as the bright moon. He smiles contemptuously and looks at Lin Xuan's way on the horizon.

However, at the moment, Lin Xuan looked at Mo Yun with frivolous eyebrows and said with a smile, "what are you? You are the most beautiful person in our office today, and you have to make way for us!"

"Hum, I want to die!" Mo Yun has never been so despised. He is very angry, but before he can get rid of him, some followers in the college rush up to him and regard him as a myth!

"It's unforgivable to insult my elder martial brother Moyun. You will die today!"

"That's right. Even if your body is strong and horizontal, it's better to see whether your body is stronger or our swords are sharper!"

"Kill me!"

Several people's accomplishments are not low. They all rush to Lin Xuan, as if to defend Mo Yun's reputation.

However, Lin Xuan came with great strides. Facing the three people, he just waved his hand lightly. It was like a dragon rolling backwards and the wind of his hand roaring, as if to break through the void. It was shocking!

The original fierce student of Mingyue college suddenly seemed to be swept by a strong wind. Just in a moment, he was swept tens of meters away by Lin Xuan, and all of them spewed blood!


Such as landslides and ground fissures, the scene in front of us made the rest of the college students feel cold all over, very shocked!

"How is that possible? Am I dazed? "

"What kind of evil is that man? No matter how strong he is, how can he do so?"

"Several elder martial brothers were swept before they got close to each other. My God, it's incredible!"

At the edge of the abyss, a huge hum came from a disciple of Mingyue college!

His mouth overflowed with blood, and his internal organs seemed to be smashed by this palm. His face was pale, like a candle in the wind, and he was going to die!

This scene in front of me is extremely shocking. The disciples of Mingyue college didn't expect such a situation at all!

Several elder martial brothers are all the friars at the peak of the second section of Lingshi. How could they be hit hard by a younger generation who has not been promoted to Lingshi?

When everyone was shocked, Lin Xuan didn't want to look at those people. Instead, he sneered and said, "I dare to challenge Tianxing university with such strength. It's really beyond my ability."

"If you really have seed, don't shrink your head and let the disciples die for you!"

Lin Xuan swept the figure surrounded by Mingyue college. The pottery flute in his hand was as bright as moonlight.

But at the moment, there is a kind of killing in the air!

"You are the one who seeks death. In that case, I will send you on the road as you wish!"

Mo Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. He was angry in his heart at the moment. He had never been despised so much. Now in front of Lin Xuan's eyes, he was despised by him again and again.

This is a great shame in Mo Yun's heart. He must cut off Lin Xuan's head to wash away his humiliation!

"Make a quick decision, don't say I didn't give you a chance, don't keep your hand, use the strongest means in your life!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to use it again!"

Lin Xuan laughs, a kind of momentum!

At this moment, the whole pontoon was completely quiet, and there was a sense of silence that the storm was coming and the war was about to break out.

The white clouds in the sky seem to have been dispersed by the wind. Someone sneered, ready to move at any time!

This is not only the fight between Lin Xuan and Mo Yun, but also the victory of this war!

Honghao and others all came forward, especially Shi chuantian, who was full of fighting spirit. His breath at the moment was as strong as the sun, standing upright, as if the gods and demons were reviving.

"If you want to fight, fight. Today, kill all of you, and let you know that our Tianxing university is no longer the weak inheritance that you bullied at the beginning!"

With a roar, the golden spear in his hand seems to sweep the sky and the earth!

Little monk FA Xiang is solemn, and he also recites Buddhist scriptures. The obscure scriptures are as tangible as they can be. They are surrounded by the light of the Buddha, and the golden light is bright. They want to kill everyone!


Honghao is not willing to be outdone. He opens his mouth and spits out the red sword. It turns into a bright red sword. It's like drinking dragon's blood. The sound of dragon chanting comes out and shakes nine days!

At this moment, Lin Xuan finally started, he turned into a shadow, like a tiger down the mountain, even took the initiative to kill people!

However, without waiting for his hand, Mo Yun seems to see through Lin Xuan's idea, and doesn't want to give him the chance to fight, but to face it alone and fight against Lin Xuan!

The rest of the people also seemed to be organized. They all gathered together to surround Hong Hao and others. They wanted to surround and kill them with a large number of people!


As a meteor falls, Lin Xuan laughs and waves his fists to meet Mo Yun and kill him!

"Finally, I thought you were going to continue to be a turtle with a shrunken head!"

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